Books from Nova Publishers

  • Child Labor in America: History, Policy, and Legislative Issues
    By William G. Whittaker

    Child Labor Proposals of the 107th Congress " H.R. 2239 and S. 869 are, in part, similar. H.R. 2239, however, also deals with subject matter not included in S. 869. " While H.R. 3070 and S. 96 deal with the same subject area, ...

  • Health Care in Transition
    By Mary N. Smyth

    ... Myriam Aragon and Terry Kramer Health Behavior and Psychosocial Health as a Health Policy Issue for Youth and ... Law Celinda Franco Managed Health Care: Federal and State Regulation Beth C. Fuchs Health Insurance and Medical Care: ...

  • Multicultural Counseling: Context, Theory and Practice, and Competence
    By Jerry Trusty

    Gaines , S. O. , Jr. , Marelich , W. D. , Bledsoe , K. L. , Steers , W. N. , Henderson , M. C. , Granrose , C. S. , Barajas , L. , Hicks , D. , Lyde , M. , Takahashi , Y. , Yum , N. , Rios , D. I. , Garcia , B. F. , Farris , K. R. ...

  • Triglycerides and Cholesterol Research
    By Linda T. Welson

    In both sexes , concentration increases respectively to age [ Nikkila et al . , 1996 ; McNamara et al . , 1987 ] . Also increase occurs in postmenopausal female [ Campos et al . , 1990 ] . LDL diagram is strongly affected by plasma ...

  • Body Mass Index: New Research
    By Linda A. Ferrera

    [ 29 ] Hubert HB , Feinleib M , McNamara PM and Castelli WP , Obesity as an independent risk factor for cardiovascular disease : a 26- year follow - up of participants in the Framingham Heart Study . Circulation , 1983. 67 ( 5 ) : p .

  • Focus on Body Mass Index and Health Research
    By Linda A. Ferrera

    [ 8 ] Hubert HB , Feinleib M , McNamara PM , Castelli WP . Obesity as an independent risk factor for cardiovascular disease : a 26 - year follow - up of participants in the Framingham Heart Study . Circulation .

  • Body Mass Index and Health
    By Linda A. Ferrera

    [15] Hubert HB; Feinleib M; McNamara PM; Castelli WP. Obesity as an independent risk factor for cardiovascular disease; a 26-year follow up of participants in the Framingham Heart Study. Circulation 1983;67:968-977.

  • New Research on Street Drugs
    By Spencer M. Cole

    Appendix A. Correlation of Variables I Each Domain wth Binge Drinking References [1] Johnston, L. D., O'Malley P., and Bachman, J. 240 Lorena M. Siquiera and Lee A. Crandall. RPF Variable Corr. P-value CP1 Community Opportunities for ...

  • Criminology Research Focus
    By Karen T. Froeling

    Karen T. Froeling. the socio - demographic variables I used can constitute a series of " proxies " of the ... References Ackermann , W. , Dulong , R. , & Jeudy , H.-P. ( 1983 ) . Imaginaires de I'insecurite [ Imaginary insecurity ] .

  • The Kennedy Assassination Cover-up
    By Donald Gibson

    He had also been involved with a number of state and national groups working on legal issues.21 Warren said that he ... and Albert E. Jenner, Jr.23 Jenner, as noted 20 President's Commission on the Assassination of President Kennedy, ...

  • Clusters and Nanostructured Materials
    By P. Jena, S. N. Behera

    [5] T.P. Martin, T. Bergmann, H. Gohlich, T. Lange, Chem. Phys. Lett. 172, 209 (1990); 176, 343 (1991). [6] T.P. Martin, U. Naher, T. Bergmann, H. Gohlich, T. Lange, Chem. Phys. Lett. 183, 119 (1991). [7] T.P. Martin, T. Bergmann, ...

  • Nano-scale Materials: From Science to Technology
    By P. Jena, S. N. Sahu, R. K. Choudhury

    2002, 91, 4307. [19] F. Farges M. F. de Fereudy, B. Raoult and G. Torchet, Adv. Chem. Phys. 1989, 70, 45. [20] W. Miehle, O. Kandler, T. Leisner, and O. Echt, J. Chem. Phys. 1989, 91, 5940. [21] T. P. Martin, T. Bergmann, ...

  • Progress in Neuropeptide Research
    By Elizabeth P. Farley

    [ 189 ] Adan , R.A. and van Dijk , G. ( 2006 ) . Melanocortin receptors as drug targets for disorders of energy balance . CNS Neurol . Disord . Drug Targets , 5 , 251-261 . [ 190 1 Heymsfield , S.B. , Greenberg , A.S. , Fujioka , K.

  • Tumor Suppressor Genes
    By Katherine R. Polinsky

    DY ; Jokubaitis , VJ ; Neville , PJ : Campbell . 1G . Mutation of the ST7 tumor suppressor gene on 7q31.1 is rare in breast , ovarian and colorectal cancers . Nature Genetics , 2001 29 , 379-380 . Tirkkonen , M ; Tanner , M ; Karhu , R ...

  • Finitely Generated Commutative Monoids
    By J. C. Rosales, P. A. García-Sánchez

    We would like to acknowledge the help of Juan Ignacio Garcia- Garcia for proofreading and correcting some errors and ... The second author wishes to thank Professor Andres Garcfa-Granados for softening his duties and "giving" him time ...

  • New Developments in Stem Cell Research
    By Erik V. Greer

    [ 36 ] Mikula M , Fuchs E , Huber H , Beug H , Schulte - Hermann R , Mikulits W. Immortalized p19ARF null hepatocytes restore liver injury and generate hepatic progenitors after transplantation . Hepatology . 2004 39 ( 3 ) : 628-634 .

  • Educational Curricula: Development and Evaluation
    By Jennifer N. Casey

    Tobin , H. , Hull , P. , & Wise , P. ( 1979 ) . The purpose of staff development : Components for change . St. Louis : Mosby . Trochim , W. M. K. ( 2001 ) . The research methods knowledge base ( 2nd ed . ) . Cincinnati , OH : Atomic Dog ...

  • Untold Until Now: World War II Stories : Daddy and Other Heroes
    By Karen Brantley

    Holland. November 18 , 1998 I didn't volunteer . They drafted me . That was in 1942 , and I got out in 1947. I was in the Third Army , the Eighty - fourth Division of the Infantry , the Rail - Splitters . We went to France after D - Day ...

  • New Research on Epilepsy and Behavior
    By Keith J. Hollaway

    Hawton, Fagg and Marsack (1980) during a 2-year period, observed that suicide attempts were five to seven times more frequent in persons with epilepsy than in the general population. The patients had more often undergone psychiatric ...

  • Genetic Screening: New Research
    By Sandra R. Pupecki

    [ 47 ] Belinson , J.L. , Okin , C. , Casey , G. , Ayoub , A. , Klein , R. , and Hart , W.R. The familial ovarian cancer registry : Progress Report . Cleveland Clinic Journal of Medicine . 1995 , 62,129-134 .