Books from John Murray

  • Euclid Rules OK?
    By Jean-Pierre Petit

    Euclid Rules OK?

  • Informagic
    By Jean-Pierre Petit


  • A Perfect Woman
    By L. P. Hartley

    'What Master?' Vaguely he thought of a schoolmaster, and thenof a masterof foxhounds.'But wedon't have hunting round here.' 'He doesn't mean thatkindofa master,' said Isabel, after a moment's hesitation, for she didn't wantto seem to be ...

  • My Fellow Devils
    By L. P. Hartley

    But now she wondered whether he was not cherishing a grudge against her for having treated his employerso badly: she knew that barristers' clerks sometimes identified themselvesso closely with their masters as to refer to them as 'we'.

  • The Brickfield
    By L. P. Hartley

    I had my set backs,ofcourse,times when I didn'tdosowell, when masters expressed disappointment, whenIthought myself (and probably was) unpopular, whenmy parents weren't quite so pleased with me asI thought they ought tobe.

  • The Boat
    By L. P. Hartley

    ... tomeet Tyroon his own newground, hefeltthat he was attitudinising, andthat the letter hadnomoreto do with Tyro than an essay has with the master itisshownup to, and meant no moreto Timothy than an exerciseinschoolboy dialectics.

  • The Betrayal
    By L. P. Hartley

    No, it isn't illegal to sell skins – you could sell your skin, ifyou wanted to, and I could sell mine' (and he glanced at the back of his hairy hand),'but we aren't surethat selling skins is what Master Chinnery is really upto.

  • The Hireling
    By L. P. Hartley

    Leadbitter was master of as many degreesof coldness as arefrigerator, he could modulate froma light hoarfrost to adeep freeze. But only with men didhe adopt these tactics; women were to some extent non combatants, and as such outside ...

  • The English Marriage: Tales of Love, Money and Adultery
    By Maureen Waller

    Similarly, when Lady Harriet Spencer marriedLord Duncannon in1780 it wasvery muchto please her parents.'Iwish Ihad known him a little better first,' she tolda friend, 'butmy dear papa &mama say thatit willmake them the happiest ...

  • Moscow, Midnight
    By John Simpson

    Government minister Patrick Macready has been found dead in his flat.

  • Corruptible: Who Gets Power and How It Changes Us
    By Brian Klaas

    Does power corrupt, or are corrupt people drawn to power? Are entrepreneurs who embezzle and cops who kill the outgrowths of bad systems or are they just bad people? Are...

  • Assassin's Reign
    By Michael Arnold

    Assassin's Reign, the fourth in The Civil War Chronicles, Michael Arnold's acclaimed series of historical thrillers, sees battle-scarred hero Captain Stryker, 'the Sharpe of the Civil War', in the fight of his life.

  • The Dying Breed
    By Declan Hughes

    But Geraghty would make theface soon enough,or someone onhis team would; nomore than therest ofus,Guards weredesperate menfor the geegees. It was a little after ten when Igotto Bayview.I bought therest ofthe papers and had breakfast ina ...

  • A Long Lunch: My Stories and I'm Sticking to Them
    By Simon Hoggart

    It would be a callow sports reporter who became nervous in the presence of Andy Murray or David Beckham, and a useless political correspondent who was tonguetied on meeting the Prime Minister. Actually, politicians tend to be more ...

  • Eating for Britain
    By Simon Majumdar

    Even as a callow youth, nearly thirty years ago, its history never failed to impress me and I would linger on my way to the bathroom to look at the hunting pictures, photographs and portraits and peer into what was then a private dining ...

  • Bad Girls: A History of Rebels and Renegades
    By Caitlin Davies

    Charity Taylor, like several of her predecessors at Holloway Prison, was a medical doctor. Born in 1914 in Woking, Surrey, she had studied medicine in London and at the age of twentyeight had been appointed Holloway's assistant medical ...

  • The Confidence Project: Your plan for personal growth, happiness and success science of self-confidence
    By Rob Yeung

    New York: MacMillan. 2 Masuda, A., Hayes, S. C., Sackett, C. F., & Twohig, M. P. (2004). 'Cognitive defusion and self-relevant negative thoughts: Examining the impact of a ninety-year-old technique'. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 42, ...

  • Osman's Dream: The Story of the Ottoman Empire 1300-1923
    By Caroline Finkel

    The DukeofNaxos, Philadelphia (1948) Rothenburg, Gunter Erich, The Austrian Military Border in Croatia, 1522–1747, Urbana(1960) Rothenburg, Gunter Erich,TheMilitary Border inCroatia, 1740– 1881, Chicago (1966) Rypka, J.,art.

  • Hall of a Thousand Columns
    By Tim Mackintosh-Smith

    ... with its perky bobby'shelmet pavilions and tiled friezes of bathtime yellow ducks; the explanatory signboards ('Please note that the walls have gone up perpendicular to converse in the dome'); and, at the ExElephant Gate, ...

  • Science for Special Needs: Key 3
    By Robin Osborne, Robson

    Science for Special Needs: Key 3