Books from U of Minnesota Press

  • There But for Fortune: The Life of Phil Ochs
    By Michael Schumacher

    For “Joe Hill,” a basic guitar-vocal arrangement, Phil decided that he had to have Ramblin' Jack Elliott as the song's guitarist. Phil told Marks that he wanted Elliott because Ramblin' Jack was the best flat-picker around, ...

  • The Tangled Fire of William Faulkner
    By William Van O'Connor

    Rich with historical and cultural value, these works are published unaltered from the original University of Minnesota Press editions.

  • William Faulkner
    By William V. O'Connor

    Sartoris is an uncritical account of the Sartoris (or Falkner) family legend, brought down to Faulkner's own generation, and centered in young Bayard, a war veteran. He is one of the young men Gertrude Stein called the "lost generation ...

  • Celebrating Bird: The Triumph of Charlie Parker
    By Gary Giddins

    Celebrating Bird is the groundbreaking and award-winning account of the life and legend of Charlie Parker from renowned biographer and critic Gary Giddins, whom Esquire called “the best jazz writer in America today.” Richly illustrated ...

  • The Children of Lincoln: White Paternalism and the Limits of Black Opportunity in Minnesota, 1860–1876
    By William D. Green

    Founded in 1867 in Washington, D.C., the National Grange of the Patrons of Husbandry began initially as an educational and social organization for farmers, but it was in Minnesota, the home of founder Oliver Kelly, that chapters first ...

  • Animal Stories: Narrating Across Species Lines
    By Susan McHugh

    How cross-species companionship is figured across a variety of media--and why it matters.

  • William D. Howells
    By William M. Gibson

    Rich with historical and cultural value, these works are published unaltered from the original University of Minnesota Press editions.

  • Reading for Reform: The Social Work of Literature in the Progressive Era
    By Laura R. Fisher

    To adopt Caroline Levine's terms, comparison was a form that gave order to patterns of sociopolitical experience and to literary texts, traveling freely across social and aesthetic materials.[68] Built upon particular expectations of ...

  • Made to Hear: Cochlear Implants and Raising Deaf Children
    By Laura Mauldin

    Scott, Pam, Evelleen Richards, and Brian Martin. 1990. “Captives of Controversy: The Myth of the Neutral Social Researcher in Contemporary Scientific Controversies.” Science, Technology & Human Values 15 (4): 474–94.

  • Ecstasy Unlimited: The Interpenetrations of Sex, Capital, Gender, and Aesthetics
    By Laura Kipnis

    ... 187 Fanon , Frantz , 143 fantasy : and class , 233–34 ; female , 201 , 221 ; and loss of history , 81-83 ; male , 222 , 230-31 ; masochistic , 8 ; and mastery , 85 , 212 fascism , 103 , 107 , 216-17 FBI , 102 FCC , 238 femininity ...

  • Eating Fire: My Life as a Lesbian Avenger
    By Kelly J. Cogswell

    When it was all over, Candice Boyce, one of the older African Ancestral Lesbians, saw my gray face and went out of her way to pat me on the shoulder and say not to worry, it would be okay. Which was really nice of her, even if it wasn't ...

  • For the Birds: An Uncommon Guide
    By Laura Erickson

    17 In the spring of 1850 , Nicolas Pike , director of the Brooklyn Institute , released eight pairs of House Sparrows in Greenwood Cemetery , Brooklyn . Although this was the first documented introduction of the species in America ...

  • Unraveling the Garment Industry: Transnational Organizing and Women's Work
    By Ethel Carolyn Brooks

    J. Peterman Company , 182n35 Jahan , Roushan , 12 , 129 , 180n9 , 180n15 , 182n41 , 199n34 JCPenney , xxiv , 2 Jessop , Bob , 79 , 194n67 Jhon , Mr. , 112 Jordan , Michael , 178n19 , 191n17 justice : living proof as basis for , 153–61 ...

  • Forced Passages: Imprisoned Radical Intellectuals And the U.S. Prison Regime
    By Dylan Rodr Ưguez

    I talked to Malcolm X, Martin Luther King, Medgar Evers, Stokely [Carmichael, then-leader of the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee], Huey [Newton, Black Panther organizer and leader], the Cleavers [fellow Black Panther ...

  • Purchasing Power: Black Kids and American Consumer Culture
    By Elizabeth M. Liew Siew Chin

    Joey and Clarice on their stoop. silky hair is done up in braids, each held at the end with a small plastic barrette. Like the doll, Clarice has her hair in braids and, like the doll, the end of each braid is secured with a small ...

  • Model Immigrants and Undesirable Aliens: The Cost of Immigration Reform in the 1990s
    By Christina Gerken

    Mostly due to the economic recession, estimates indicate a slightly lower total of 10.8 million undocumented persons as of October 2010 (Hoefer, Retina, and Baker 2011, 2). The vast majority of these people entered the ...

  • A Painted Herbarium: The Life and Art of Emily Hitchcock Terry, 1838-1921
    By Beatrice Scheer Smith, Emily Hitchcock Terry

    ... Press managed the transformation of a manuscript and a package of illustrations into a book: Lisa Freeman, director of the press; Kathy Wolter, production and design manager; Barbara A. Coffin, editor; and Mary Byers, copy editor.

  • A Very Serious Thing: Women's Humor and American Culture
    By Nancy A. Walker

    Comedy and the Woman Writer: Woolf Spark, and Feminism. Lincoln: U of Nebraska Press, 1983. Loos, Anita. Gentlemen Prefer Blondes. New York: Liveright, 1925. Lowe, John. “Hurston, Humor, and the Harlem Renaissance.

  • Sharing the Wonder of Birds With Kids
    By Laura Erickson

    In White Fang , Jack London talks of moose birds ( these are really Gray Jays ) and the ptarmigan chicks that became White Fang's first prey . In The Long Winter , Laura Ingalls Wilder's family discovers an oceanic bird ( based on her ...

  • Batman Saves the Congo: How Celebrities Disrupt the Politics of Development
    By Alexandra Cosima Budabin, Lisa Ann Richey

    Genevieve Roth, “How Ben Affleck Is Fighting for Women in the Congo,” Glamour, April 11, 2016. 37. Stephen Dalton, “Once Considered a Flash in the Pan, Ben Affleck Is on the Comeback Trail,” National, September 7, 2012. 38.