Books from Ukiyoto Publishing

  • Come and Explore India with Me
    By Kuntala Bhattacharya

    ... India. It has earned several awards due to its wide gamut of rides and plethora of activities. There are 15 rides for the kids to enjoy and have fun. 14 rides are for families that all weekends. It booms with activity and entertainment ...

  • Women of God's Own Country Chinese Version
    By Varghese V Devasia

    ... 爱自己。他因为爱自己而跳舞,也因为自己的孤独而跳舞。当他与阿姆共舞时,他也在与自己共舞。他可能在阿姆身上看到了自己。他可能爱上了 Ammu 。阿穆恋爱了。她的爱是深刻的,因为其中有一个秘密和一个童话故事。它有很多层,一千种涂层,一百万种釉料。每 ...

  • Gypsy Lover
    By Darla Tverdohleb

    Alodia comes home just to find out her twin sister Alyanna committed suicide.

  • Cries of the Echo
    By Tamikio L. Dooley

    Liam Berry, an award-winning, bestselling author, moved away from Michigan pursuing his writing career.

  • Sweet Nothings
    By Ana Grasya

    May the heart, in its exhaustion, remember to rest and indulge into the sweet memories of love songs resounding from its yesteryears. These are the soft rambles that filled your mind as you lay awake in bed at the early hours of dawn.

  • I Am Alive
    By Sheldon Artwell

    ... letter and resume that I used to continue my job search. In addition, he had me registered with Champion Employment ... until further notice. To this very day, I am patiently waiting on a call back, but it does not seem like that will ...

  • The Celibate Chinese Version
    By Varghese V Devasia

    ... 巴巴处于莲花式(瑜伽中的莲花姿势),闭着眼睛。阿贝和艾玛站在巴巴面前。由于他坐在较高的位置,阿部微微抬起头,看清他的脸。“这么说,你是独身者了,”亚伯突然听到巴巴在和他说话。他的眼睛仍然闭着。“是的,爸爸,”阿贝说。“但你并不是一个独身的萨杜。保持 ...

  • Rendezvous of Repertoire
    By Ritushree Sengupta

    More than an editorial work, this has been a collective journey for all of us where we have grown together. This work is our tribute to all the women academicians who have changed lives.

  • Mowa Popins and the Healing Water Lake
    By Enaya Agrawal

    All was going well.

  • I Shoud Commit Suicide
    By Anita Roy Mandal

    ... commit suicide falls down from his bag. Varun: Hey, what is this? Rope? It means you are also thinking about committing suicide. Kunal realises that his secret of committing suicide is open to all. (He bows down his head.) Varun: Great ...

  • Love Is Beautiful
    By JisatsuNoYuyake

    ... Love. I'm still in love with her." Jacob was expecting Merida to cry. He knows how vulnerable she is and for that he is sorry but he's just really still in love with Elise. At least he thinks he is. Merida softly chuckles while slowly ...

  • Let's be Friends
    By Tamikio L. Dooley

    ... ” Clarissa beamed “I look out my window every night when mommy and daddy read me bedtime stories. I see the moon and stars!” Timothy laughed. The following Saturday afternoon, Todd invited his friends Timothy, and. 4 Let's Be Friends.

  • Speed Dating
    By Ukiyoto Publishing, Shi Hui

    This book is a collection of the insane stories that you’d share with your friends at the bar and then you laugh about it and move on. Yes… the stories of me.

  • Unlucky in Love
    By R Kumar

    ... effort to go her, as she was my true love and I could not forget her whatever happened between us. But she would try to avoid me where ever possible. Chapter 2 T hen something unexpected happened with me. We 66 Unlucky in Love.

  • I Wanna Grow Up Once Again Korean Version
    By Sumit Goel

    ... 트라우마와 함께 관찰자인 우리는 인지 된 혼돈을 관리하기 위한 패턴과 정체성을 만듭니다. 나는 다른 사람이 실제로 나를 해치지 않을 수 있기 때문에 지각되었다고 말합니다. 그러나 나는 상처나 분노 또는 다른 감정을 감지할 수 있습니다. 이것은 ...

  • Innocent Blood
    By Erodias Tombou Sobjio

    INNOCENT BLOOD est un roman sociopolitique qui traite des sujets sur le terrorisme, les rebelles ( Boko Haram, Djihadistes, des gangsters, etc... dans les pays d'Afrique) le manuscrit parle également du conflit politique qui a eu lieu en ...

  • Fillipisms 3333 Maxims to Maximize Your Life Vietnamese Version
    By Dr Prateep V Philip

    ... Đừng lãng phí cuộc đời và tiềm năng của bạn bằng cách đơn giản sống trong thực tế, mà hãy vượt qua thực tế để sống chân thật bằng cách khẳng định những chân lý của Chúa. 20. Từ hôm nay, cầu mong trái tim bạn lớn lên như vườn hoa và chảy ...

  • Schrodinger’s Cat Chinese Version

    ... 多元宇宙中并不重要数十亿年后,生命在这个星球上出现并繁荣昌盛文明来了,又因自己的错误而消亡但现在由于全球变暖,整个星球都陷入了困境除非 ... 寻找多元宇宙星球,扑灭野火也很重要 谁能尽快意识到这一点,谁就能避免生活中不必要的折磨。 Devajit Bhuyan 21.

  • Royally Chosen
    By Tassen Raihan Trima

    What will happen now that Diana and Ivan are forced into a marriage they never expected? How is Diana supposed to deny her new life, now that she is Royally Chosen?

  • Hello Love, I've Moved On
    By Avril Embate

    ... love never lasts at all like how you thought it could. Well, maybe it does last, if that's the true love. And no matter how happy you were few minutes ago, if your partner falls out of love, he falls out of love ... Hello Love, I've Moved On.