Books from Dag Heward-Mills

  • Žingsniai į patepimą
    By Dag Heward-Mills, Dagas Heward-Millsas

    ... eilutėse slypi galingi apreiškimai, kurie jus nuves į jūsų trokštamą patepimą. Šiuos žingsnius žengė Pats Išganytojas. Šie žingsniai užtikrino aukščiausio įmanomo lygio patepimą. Patepimas, kurį gavo Jėzus, buvo neribotas. 1 žingsnis ...

  • Loyalty and Disloyalty
    By Dag Heward-Mills

    Though a primary requirement of God for leaders, very little has been written on this subject. In this book, Dag Heward-Mills outlines very important principles with the intention of increasing the stability of churches.

  • The Art of Following
    By Dag Heward-Mills

    In this book, you will discover who, what and how to follow properly. This brilliant new book by Dag Heward-Mills gives the art of following its proper place in our Christian experience.

  • The Art of Ministry
    By Dag Heward-Mills

    The Bible states that favor comes to men of skill. The work of ministry demands great ability. This new book "The Art of Ministry" is a much-needed resource for all who desire to do the work of ministry.

  • Nhiều Người Được Gọi
    By Dag Heward-Mills

    ... tên là Giăng. Giăng 1:6 Đức Chúa Jêsus nói với họ: “Lương thực của Ta là làm theo ý muốn của Đấng đã sai Ta, và hoàn tất công việc của Ngài. Giăng 4:34 6. NHẬN LÃNH ... gọi của Chúa trên đời sống bạn. b. Trong tiếng Hy lạp, từ “ân điển” là ...

  • Các Bước Nhận Lãnh Sự Xức Dầu
    By Dag Heward-Mills

    ... tên Cọt-nây, đội trưởng của binh đoàn I-ta-li-a. Ông vốn là người đạo đức, cả gia đình đều kính sợ Đức Chúa Trời; ông hay bố ... gọi là Phi-e-rơ. Công Vụ Các Sứ Đồ 10:1-5 Khi Phi-e-rơ còn đang nói thì Đức Thánh Linh giáng trên mọi người nghe ...

  • Core Concepts of Shepherding
    By Dag Heward-Mills

    An unparalleled exposé for pastors. Vital information on developing committed members. An in-depth study on the activities of shepherds. A practical guide for all ministers

  • Dukra, tau pavyks
    By Dag Heward-Mills, Dagas Heward-Millsas

    ... ne tik fizinis grožis, bet ir akyse spindintis meilumas. Dievas kiekvieną moterį apdovanoja grožiu arba meiliomis akimis. Dievas moteris sukūrė kaip meilias būtybes. Niekas nenorėtų vesti medinės būtybės. Vyras ieško šiltos ir ...

  • The Art of Shepherding
    By Dag Heward-Mills

    If you are a shepherd of God's flock, you will be greatly aided by this well-considered work. These pages contain detailed and carefully selected instruction, vital for success.

  • Spiritual Dangers
    By Dag Heward-Mills

    This book will open your eyes to the many subtle dangers that lie in wait to harm, injure and destroy us. Help yourself, save yourself, and deliver yourself through this powerful book on spiritual dangers!

  • Those Who Pretend
    By Dag Heward-Mills

    There are many things that do not look like disloyalty but are disloyalty.

  • Znaczenie Roli Pasterza
    By Dag Heward-Mills

    ... wielu, ale wielu też nie ukazał się Chrystus. Biblia naucza nas, że jesteśmy powołani, aby być świętymi. Wszystkim ... zostało powołanych do świętości, ponieważ usłyszeliśmy ponadnaturalne głosy? Jak wielu z was przyszło do zbawienia ze ...

  • 要如何尽你的职分
    By Dag Heward-Mills


  • Lord, I Know You Need Somebody
    By Dag Heward-Mills

    ... Lord. A heart that is stirred up is of greater value than a mind that is stirred up. God wants you to serve Him with your heart. Thank God for your stirred up mind and body! God wants something deeper than that! He wants your heart! It ...

  • 教牧道德操守
    By Dag Heward-Mills, 达格何沃·米尔斯是多产的作家


  • One of You is a Devil
    By Dag Heward-Mills

    In this blessed book, you will discover the devil's sins and resolve never to walk in them. May the phrase "one of you is a devil" never apply to you!

  • Si Cantik, Si Buruk Rupa dan Sang Pendeta
    By Dag Heward-Mills

    Dag Heward-Mills adalah pengaran dari banyak buku, termasuk buku terlaris “Kesetiaan dan Ketidaksetiaan”.

  • Um de vocês é um Diabo
    By Dag Heward-Mills

    ... defendendo o indefensável apenas porque pertencem a um partido político. É assim que eles abrem suas vidas aos espíritos malignos ...

  • The Gift of Governments
    By Dag Heward-Mills

    The Bible clearly states, “Obey them that have the rule over you, and submit yourselves: for they watch for your souls, as they that must give account, that they may do it with joy, and not with grief: for that is unprofitable for you.” ...

  • 아나카조: 강건하는 힘!
    By Dag Heward-Mills, 더그 헤워드 밀스

    아나카조: 강건하는 힘!