Books from U of Minnesota Press

  • The North Atlantic World in the Seventeenth Century
    By Kenneth Gordon Davies

    ... John, 325 Oil, uses in Europe, 157 Oil Rivers, W. Africa, 253, 256 Oldmixon, John, 325, 327 Oneida Indians, 174, 274 Onondaga, 274, 276 Ontario, Lake, 173, 229 Orinoco River, 22, 39 Orkney Islands, 87 Osborne, Thomas, Earl of Danby, ...

  • The Financial Imaginary: Economic Mystification and the Limits of Realist Fiction
    By Alison Shonkwiler

    It argues that the novel is essential to understanding our relation to the mystifications of abstraction past and present.

  • “The” End of Capitalism (as We Knew It): A Feminist Critique of Political Economy ; with a New Introduction
    By J. K. Gibson-Graham

    Environment and Planning D: Society and Space 8: 297-321. Eldershaw, M. Barnard 1937 Plaque with Laurel. Sydney: Harrap. Elson, D. and Pearson, R. 1981 "Nimble fingers make cheap workers": an analysis of women's employment in third ...

  • Take Back the Economy: An Ethical Guide for Transforming Our Communities
    By Stephen Healy, J. K. Gibson-Graham, Jenny Cameron

    Robert Hurley (New York: Zone Books, 1991); and Harry W. Pearson, “The Economy Has No Surplus: Critique of a Theory of Development,” in Trade and Market in Early Empires, ed. Karl Polanyi, Conrad M. Arensberg, and Harry W. Pearson ...

  • Cult Television
    By Roberta E. Pearson, Sara Gwenllian-Jones

    Roberta E. Pearson is a reader in media and cultural studies at Cardiff University. She is the author of the forthcoming book Small Screen, Big Universe: Star Trek and Television.

  • Socialist Ensembles: Theater and State in Cuba and Nicaragua
    By Randy Martin

    Quotations in this passage are taken from "Instituto Nicargüense de Cultura: Poh'ticas, funciones y organization," undated mimeograph supplied by Pierre Pearson, Vice Minister of Culture. According to Pearson, the Institute proper ...

  • Patty's Journey: From Orphanage to Adoption and Reunion
    By Donna S. Norling

    who arrested Mr. Pearson , the hospital where Duane was born , or even the suggestion of a neighbor or friend of the family . ( We can only suppose , for the juvenile court records of the Pearson family have been destroyed , as is often ...

  • Filth: Dirt, Disgust, and Modern Life
    By William A. Cohen

    Focusing on 'filth' in literary & cultural materials from London, Paris & their colonial outposts in the 19th & early 20th centuries, the essays in this volume range over topics from the building of sewers to the fictional representation of ...

  • Filth: Dirt, Disgust, and Modern Life
    By William A. Cohen

    Focusing on 'filth' in literary & cultural materials from London, Paris & their colonial outposts in the 19th & early 20th centuries, the essays in this volume range over topics from the building of sewers to the fictional representation of ...

  • Silent Cells: The Secret Drugging of Captive America
    By Anthony Ryan Hatch

    Imagine for a moment what an audit of a prison pharmacy might reveal under ideal circumstances. Assume that we want to know whether Prison Guard Brown has been using psych meds to keep Prisoner Johnson quiet and controlled.

  • Transnational LGBT Activism: Working for Sexual Rights Worldwide
    By Ryan R. Thoreson

    The International Gay and Lesbian Human Rights Commission (IGLHRC) was founded in 1990 as the first NGO devoted to advancing LGBT human rights worldwide. How, this book asks, is that mission translated into practice?

  • American Farm Policy: 1948-1973
    By Willard Wesley Cochrane, Mary Ellen Ryan

    on Johnson's programs, 48; on Hardin, 61 Kline, Allan B., 27 Korean War, 29, 31 , 68: and farm prices, 5-7, 18; and farm income, 45; emergency measures during, 141; output during, 182, 244, 376; cotton prices during, 223, 232; ...

  • Fires on the Border: The Passionate Politics of Labor Organizing on the Mexican Frontera
    By Rosemary Hennessy

    ... Prieto, Beautiful Flowers; Kamel, Maquiladora Reader; Lugo, Fragmented Lives; Nash and Fernández-Kelly, Women, Men; Pearson, “Male Bias”; Salzinger, Genders in Production; Tiano, Patriarchy on the Line; Wright, Disposable Women. 5.

  • The Platform Economy: How Japan Transformed the Consumer Internet
    By Marc Steinberg

    In Popular Culture and the State in East and Southeast Asia, edited by Nissim Otmazgin and Eyal Ben-Ari, 83–103. London: Routledge, 2011. Chow, Rey. The Age of the World Target: Self-Referentiality in War, Theory, and Comparative Work.

  • The Slumbering Masses: Sleep, Medicine, and Modern American Life
    By Matthew J. Wolf-Meyer

    For a fictional representation of this, see Diana Gillon and Meir Gillon, The Unsleep (New York: Ballantine Books, 1961). 43. Karl Marx, Early Writings, trans. Rodney Livingstone and Gregor Benton (New York: Penguin, 1992 [1975]). 44.

  • Digital State: The Story of Minnesota's Computing Industry
    By Thomas J. Misa

    of Electrical Engineering; General G. M. Barnes, chief of the Ordnance Research and Development Service; Colonel Paul N. Gillon, Army Ordnance Research and Development Service. Source: U.S. Army. At its public unveiling in February 1946 ...

  • The Adaptive Seascape: The Mechanism of Evolution
    By David J. Merrell

    Haldane , like Fisher and Pearson , was a brilliant student . ... Unlike Fisher and Haldane , Wright had relatively little formal training in mathematics although he obviously had a knack for it and taught himself a great deal of math ...

  • Making Lahore Modern: Constructing and Imagining a Colonial City
    By William J. Glover

    In Lahore, unpaid college students were selected to carry out census operations in the Old City.72 Maclagan wrote that his Indian staff were erroneously prone to count men sleeping in lodging houses and dining in local public eating ...

  • Freud in Oz: At the Intersections of Psychoanalysis and Children's Literature
    By Kenneth B. Kidd

    New York: Collier-Macmillan. ——— . 1963b. “Family Romances.” First published in 1908. In The Sexual Enlightenment of Children, edited and introduced by Philip Rieff, 41–45. New York: Collier-Macmillan. ——— . 1963c.

  • Making American Boys: Boyology and the Feral Tale
    By Kenneth B. Kidd

    In The Sexual Enlightenment of Children, ed. Philip Rieff. New York: Collier-Macmillan, 1963. ———. “One of the Difficulties of Psychoanalysis” (1917). In Character and Culture, ed. Philip Rieff. New York: Collier-Macmillan, 1963. ———.