Books from U of Minnesota Press

  • The Interrogation of Joan of Arc
    By Karen Sullivan

    Justice Earl Warren's opinion on the Miranda case, reproduced in Richard J. Medalie, "Escobedo" to "Miranda": The Anatomy of a Supreme Court Decision ...

  • In the Company of Women: Contemporary Female Friendship Films
    By Karen Hollinger

    Susan Faludi , quoted in Markie Robson - Scott , " Hitting Parents Where It Hurts , " Guardian , March 11 , 1992 : 20 ; cited in Lizzie Francke , Script Girls : Women Screenwriters in Hollywood ( London : BFI , 1994 ) , 134.

  • The Price of Thirst: Global Water Inequality and the Coming Chaos
    By Karen Piper

    For instance, Oxford professor Herbert Frankel simply changed his title from “professor of colonial economic affairs” to “professor of the economics of underdeveloped countries”— but his ideas were essentially the same.

  • Gunflint: Reflections on the Trail
    By Justine Kerfoot

    For years he has bought plants from Howard Joynes , who started the plants in his own garden in Grand Marais . This year Ben " came in " again and purchased tomato plants two feet tall and heavy with fruit along with other vegetable ...

  • The New Berlin: Memory, Politics, Place
    By Karen E. Till

    See the special issue on this topic guest edited by William Donahue, Rachel Freudenburg, and Daniel Reynolds in German Politics and Society 27 (1992). On Berlin, see John Borneman, After the Wall: EastMeets West in the New Berlin (New ...

  • Postcolonial Automobility: Car Culture in West Africa
    By Lindsey B. Green-Simms

    In Africa, of course, the accident is integrated into the system of automobility with its mayhem. 14. Robert Fraser writes, “The poet's reaction to this reminder is torn between a chastened recognition of man's limitations ...

  • Queer Twin Cities
    By Kevin P. Murphy, Jennifer L. Pierce, Larry Knopp

    In 1977, conservative activist and citrus industry publicist Anita Bryant brought her “Save Our Children” campaign to St. Paul after that city passed a gay and lesbian civil rights ordinance. Although the Bryant uproar scared the public ...

  • Cultural Formations of Post-Communism: Emancipation, Transition, Nation, and War
    By Michael D. Kennedy

    Here , I draw from William H. Sewell Jr. , " Three Temporalities : Toward an Eventful Sociology , " in Terrence J. McDonald , ed . , The Historic Turn in the Human Sciences ( Ann Arbor : University of Michigan Press , 1996 ) , pp .

  • The Voice of Southern Labor: Radio, Music, and Textile Strikes, 1929-1934
    By Vincent J. Roscigno, William F. Danaher

    He wouldn't speak till he sent and got Hoffman [UTW organizer]. He [Hoffman] was staying at the hotel. So, some of them, they brought him over there. And he [Hoffman] was standing up beside him [Baldwin] before he spoke.

  • Reflecting Black: African-American Cultural Criticism
    By Michael Eric Dyson

    His writing has appeared in many books, journals, newspapers and magazines. This book is intended for academics in the fields of cultural studies, African-American studies and American studies.

  • Morgan Park: Duluth, U.S. Steel, and the Forging of a Company Town
    By Arnold Robert Alanen

    Warren, Big Steel, 165; Robert H. Zieger,American Workers, American Unions, 1920–1985 (Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 1986), 48. 19. Duluth News-Tribune, June 4, 1936, 5, citing Irvin. 20.

  • Francis Bacon: The Logic of Sensation
    By Francis Bacon, Gilles Deleuze

    The influential and revolutionary philosopher explores the nature of art by examining the work of one of the most radical painters of the twentieth century.

  • The Political Arrays of American Indian Literary History
    By James H. Cox

    ... 35, 40, 48,214n16, 215n3, 216nn7–8, 217n24; letters to, 218n24; SAI and, 28 Mooney, James, 88 Morley, Sylvanus, 119 Morley, Virginia, 119 “Morning Walk—Santa Fe” (Riggs), 176 Morrow, Dwight, 75 Morse, Richardson, 137 Mound Builders, ...

  • The Invisible Element of Place: The Architecture of David Salmela
    By Larry Millett, Thomas Fisher, David Salmela

    ... image of Holmes was modeled on his brother, Walter Paget. For more on Paget, see Arthur Conan Doyle, T/Jr All/1171111?!)SZWF/Ufk Hol/11w, ed. William S. Baring—Gould (New York: Clarkson N. Potter, 1967; Wings Books, 1992), 33-36.

  • Border Theory: The Limits of Cultural Politics
    By David E. Johnson, Scott Michaelsen

    A timely critique of a field just now revealing its explosive potential, this volume maps the intellectual topography of border theory and challenges the epistemological and political foundations of border studies.

  • John Dryden: A Survey and Bibliography of Critical Studies, 1895-1974
    By David J. Latt, Samuel Holt Monk

    2. New York: Scribner, 1933. Dryden 's hand in James II 's memoirs. 3:43 Clapp, Sarah Lewis Carol, ed. Jacob Tonson in Ten Letters By and About Him. Austin: The University of Texas Press, 1948. 3:44 Clark, William S. "Dryden's Relations ...

  • Critical Responses to Kenneth Burke, 1924-1966
    By William H. Rueckert

    Yet one cannot say that Burke has identified guilt as our primary humane emotion with any proficiency: it is simply the ... The early sixties were lean and disappointing years for Burke, who wouldn't or couldn't finish A Symbolic of ...

  • Freedoms Ferment
    By Peter Moore, Tyler

    See also Temperance movement Drinking Usage: of Society, 334 Drunkard': Looking Glass, 309, 315 Du Bois, William, ... 397 Essays on Slavery, 599 Estes, Matthew, 519 Estlake, Allan, 192 Evans, Frederick W., 145, 152 Evans, G. H., ...

  • Wallace Stevens-Aw
    By William York Tindall

    Rich with historical and cultural value, these works are published unaltered from the original University of Minnesota Press editions.

  • Thinking Clearly about Psychology: Essays on Matters of Public Interest
    By Paul E. Meehl, Dante Cicchetti, William M. Grove

    Essays on Matters of Public Interest Paul E. Meehl, Dante Cicchetti, William M. Grove ... 1950 ) , as well as viewing favorably the therapeutic benefits to be gained by Ellis's Rational Emotive Treatment ( RET ) and various behavior ...