Books from U of Minnesota Press

  • From Utopia to Apocalypse: Science Fiction and the Politics of Catastrophe
    By Peter Yoonsuk Paik

    Eric Finch, the capable chief of New Scotland Yard (also known as the “Nose”), cuts a grizzled, world-weary figure. Selflessly dedicated to his work and immune to the lure of ambition, he wins the unquestioning trust of the Chancellor.

  • Sovereignty
    By John Hoffman

    But if . as Weber argues , the state is absurd ( and I believe that it is ) , why should we not incorporate this absurdity into the way in which we define sovereignty itself ? Weber and Bartelson are opposed to definitions - to all ...

  • The Responsive Environment: Design, Aesthetics, and the Human in the 1970s
    By Larry D. Busbea

    Serge Boutourline Jr., Michel A. Carré, Michel François-Poncet, Peter S. Miller, Clifford D. Oldham, Paul B. Rosenberg, and William M. Twaddle, Individual Creativity and the Corporation (Boston: Manufacturing Group 25 and Institute of ...

  • Who Speaks for Margaret Garner?
    By Mark Reinhardt

    ... Patterson's conception of social death and to Kenneth S. Greenberg's argument that the Southern press feared a symbolic emancipation of Nat Turner. See Patterson, Slavery and Social Death; and Greenberg, Honor and Slavery, 107. 98.

  • Writing the Love of Boys: Origins of Bishōnen Culture in Modernist Japanese Literature
    By Jeffrey Angles

    It was during the Meiji period that fountains became common fixtures in public parks. In 1877 the government constructed the first fountain in a public space in Tokyo's Ueno Park for the first Domestic Exposition for the Encouragement ...

  • St. Paul's Architecture: A History
    By Jeffrey A. Hess, Paul Clifford Larson

    The largest settlement was a Swiss and French Canadian enclave at Fountain Cave, about four miles downstream from Fort Snelling. Although Plympton had succeeded in distancing the settlers from the fort, he believed they were still too ...

  • America Town: Building the Outposts of Empire
    By Mark L. Gillem

    Mike Worden, the installation commander. In 2004 he said, “I have the best job in the Air Force. I get to cut ribbons and not turn out lights and shut down buildings. It's really heartwarming to be part of growth and not stagnate.

  • Minnesota: A History of the State
    By Theodore Christian Blegen

    ... writer , 518 , 607 War II action in , 542 15 1st Field Artillery , 475 : welcomed Pacific railroad , 193–94 , 195 , 235 , 252 , home , 476 ; in World War II , 542 298–99 , 302 Open - pit mining , 358 , 366 , 372 , 375 Paine , Parker ...

  • Body Modern: Fritz Kahn, Scientific Illustration, and the Homuncular Subject
    By Michael Sappol

    For a recent neuroscientific account of how the self becomes consolidated into a singularity, see Michael S. Gazzaniga, Who's in Charge? Free Will and the Science of the Brain (New York: Ecco, 2011), and Gazzaniga, Richard Ivry, ...

  • Dubious Alliance: The Making of Minnesota's DFL Party
    By John Earl Haynes

    Ewing also mentioned that he had recently discussed merger with Viena Johnson, state secretary of the Farmer-Labor Association. Unfortunately, Ewing noted, Johnson appeared uninterested.3 During the early months of 1943, ...

  • Family Measurement Techniques: Abstracts of Published Instruments, 1935-1974
    By Murray Arnold Straus, Bruce W. Brown

    BLUM,G.S. The Blacky Pictures VARIABLES MEASURED. Psychosexual aspects of personality in accordance with psychoanalytic hypotheses of development of personality: Oral eroticism. Oral sadism. Anal expulsiveness and retentiveness, ...

  • Jonathan Edwards
    By Edward M. Griffin

    Benjamin Rand. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1931. Miller, Peny. Errand into the Wilderness. Cambridge, Mass.: Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 1956. . The New England Mind: From Colony to Province.

  • Old Brick: Charles Chauncy of Boston, 1705-1787
    By Edward M. Griffin

    ... Colonel, 160 Quincy, Josiah, Jr.: and Charles Chauncy, 141 ; political views, 141 ; in trial after Boston Massacre, 150; represents Whigs in England, 155; identified as rebel, 156 Rand, Robert, 35 Rel1'g1'0usA ffections.

  • The End of Education: Toward Posthumanism
    By William Spanos

    We saw students in Tiananmen Square , we saw students in Prague and in Budapest and Warsaw who know John Locke better than our students do because we don't teach John Locke as much as we used to , if we teach him at all .

  • Demonic Grounds: Black Women And the Cartographies of Struggle
    By Katherine McKittrick

    ... Gerald F. Pyle, “The Diffusion of HIV/AIDS and HIV Infection in an Archetypal Textile County,” 63–81; Sarah McLafferty and Barbara Templaski, “Restructuring Women's Reproductive Health: Implications of Low Birthweight in New York ...

  • Gold Experience: Following Prince in the '90s
    By Jim Walsh

    But Warners won't release it.” As a result of this logjam of material, Prince and the New Power Generation have postponed their planned world tour, which was originally scheduled to open in Australia or Japan this winter.

  • Micro-Politics: Agency in a Postfeminist Era
    By Patricia S. Mann

    Rich with historical and cultural value, these works are published unaltered from the original University of Minnesota Press editions.

  • The Politics of Social Protest: Comparative Perspectives on States and Social Movements
    By J. Craig Jenkins

    Notes of collective protest (Flanigan and Fogelman 1970; Williams and Timberlake. 1. In this paper, I ignore the debate on the link between income inequality and economic performance. Contrary to the common conviction that a more equal ...

  • Sensations of History: Animation and New Media Art
    By James J. Hodge

    For a popular example of this parallelistic group form, see Mark Romanek's 2016 video for Justin Timberlake's song “Can't Stop the Feeling.” On “group form,” see Kris Cohen, Never Alone, Except for Now: Art, Networks, ...

  • When America Became Suburban
    By Robert A. Beauregard

    On small-town America and social cohesion, see Robert Putnam, Bowling Alone: The Collapse and Revival of American Community (New York: Simon and Schuster, 2000), 204–215. 7. Gail Radford, Modern Housing for America (Chicago: University ...