Books from Nova Publishers

  • Frontal Polymer Research
    By Robert K. Bregg

    [59] Rivas, B.L.; Pereira, E.D.; Martinez, E.; Moreno-Villoslada, I. Bol. Soc. Chil. Quim. 2000, 45, 199-205. [60] Rivas, B.L.; Moreno-Villoslada, I. Polym. Bull. 2000, 44, 159-165. [61] Rivas, B.L.; Moreno-Villoslada, I. J. Membrane ...

  • Death and the Meaning of Life: Selected Writings of Leo Tolstoy
    By graf Leo Tolstoy

    Presents materials that reveal the essence of Tolstoy's beliefs on immortality, death, God, and the meaning of life.

  • Dolley Madison
    By Paul M. Zall

    Raising Payne therefore became Dolley Todd's goal and purpose in life . James Todd's villainy flushed out her grief . Dolley Todd was incensed that her brother - in - law should have sold her child's legacy .

  • Research Focus on Gastric Cancer
    By Dorothy C. Cardinni

    Philadelphia : Lippincott , 1187-1191,1991 [ 5 ] Auchter RM , Lamond JP , Alexander E , Buatti JM , Chappell R , Friedman WA , Kinsella TJ , Levin AB , Noyes WR , Schultz CJ , Loeffler JS , Mehta MP : A multiinstitutional outcome and ...

  • Psychology of Stress
    By Kimberly V. Oxington

    Hall-Lord, ML., Larsson, G., & Bostrom, I. (1994). Elderly patients' experiences of pain and distress in intensive care: A grounded theory study. Intensive and Critical Care Nursing, 10, 133-144. Hall-Lord, ML., Larsson, G., & Steen, ...

  • Nutrition Research Advances
    By Sarah V. Watkins

    Tisdale , M. J. , and Brennan , R. A. ( 1988 ) . A comparison of long - chain triglycerides and medium - chain triglycerides on weight loss and tumour size in a cachexia model . Br J Cancer 58 , 580-583 . Tisdale , M. J. , Brennan ...

  • Advanced Methods for Decision Making and Risk Management in Sustainability Science
    By Jürgen Scheffran, Jürgen Kropp

    This book aims at presenting advanced methods and techniques to make them available to a wider scientific community involved in global change and sustainability research.

  • New Autism Research Developments
    By Barbara S. Mesmere

    [ 41 ] Torres , AR ; Maciulis , A ; Stubbs , EG ; Cutler , A ; Odell , D. The transmission disequilibrium test suggests that HLA - DR4 and DR13 are linked to autism ... [ 49 ] Todd , RD ; Hickok , JM ; Anderson , GM ; Cohen , DJ .

  • Oncogene Proteins: Structure, functions and analyses
    By Peter B. Murphy

    [ 179 ] Tuve S , Chen B - M , Liu Y , Cheng T - L , Toure P , Sow PS , Feng Q , Kiviat N , Strauss R , Ni S , Li Z - Y , Roffler SR , Lieber A. Combination of tumor site - located CTL - Associated Antigen - 4 blockade and systemic ...

  • Somalia: Issues, History, and Bibliography
    By Nina J. Fitzgerald

    London: Pearson, 1902. Melander, Goran. Refugees in Somalia. (Research Report No. 56.) Uppsala, Sweden: Scandinavian Institute of African Studies, 1980. Mesfin Wolde-Mariam. Somalia: The Problem Child of Africa. Addis Ababa: Addis Ababa ...

  • Peacekeeping and Related Stability Operations
    By Nina M. Serafino

    The American Experience With Police in Peace Operations, The Canadian Peacekeeping Press of the Pearson Peacekeeping Centre: Canada, 2002, pp 94-96. References to the UNDPKO seminar recommendations are taken from Perito, ...

  • Handbook of Compounds with Antiprotozoal Activity Isolated from Plants
    By Rosa Martha Pérez Gutiérrez

    A handbook of bioactive compounds from plants . Taylor and Francis , London . Hegnauer , R. 1966. Comparative phytochemistry of alkaloids . In comparative phytochemistry Swain , T. Ed . London , Academic Press . pp . 211-230 .

  • Knowing Differently: Arts-based and Collaborative Research Methods
    By Pranee Liamputtong, Jean Rumbold

    Appleby , L. , Warner , R. , Whitton , A. & Faragher , B. ( 1997 ) . A Controlled Study of Fluoxetine and ... Cherney , I.D. , Seiwert , C.S. , Dickey , Gaining Insight into Women's Knowing of Postnatal Depression Using Drawings 137.

  • Justice as a Basic Human Need
    By Antony James William Taylor

    Maruna, S., and LeBel, T.P., (2002). Revisiting ex-prisoner re-entry: a buzzword in search of a narrative. In S. Rex, and M. Tonry. (Eds.). Reform and punishment: The ... Oswald, M.E., Hupfeld, J., Klug, S.C., and Gabriel, U. (2002).

  • Final Legacies
    By William Dales Hartt

    "And that's when our suspect apparently opened fire, shooting Mr. Klug three times in the chest," i "' ~ " " B. J. Nelson. "He didn't even get out of the car' s later, Gilmore, who was a f Mendota Continued from Page ...

  • Immigration Enforcement and Policies
    By Bruno T. Isenburg

    [76] Memorandum from Michael Pearson, INS Executive Associate Commissioner, Office of Field Operations, to Regional Directors, Detention Guidelines Effective October 9, 1998. [77] High priority are aliens removable on security-related ...

  • Leading-edge Educational Technology
    By Thomas B. Scott, James I. Livingston

    R. ,. &. Bennett. ,. R. E. (. 2006. ) . Technology. and. testing . In. R. L. Brennan. ( Ed . ) , Educational measurement , ( 4th Ed . ) . Washington , DC : American Council on Education . Drasgow , F. , Olson - Buchanan , J. B. ...

  • Organometallic Chemistry Research Perspectives
    By Richard P. Irwin

    [ 35 ] P .R . Ellis , J. M. Pearson , A. Haynes , H. Adams , N. A. Bailey and P. M. Maitlis , Organometallics , 1994 , 13 ( 8 ) , 3215 . [ 36 ] T. R Griffin , D. B. Cook , A. Haynes , J. M. Pearson , D. Monti and G. E. Morris , J. Am ...

  • Racism: A Selected Bibliography
    By Albert J. Wheeler

    Contents: The authors (p. ix-xi)— Introduction: The faith by which we see, by C. T. Craig. ... 810.9/355 21 Creating the other : ethnic conflict and nationalism in Habsburg Central Europe / edited by Nancy M. Wingfield.

  • Traffic Accidents: Causes and Outcomes
    By Graham P. Bartley

    In C. Guilleminault and E. Lugaresi ( Eds . ) , Sleep / wake disorders : Natural history , epidemiology , and long - term evolution ( pp . 1-12 ) . New York : Raven Press . Luoma , J. B. , Martin , C. E. , and Pearson , J. L. ( 2002 ) .