Books from Jason Aronson, Incorporated

  • A Treasury of American-Jewish Folklore
    By Steve Koppman, Lion Koppman

    Morris Goldwater, one of the sons of Arizona pioneer “Big Mike" Goldwater and uncle of 1964 Republican presidential candidate Barry Goldwater, served as mayor of Prescott, Arizona, for more than twenty years. In 1964, Prescott named him ...

  • Cultural Psychotherapy: Working With Culture in the Clinical Encounter
    By Karen M. Seeley

    R. Perez Foster, M. Moskowitz, and R. A. Javier, pp. 211—224. Northvale, NJ: Jason Aronson. Winnicott, D. W. (1960a). Ego distortions in terms of true and false self. In The Maturational Processes and the Facilitating Environment, ...

  • The Essential Maimonides: Translations of the Rambam
    By Moses Maimonides, Avraham Yaakov Finkel

    Concerning my dear friend and student Rabbi Shlomoh Cohen who, according to your letter, praised me exceedingly, he exaggerates out of his great love for me. May Zion and Jerusalem be rebuilt and become a flourishing garden.

  • Psychodynamic Perspectives on Working with Children, Families, and Schools
    By Michael O'Loughlin

    For school professionals seeking to work in emotionally focused ways with children, this book offers a wide range of essays illustrating how psychodynamic ideas can be used to validate children, respect the contexts of their communities, ...

  • Sexual Boundary Violations: Therapeutic, Supervisory, and Academic Contexts
    By Andrea Celenza

    Laurence, 81 Perry, C. (1988). Hypnosis, Will 8Memory: A Psycholegal History. New York: Guilford Press. Lloyd, G.E.R. (1983). Hippocratic Writings. London: Penguin Classics. Masters, William &Johnson, Virginia. (1970).

  • Creating the Capacity for Attachment: Treating Addictions and the Alienated Self
    By Karen B. Walant

    Treating Addictions and the Alienated Self Karen B. Walant. experiential degrees of feelings. ... Stern feels that the inevitable misunderstandings of the mother do not bring about ruptures of the infant's sense of parental omniscience.

  • Overcoming Shyness and Social Phobia: A Step-by-Step Guide
    By Ronald M. Rapee

    When you focus on the first two areas described above—that is, on how you look and on what others are thinking—you take away most of your attention from the job you are doing your story ...

  • The Interpersonal Unconscious
    By David E. Scharff, Jill Savege Scharff

    Dozier, M., Cue, K., and Barnett, L. (1994). Clinicians as caregivers: Role of attachment organization in treatment. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology 62: 793–800. Dozier, M., Lomax, L., and Tyrrell, C. (1996).

  • In the Image of God: A Feminist Commentary on the Torah
    By Judith S. Antonelli

    Daley, Yvonne. “Vermont Judge Rules That Indians Hold Fishing and Hunting Rights.” The Boston Globe, Aug. 15, 1989, p. 17. Daum, Annette. “Blaming Jesus for the Death of the Goddess."Lilith, 7 (1980/5741): 12—13. Dell'Olio, Anselma.

  • Object Relations Couple Therapy
    By David E. Scharff, Jill Savege Scharff

    Roiphe and Galenson (1981) documented the importance of experiences beginning in the second year of life, while Meyer (1985a), reviewed the evidence for events during oedipal development. There are often crucial additional turning ...

  • Object Relations Family Therapy
    By David E. Scharff, Jill Savege Scharff

    British journal of Medical Psychology 46:239—250. Call, J. (1984). Early patterns of communication. In Frontiers of Infant Psychiatry, Vol. 2, ed. J. Call, E. Galenson, and R. Tyson. New York: Basic Books. Clayton, P. 1., and Barnstein, ...

  • Language and Connection in Psychotherapy: Words Matter
    By Mary E. Davis

    This book explores the role of language in interpersonal and intrapsychic life, looking at how it can support as well as interfere with our ability to function in a social environment.

  • Couple and Family Therapy of Addiction
    By Jerome D. Levin

    Kaufman and Kaufrnann's interpretations include countertransferential ones, and they make extensive use of countertransference. They also espouse the need to work through, so for all of the strategicstructural borrowings in their ...

  • The Basic Beliefs of Judaism: A Twenty-first-Century Guide to a Timeless Tradition
    By Lawrence J. Epstein

    New York: Farrar, Straus and Young, 1951. Hertzberg, Arthur, ed. Judaism. New York: George Braziller, 1962. Heschel, Abraham Joshua. God in Search of Man. Philadelphia: Jewish Publication Society, 1956. ———. Man Is Not Alone.

  • Radical Claims in Freudian Psychoanalysis: Point/Counterpoint
    By M. Andrew Holowchak

    If a science is a method which deals with a field that is appropriate to it, as the psychoanalyst, R.D. Laing suggests in his classic book about existential psychiatry, The Divided Self then psychoanalysis can be seen as “a science of ...

  • Dynamic Therapy in Brief Hospi
    By John M. Oldham, Mark L. Russakoff

    To find more information about Rowman and Littlefield titles, please visit

  • The Adolescent Journey
    By Marsha Levy-Warren

    New York: Macmillan. Hill, J. (1973). Some Perspectives on Adolescence in American Society. The Office of Child Development, U.S. Department of Health, Education and Welfare. Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office. Hill,.

  • The Mystic Quest: An Introduction to Jewish Mysticism
    By David S. Ariel

    Parva naruralia. On Breath. Trans. W. S. Hett, Cambridge: Harvard University Press. Babylonian Talmud (1886). Vilna: Romm. Ben-Sasson, H. H. (1967). Rabbi Mosheh ben Nahman: lsh be-Sivkhei Tekufato. Molad (N.S.) 1:360-368. Biale ...

  • Cognitive-Behavioral Play Therapy
    By Susan M. Knell

    Another disagreement between A. Freud and Klein was about whether the preoedipal child could be analyzed. Anna Freud's position was that a child who could not form an oedipal object relationship with the therapist could not be analyzed; ...

  • The V-Spot: Healing the 'V'ulnerable Spot from Emotional Abuse
    By Joan Lachkar

    Meanwhile, Nicole feels her biological clock is running out while Sidney sits back and does nothing until he is ready. Therapist: Hi, Nicole and Sidney: Nicole: (crying) My biological clock is running out of time, and Sidney already has ...