Books from Zondervan

  • Zip It: The Keep It Shut 40-Day Challenge
    By Karen Ehman

    Her use of Scripture coupled with personal examples help us learn to use our words for the honor of God and the good of our neighbor. This is a much-needed challenge! JENNIFER THORN, pastor's wife and blogger, I love Zip It ...

  • Reading Biblical Greek: A Grammar for Students
    By Richard J. Gibson, Constantine R. Campbell

    Reading Biblical Greek is designed around three core elements: grammar, vocabulary, and reading and translation.

  • Ancient Israelite Literature in Its Cultural Context: A Survey of Parallels Between Biblical and Ancient Near Eastern Texts
    By John H. Walton

    ... 126 , 134 174 , 203 , 211 , 212 , 216 Theodorides , Aristide , 93 Wiseman , D. J. , 50 , 51 , 67 , Thomas , D. Winton , 170 , 84 , 85 , 89 , 93 , 170 , 200 171 , 200 Thompson , R. Campbell , Wolf , Herbert , 126 22 , 47 , 113 Wright ...

  • An Uncommon Union: Dallas Theological Seminary and American Evangelicalism
    By John D. Hannah

    Letter, Donald K. Campbell to Allen P. Ross, Dallas, Texas, 1 December 1986, Donald K. Campbell Papers, ADTS. 133. Donald K. Campbell, “'Family Matters' from the President,” Kethiv Qere (6 October 1989): 1. See also Letter, Frederic R.

  • Mounce's Complete Expository Dictionary of Old and New Testament Words
    By William D. Mounce

    The basic meaning of gûr is to “live, settle, dwell.” By and large, this verb refers to someone living outside of their clan, that is, dwelling among people who are not blood relatives. It almost always has the sense of temporariness.

  • Love Monkey: A Novel
    By Kyle Smith

    “The Zodiac killer, Colin Ferguson—” “Wait a minute, the Zodiac I'll give you but Ferguson's was addressed to all of us.” Burkey is rolling her eyes. “Yeah, right. Al Qaeda targeted the Senate majority leader, the chairman of the Senate ...

  • Kiss the Bride: Three Summer Love Stories
    By Melissa McClone, Robin Lee Hatcher, Kathryn Springer

    I'm Grant Nichols. One of Buck Malone's groomsmen. He told me to talk to you about those lessons you're giving the wedding party.” “Oh. Of course. I recognize your name, but we've never actually met. Have we?” “No, we haven't.

  • I Hope You Dance: A July Wedding Story
    By Robin Lee Hatcher

    They’ve helped orchestrate the perfect day for countless couples.

  • Shaken and Stirred: Through the Martini Glass and Other Drinking Adventures
    By William L. Hamilton

    These are four-ounce adventures of cocktails and the people who make them, from the bartenders and chefs to the patrons, the politicians and the power players of the liquor industry.

  • More Zingers: 25 Real-life Character Builders
    By David Lynn

    Mom , I'm going to the library after school with Carrie and Bonnie . " Alexandra gathered up her books and went to the closet ... You'd better get home , Alex — it's almost 6:00 ! " Alexandra realized she was in trouble the moment she ...

  • Serving as a Church Greeter
    By Leslie Parrott

    The directors of a bank's board on which I served often expressed their concern that tellers , who are ... in order to guard their offices against random access and thus conserve the banker's time and energy for important matters .

  • Greek for the Rest of Us: The Essentials of Biblical Greek
    By William D. Mounce

    Not long after, Tindall happened to be in the company of a certain divine, recounted for a learned man, and in disputing with him drave him to that issue, that the great doctor burst out into these blasphemous words: “We are better to ...

  • Just Walk Across the Room
    By Bill Hybels

    If he could row out a few feet from shore in a boat, he figured, then he could keep on preaching from the floating pulpit. And apparently, out of all of the boats lining the shore, Jesus chose Peter's. Without any word of explanation, ...

  • Loving Your Parents When They Can No Longer Love You
    By Terry Hargrave

    Brings tenderness and understanding to the stress and fear associated with caregiving, while at the same time pointing to the virtues we can learn from this service such as honoring and caring for parents and growing in service to God.

  • Loving Your Parents When They Can No Longer Love You
    By Terry D. Hargrave

    TERRY D. HARGRAVE, Ph.D., is narionally recognized for his pioneering work with aging and intergenerational families. He is president of Amarillo Family Institute, Inc., where he and his wife maintain a therapy pracrice, ...

  • Strength and Courage for Caregivers: 30 Hope-Filled Morning and Evening Reflections
    By Terry Hargrave

    ePub Edition January 2009 ISBN: 9780310296676 Requests for information should be addressed to: Zondervan, Grand Rapids, Michigan 49530 Library of Congress CataloginginPublication Data Hargrave, Terry D. Strength and courage for ...

  • Boomers on the Edge: Three Realities That Will Change Your Life Forever
    By Terry Hargrave

    ... Michigan 49530 Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Hargrave, Terry D. Boomers on the edge : three realities that will change your life forever / Terry D. Hargrave. p. cm. ISBN 978-0-310-27659-3 (softcover) 1.

  • God's Story, Your Story Participant's Guide: When His Becomes Yours
    By Max Lucado

    Heaven has scheduled a graduation. Sin will no longer be at war with our flesh. Eyes won't lust, thoughts won't wander, hands won't steal, our minds won't judge, appetites won't rage, and our tongues won't lie. We will be brand-new.

  • Reading Genesis Well: Navigating History, Poetry, Science, and Truth in Genesis 1-11
    By C. John Collins

    Jowett and Goodwin have a modern heir to their hermeneutic, James Barr (1924–2006). Barr made his initial splash in biblical studies with his books The Semantics of Biblical Language (1961) and Biblical Words for Time (1962), ...

  • Invitation to Cross-cultural Theology: Case Studies in Vernacular Theologies
    By William A. Dyrness

    While Christians like Matteo Ricci ( 1552-1610 ) were sometimes welcomed as bearers of the advances of Western culture , their religion was often dismissed as a foreign entity . Indeed missionaries , especially in the nineteenth century ...