Books from Nova Publishers

  • Microbial Granulation Technology for Nutrient Removal from Wastewater
    By Yu Liu, Lei Qin, Shu-Fang Yang

    This book provides the latest research outcomes on the fundamentals and applications of this technology for biological nutrient removal from wastewater.

  • Focus on Crystal Growth Research
    By George V. Karas

    [7] Akoi, M.; Yamane, H.; Shimada, M.; Sekiguchi, T.; Hanada, T.; Yao, T.; Sarayama, S.; DiSalvo, F. J. J. Cryst. ... [12] Schowalter, L. J.; Rojo, J. C.; Yakolev, N.; Shusterman, Yu.; Kovidenko, K.; Wang, R.; Bhat, L; Slack, G. A. Mat.

  • New Developments in Crystal Growth Research
    By George V. Karas

    [5] Sasaki, T.; Mori, Y.; Yoshimura, M.; Yap, Y. K.; Kamimura, T. Mater. Sci. Eng., R 2000, 30, 1-54. [6] Zhang, K. C.; Wang, X. M. Material ... [8] Chen, C. T.; Yu, L. H. In Science and Technology of Crystal Growth; Zhang, K. C.; ...

  • New Developments in Catalysis Research
    By Lawrence P. Bevy

    51. 11. [45] T. Miyadera, Appl, Catal B 1998, 16. 155. [46] S. Kameoka, Y. Ukisu, T. Miyadera, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 2000. 2. 367. [47] N. Bion. J. Saussey. M. Haneda, M. Daturi, J. Catal 2003, 217. 47. [48] H. He, C. Zhang, Y. Yu.

  • Focus on Catalysis Research
    By Lawrence P. Bevy

    [ 30 ] Rakitskaya , T. L. , Ennan , A. A. , Granatyuk , I. V. , Bandurko , A. Yu . , Balavoine , G. G. A. , Geletii , Yu . V. and Paina , V. Ya . ( 1999 ) . Kinetics and mechanism of lowtemperature ozone decomposition by Co - ions ...

  • Starch: From Polysaccharides to Granules, Simple and Mixture Gels
    By Vladimir P. Yuryev

    [23] Matveev Yu. I., Elankin N.Yu., Kalistrova E.N, Danilenko A.N., Niemann C., Yuryev V.P., (1998). Estimation of contributions of hydration and glass transition to heat capacity changes during melting of native starches in excess ...

  • New Paths to Urbanization in China: Seeking More Balanced Patterns
    By Yu Zhu

    However, the area of arable land decreased noticeably, and the per capita arable land fell from 1.23 mou (0.08 ha) to 0.56 mou (0.04 ha). Because economic activities were strictly limited within the agricultural sector before 1978, ...

  • Telecommunications in China: Development and Prospects
    By Jintong Lin, Yan Wan

    ... Ltd. Fujian Alcatel Communication Technology Co. , Ltd. Shanghai Alcatel Intelligent Terminal Equipment Co. , Ltd. Shanghai Alcatel Kang Hua Cable Co. , Ltd. Shanghai Bell Alcatel Business Systems Co. , Ltd. Shanghai Bell Alcatel ...

  • Nonlinear Operator Theory in Probablistic Metric Spaces
    By Yeol Je Cho, Shih-sen Chang, Sin-min Kang

    D. H. Tan , On probabilistic densifying mappings , Rev. Roum . Math . Pures et Appl . , 26 ( 1981 ) , 1305–1317 . 237. D. H. Tan , A fixed point theorem for multivalued quasi - contractions in probabilistic metric spaces , Review of ...

  • Dynamic Fuzzy Logic and Its Applications
    By Fanzhang Li

    Sci ) [ 165 ] LIU Chao - jun , LIAO Xiao - zhong , ZHANG Yu - he : Application in Servo System of Dynamical Neuro - fuzzy Network Controller , Control and Decision , 2001 , Vol.16 ( 3 ) : 347-350 [ 166 ] XU Chun ...

