Books from Nova Publishers

  • The Iraq War: Background and Issues
    By Raymond W. Copson

    German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder said " A bad decision was taken : the choice of the logic of war has won over the chances for peace . French President Jacques Chirac , as expected , was » 22 » 23 22 « Wave of Protests , From Europe ...

  • Trends in Social Psychology
    By John Z. Arlsdale

    Wills, T.A. (1981). Downward comparison principles in everyday life. Psychological Bulletin, 90, 245-271. Wills, T.A. (1987). Downward comparison as a coping mechanism. In C.R. Snyder & C. Ford (Eds.), Coping with negative life events: ...

  • Americans with Disabilities: Current and Future Long Term Services and Supports
    By Jason R. Woodland

    [54] Starr, P. (1982). The Social Transformation of American Medicine. New York: Basic Books. [55] Hartnett, J.T. (1992). The Funeral an Endangered Tradition: Making Sense of the Final Farewell. Vermont: Good Mourning Press.

  • New Research on Consciousness
    By Jason T. Locks

    ... papers ( Finucane , M. L. , E. Peters and P. Slovic ( 2003 , Peters , E. ( 2005 , Slovic , P. , M. Finucane , E. Peters and D. G. MacGregor ( 2002 , Slovic , P. , M. L. Finucane , E. Peters and D. G. MacGregor ( 2002 , ( 2004 ) .

  • Reconstructing Postmodernism: Critical Debates
    By Jason L. Powell, Tim Owen

    ... after the publication of E.O. Wilson's book Sociobiology , there was a counter - attack against the idea of genetic influences upon human behaviour , led by Richard Lewontin and Stephen J. Gould ( Wilson's Harvard colleagues ) .

  • Ill-posed Problems in Probability and Stability of Random Sums
    By Lev Borisovich Klebanov, Tomasz J. Kozubowski, Svetlozar Todorov Rachev

    They can be characterized by the stability property with respect to the convolution: The variable X is stable if for each n > 2 the sum of n i.i.d. copies of X has the same distribution as X (see, e.g., Samorod- nitsky and Taggu (1994)) ...

  • Tumor Markers Research Focus
    By Deborah Chang

    [ 27 ] Sapino A , Bosco M , Cassoni P , Castellano I , Arisio R , Cserni G , Tos AP , Fortunati N , Catalano MG , Bussolati G. Estrogen receptor - beta is expressed in stromal cells of fibroadenoma and phyllodes tumors of ...

  • Trends in Nanotechnology Research
    By Eugene V. Dirote

    According to symmetry selection rules, in Z(YY)Z geometry, Raman scattering intensity for TOy modes is 54 0W22 («1.09d ), but for TOx modes the scattering is forbidden, in Z(YX)Z geometry, Raman scattering intensity for TOx modes is ...

  • Early Implications of Welfare Reform in the Southeast
    By Margaret Robinson

    ... as future trends in social welfare necessitate that individual (organizational) responses to social welfare are too costly and will be supplanted by community based approaches (Raffoul & McNeese, 1996; Reisch & Gambrill, 1997).

  • New Perspectives on China and Aging
    By Jason L. Powell, Ian G. Cook

    The first part of the book is entitled 'Family, Transition and Ageing' and addresses rapid social and economic changes in China through a kaleidoscope of differential perspectives that focus on how family continues to be an important ...

  • System Engineering Using Particle Swarm Optimisation
    By Nadia Nedjah, Luiza de Macedo Mourelle

    403-425 [ 24 ] Costa D and Hertz A , “ Ants can color graphs , ” Journal of the Operational Research Society , 1997 , vol.48 , pp . 295-305 [ 25 ] Di Caro G and Dorigo M , 50 Yingjie Li and Dezhong Yao.

  • Pattern Recognition in Biology
    By Marsha S. Corrigan

    The overall organisation of these direction selective neurons in animals have not been fully understood although these neurons have been found in many different animal species [Barlow and Levick 1965, Barlow and Hill 1963, ...

  • Leading Edge Antioxidants Research
    By Harold V. Panglossi

    J Pathol , 2003 , 201 , 17-27 [ 152 ] Wendland , BE ; Aghdassi , E ; Tam , C ; Carrrier , J ; Steinhart , AH ; Wolman , SL ; Baron , D ; Allard , JP . Lipid peroxidation and plasma antioxidant micronutrients in Crohn disease .

  • Harnessing the Service Roundtrip Time Over the Internet to Support Time-critical Applications: Concept, Techniques and Cases
    By Allan Kang Ying Wong, Tharam S. Dillon, Wilfred Wan Kei Lin

    26 , 2003 , 1709-1720 [ Wu2004 ] Richard S.L. Wu , Allan K.Y. Wong and Tharam S. Dillon , RDCT : A Novel ... 363 – 372 [ Wu2005 ] Richard Wu , Allan K.Y. Wong and Tharam S. Dillon , E - MACSC : A Novel Dynamic Cache Tuning Technique to ...

  • Focus on Cognitive Disorder Research
    By William P. Briscoe

    Cirillo M , Seidman LJ ( 2003 ) Verbal declarative memory dysfunction in schizophrenia : From clinical assessment to ... Cognitive Neuropsychiatiy Dragovic M . Hammond G. ( 2005 ) Handedness in schizophrenia : a quantitative review of ...

  • Thorny Issues: Theological and Pastoral Reflections
    By William P. Roberts

    McBrien , Richard P. Lives of the Popes . New York : Harper Collins Publishers , 1997 . Pope John Paul II . Encyclical , On Commitment to Ecumenism ( Ut Unum Sint ) . Boston : St. Paul Books & Media , 1995 .

  • Heme Oxygenase: The Elegant Orchestration of Its Products in Medicine
    By Leo E. Otterbein, Brian S. Zuckerbraun

    + OH + ROO * + H * ( orR ' + H * ) ( 2 ) The heme - Fe * 2 catalyzes the heterolytic scission of hydroperoxide to alkoxyl ... generating peroxyl ( or alkyl ) radicals ( Eq . 2 ) ( Peterson et al . , 1980 ; Rosen and Raukman , 1980 ) .

  • New Developments in Blood Transfusion Research
    By Brian R. Peterson

    This book contains the latest research in this essential field which has been revolutionised in recent decades.

  • Biotechnology and Bioengineering
    By William G. Flynne

    [ 131 ] Dyck , M.K. , Lacroix , D. , Pothier , F. and Sirard , M.-A. ( 2003 ) Making recombinant proteins in ... A. , Adams , C.S. , Houtz , J. , Wiseman , B.S. , Byrne , G.W. and Logan , J.S. ( 2003 ) Pig cells that lack the gene for ...

  • New Nanotechnology Research
    By John P. Reece

    [44] Rogach, A. L.; Dattatri, N.; Ostrander, J. W.; Giersig, M.; Kotov, N. A. Chem. Mater. 2000, 12, 2676. [45] Gaponik, N.; Talapin, D. V.; Rogach, A. L.; Hoppe, K.; Shevchenko. E. V.; Kornowski, A.; Eychmuller, A.; Weller, H. J. Phys.