Books from Robert Hale Ltd

  • A Gift From Crick
    By John McNally

    Three strangers turned into the saloon doorway as Fred Cooper rushed out and fired. Cooper's shot took the first man square in the ... Cooper stood in a cloud of gun smoke and cordite, a huge grin lit up his face like a Jack-o'-Lantern.

  • Remarque's Law
    By Will DuRey

    'His uncle, Carlton Wellwin.' 'Sorry, ma'am.' 'Henry is my son,' she said, as though that might produce a different answer. 'Carlton's my brother.' 'Sorry, ma'am,' he said again. 'Can't say I've met either of them or heard anyone speak ...

  • Stop! Armed Police!: Inside the Met's Firearms Unit
    By Stephen Smith

    O'Brien, John, 127–9 O'Connell, Martin, 43 O'Donnell, Kieran, 172–4 Okere, Paul, 187–8 Old Bailey, 33, 37, 47, 56, 58,71, 92, 101, 105,123, 125, 139, 149, 151, 159, 169, 209 Old Oak Road (shooting), 110 Old Street police station, 18–19, ...

  • Hell of a Place to Die
    By Paul Bedford

    Following on from A Return to the Alamo, Thomas Collins finds himself in Mexico with a detachment of Texas Rangers.

  • Gunsmoke Express
    By Gillian F Taylor

    'I heard it was a lead horse,' he blustered. Alec grinned mirthlessly. 'That wasna' in the papers: I asked them not tae mention a horse getting shot.' York surged to his feet. 'I didn't read it: I heard it someplace.

  • Sins of Motherlode
    By Gillian F Taylor

    you told Millard that you heard a dying confession. I never heard anything.' Jonah looked at Robinson in surprise. The newspaperman smiled. 'Well, yes; it was a partial untruth. Miss Erica swore that one of the others confessed of ...

  • Battle Mountain
    By Matt Cole

    adjoining room; the tall, hawk-faced Levi Ward and the bushybrowed, heavy-set Frank Humes. These three men were seated by the window, overlooking the railroad depot. From that vantage point, they commanded a view extending far beyond ...

  • Six Guns at Solace
    By John Davage

    He was still groggy from the blow Nate had given him, but thinking clearly enough to register Floyd's suspicious tone. 'I ain't suggestin' anythin',' Floyd said. 'Just askin'. ... 'I don't know what I'm sayin',' Floyd admitted.

  • Hellbound for Spindriff
    By Dale Graham

    So when the strutting peacock lurched over to his table, Rick ignored Quindle's demand to join the game. 'You refusing to let me in?' slurred the inebriated rancher. 'Guess the tinhorn's scared that I'll clean up,' he blurted out to all ...

  • The Bolas
    By Caleb Rand

    This is how you did for Lewis Redbone as well as Foote, were his thoughts as he slipped to the ground, still gripping his Colt. In pain and anguish, he heard someone riding away.

  • Tumbleweed Trail
    By Jack Martin

    It was that damn Arkansas Smith – somehow he knew that. Only Smith or an Indian could get that close to Brady without him being aware of it. There was no other answer – Smith must have survived the caves. 'Damn the man,' Brady spat ...

  • Vaughan Williams: Composer, Radical, Patriot - a Biography
    By Keith Alldritt

    Like a great symphony, this book ranges from doubt to inspiration. It is the most complete biography of one of Britain's greatest composers and will be of interest to historians, students of music and Vaughan Williams enthusiasts.

  • The McCallum Boys
    By C J Sommers

    A single drop of perspiration had broken free of his forehead and now trickled into the miller's eyes. He wiped it away and backed from the table, looking around for help. Someone ought to be able to explain things better.

  • Bitter is the Dust
    By Scott Gese

    A long hour had passed before Smiley got back with Doc Evans, who wasn't looking very happy. He went straight into the operating room and shut the door behind him. Ben was finishing up with Little Walt, who was still alive, but barely.

  • Legacy of a Gunfighter
    By Terry James

    As outside forces emerge and the game starts to take shape, Luke realizes that his part in it was never in doubt. This is the legacy of a gunfighter and he will have to dig deep to claim his reward.

  • Crows Creek
    By John E Vale

    There he met Mat Wilding, a rough, tough ex soldier who taught Murphy how to use a gun, rope cattle, throw a knife and, unfortunately, cheat at cards. Wilding had lost a leg in the war so he couldn't ride as good as he used to, ...

  • Revenge at Powder River
    By John McNally

    Sam Heggarty returns home to hunt for the gunmen who robbed and executed his father.

  • Reuben's Revenge
    By Ben Ray

    William Clarke and Alexander Adams reached the point in the path where the giant oak tree stood to their right. Adams looked for sign. 'Buggy came as far as here and stopped a while. You can see the wheel ruts where it was parked just ...

  • In The High Bitterroots
    By Will DuRey

    Brigg Hutton, the barman, was standing at the end of the counter as though planning on going somewhere, probably into the storehouse to get Lars. Six other men were in the room, five seated around a table near the street door and the ...

  • Long Shadows
    By Terry James

    'You look a mite upset, Jake,' Riley observed. 'I guess you could say that.' Jake didn't trust himself to elaborate. 'Can't say I blame you. I'm not sure how I feel about that whole situation myself.' Jake's illusions dissolved ...