  • Research Progress in Alzheimer's Disease and Dementia
    By Miao-Kun Sun

    Mucke , L. , Masliah , E. , Yu , G.-Q. , Mallory , M. , Rockenstein , E.M. , Tatsuno , G. , Hu , K. , Kholodenko , D. , Johnson - Wood , K. , McConlogue , L. High - level neuronal expression of AB1-42 in wild - type human amyloid ...

  • Global Anisotropy of Physical Space: Experimental and Theoretical Basis
    By I︠U︡. A. Baurov, Yu A. Baurov

    Lett., 1989, 25, p.2701 . [78] Imanishi Akira, Midorikawa Shoichi, Morimoto Teruhisa. T. Phys. Soc. Tap., 1991, v.60, 4, p.1150. [79] T. M. Mitschke, P. A. Wilmartu, Phys. Rev. Lett., 1990, 18, p.21 15. [80] T. T. Quin, A. Picard, ...

  • On the Structure of Physical Vacuum and a New Interaction in Nature (theory, Experiment, Applications)
    By I︠U︡. A. Baurov, Yu A. Baurov

    N.Babaev , and V.K. Ablekov , Doklady Akademii Nauk ( DAN ) , 1981 , v.259 , p.1080 . 19 . ... A.Baurov , Preprint P - 0362 of Institute for Nuclear Research of Russian Academy of Sciences ( INR RAS ) , Moscow , 1984 ( in Russian ) .

  • Taiwan's Economic Transformation in Evolutionary Perspective: Entrepreneurship, Innovation Systems and Government
    By Fu-Lai Tony Yu

    Medium | 1991 Fwu - Tzer Medium 50 % 2000 Far Eastern Large 45 % Yi - Yuan Medium Shyang - Fang Medium Long - Kuen Small Min - Shing Large Shye - Mei Small Chun - Hsiang Medium Guang - Feng Small Li - Da Small 1992 Fwu - Tzer Medium 40 ...

  • New Issues in Corporate Governance
    By Pauline V. Urlacher

    More formally, consider the following function: yit = f(xit,p)exp{vt-uit} (3.1) where yu is the output of firm i at time t; Xjt is a kxl vector of inputs of firm i at time t; p is an vector of unknown parameters; the vit are random ...

  • Obsessive Compulsive Disorder and Comorbidity
    By Abraham Weizman, Ruth Gross-Isseroff

    Kanner and Eisenberg revised this description of autism in 1956 by adding the extreme self-isolation and an anxiously obsessive desire for the preservation of sameness manifested as preoccupation with "elaborately conceived rituals" ...

  • Prevention of Cancer: New Research
    By Joel W. Rosenthal, William James Carey

    [ 37 ] Cordon Cardo C , O'Brien JP . Boccia J et al ( 1990 ) . Expression of the multidrug resistance gene product P - glycoprotein in human normal and tumor tissues . J Histochem Cytochem , 38 : 1277-87 .

  • New Topics in Lasers and Electro-optics
    By William T. Arkin

    119 ( 2003 ) 224 [ 20 ] M. Dion , A. Keller , O. Atabek and A. D. Bandrauk . Phys . Rev. A 59 ( 1999 ) 1382 [ 21 ] Springate , F. Rosca - Pruna , H. L. Offerhaus , M. Krishnamurthy , and M. J. J. Vrakking . J. Phys . B : At . Mol .

  • Focus on Depression Research
    By Jeremy T. Devito

    Daly , M. , Wilson , M.I. , & Weghorst , S.J. ( 1982 ) . Male sexual jealousy . Ethology & Sociobiology , 3 , 1 , 11-27 . Dobson , K. , & Franche , R.L. ( 1989 ) . A conceptual and empirical review of the depressive realism hypothesis .

  • Military Base Closures
    By David E. Lockwood

    Secretary of Defense William Cohen stressed , at almost every opportunity during the early part of the year , the importance of further base closures . In speaking to the Illinois legislature on January 28 , 1999 , he stated that the ...