Books from Nova Publishers

  • Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) Research Developments
    By Michelle P. Larimer

    [109] Saigal S, Stoskopf BL, Streiner DL, Burrows E. Physical growth and current health status of infants who were of extremely low birth weight and controls at adolescence. Pediatrics 200 1 ; 1 08(2):407-4 15. [110] Hille ET, den Ouden ...

  • Nursing: A Bibliography with Indexes
    By Nancy R. Venneti

    H46 1994 Hoffman , Vicki Reynolds . New directions for the professional nurse : exploring your career options and discovering great escapes / Vicki Reynolds Hoffman . Published / Created : New York : Arco Pub . , c1984 .

  • Grazed Pastures and Surface Water Quality
    By Richard W. McDowell

    Carey , P.L. , Drewry , J.J. , Muirhead , R.W. and Monaghan , R.M. ( 2004 ) Potential for nutrient and faecal bacteria ... Collins , R. , Elliott , S. and Adams , R. ( 2005 ) Overland flow delivery of faecal bacteria to a headwater ...

  • Progress in Autism Research
    By Paul C. Carlisle

    Adams and Rickert ( 1989 ) also found that this treatment was effective when combined with positive bedtime routines . Bedtime fading is considered to be a promising intervention according to the Chambless criteria , with several ...

  • Fixed Point Theory and Applications
    By Yeol Je Cho, Jong Kyu Kim, Shin Min Kang

    The aim of this volume is to introduce recent new topics in the areas of fixed point theory, variational inequality and complementarity problem theory, non-linear ergodic theory difference, differential and integral equations, control and ...

  • New Developments in Combustion Research
    By William J. Carey

    Degenhardt, M. 1989, ' "Curriculum" As Fraud', Unicorn, Vol. 15, No. ... Easthope C. and Easthope G. 2000, Intensification, extension and complexity of teachers' workload British Journal of the Sociology of Education, 21,1: n43-58.

  • Young People, Leisure and Place: Cross Cultural Perspectives
    By Michael Williams, Margaret Robertson

    Effective citizenship in a world of time-space compression and instant access to diverse sources of information is problematic. This book provides a fascinating insight into the discerning values of young people.

  • Leadership's Adversary: Winning the War Between Leadership and Management
    By Michael Wade

    Kennedy had beaten Lodge twice : once when he took his Senate seat and again in 1960 when the Kennedy - Johnson ticket defeated that of Nixon and Lodge . Lodge was a blue - blooded Republican who'd served as Eisenhower's Ambassador to ...

  • Biomass and Bioenergy: New Research
    By Michael D. Brenes

    [ 13 ] Beaudet , R. and Gagnon , C. ( 1990 ) Microbiological aspects of aerobic thermophilic treatment of swine waste . Appl . Environ . Microbiol . 56 : 971-976 . [ 14 ] Cheng , J. ( 2000 ) Thermophilic microbial processes for waste ...

  • Racism: A Bibliography with Indexes
    By Albert J. Wheeler

    alk . paper ) Notes : Rev. ed . of : The rights of racial minorities / E. Richard Larson , Laughlin McDonald . c1980 . ... taxicabs , sidewalks : how to fight back if you are a victims of racial profiling / Kenneth Meeks .

  • Microcomputer Modeling of Growth Processes of Single-crystal Sheets and Fibers
    By Thomas F. George

    This figure shows a strong dependence of the stationary solutions on the melt temperature T , at the meniscus basis . If To increases , then r * decreases and h increases . = The asymptotically stable stationary solutions r ( t ) = r ...

  • Leading-edge Immunology Research
    By Barbara A. Veskler

    [ 23 ] Iezzi G , Karjalainen K , Lanzavecchia A. ( 1998 ) . The duration of antigenic stimulation determines the fate of naive and ... [ 30 ] Wells AD , Gudmundsdottir H , Turka LA . ( 1997 ) . Following the fate of individual T ...

  • Trends in Diabetes Research
    By Ashley M. Ford

    Physiol Rev 72 : S69-S88 , 1992 [ 159 ] Post JM , Hume JR , Archer SL , and Weir EK . Direct role for potassium channel inhibition in hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction . Am.J.Physiol . 262 : C882 - C890 , 1992 [ 160 ] Rajagopalan S ...

  • Prayer and Religion in the Public Schools
    By David M. Ackerman

    Notwithstanding the excusal provisions, the Court, by a 6-1 majority in Engel and an 8-1 majority in Abington," held the exercises to be religious in nature and the states' sponsorship to violate the establishment of religion clause of ...

  • International Trade Issues
    By Robert V. Weeks

    ... for regional attractivity R for rent RA for residential attractivity Y for income of migration C for consumption q, ... Allen, Peter. 1994. "Evolutionary Complex Systems: Models of Technology Change", in: Evolutionary Economics and ...

  • Cloning: Chronology, Abstracts and Guide to Books
    By Stephen D. Fairbanks

    D, 135 Aronson, BD, 124 BeauSeigneur, James, 41, 42 Adam, D, 139 Aruffo, A, 94 Beecroft, Simon, 42 Adan, R A, 44 Asai, K, 168 Begueret, J, 76 Adelman, JP, 114 Asakawa, S, 66 Bejarano, LA, 163 Adinolfi, M, 1 1 1 Ascoli, M, ...

  • The Economy and Suicide: Economic Perspectives on Suicide
    By David Lester, Bijou Yang

    Economy & Suicide Economic Perspectives On Suicide

  • Mass Murder: The Scourge of the 21st Century
    By David Lester

    When a spate of mass murders occurs, people often get the impression that this is a modern phenomenon and, since most of the mass murders heard about have occurred in America, the popular opinion is to think that it is an American ...

  • Bicoastal China: A Dialectical, Paradigmatic Analysis
    By Peter Kien-Hong YU

    As a matter of fact, Li Peng first pledged his support of Jiang publicly after the death of Deng and was followed by Li Ruihuan and Qiao. On September 18, 1997, Qiao finally stepped down from his number three post.

  • Nonlinear Operator Theory in Abstract Spaces and Applications
    By Yeol Je Cho, Yu Qing Chen

    If G is a compact group acting on M and f is G - equivariant , then v can be constructed to be G - equivariant in the sense that v ( gu ) = D ( gu ) v ( u ) for any u € M and g € G by letting v * ( u ) = SG ( D ( gu ) ) – ? v ( u ) dg ...