Books from Lynne Rienner Publishers

  • China's Just World: The Morality of Chinese Foreign Policy
    By Zhiyu Shi

    Wu Xueqian , 119 Xie Yixian , 41 Xieguang , 156 Xinjiang , 48 , 86 8 , 46 , 212 – 213 ; image , 127 ; imperialism , 6 , 19 ; international organization , 12 ; investment in China , 109 ; Korea , 53 ; national role , 99 , 103 ; new ...

  • Collapsed States: The Disintegration and Restoration of Legitimate Authority
    By I. William Zartman

    Oakley , Robert and John Hirsch ( 1995 ) , Somalia and Operation Restore Hope : Reflections on Peacekeeping and Peacemaking . Washington , DC : United States Institute of Peace . Ochieng , E. O. ( 1991 ) , “ Economic Adjustment Programs ...

  • Myths, Models, and U.S. Foreign Policy
    By Stephen W. Twing

    One problem is that many of the economic ideas that underlie the myth , such as those of Adam Smith and others , had their origins in Europe . There is evidence , however , that long before the classical liberal economic ideas of Adam ...

  • Minuteman: The Military Career of General Robert S. Beightler
    By John Kennedy Ohl

    Diary of Raymond O. Fatig , August 30 - September 3 , 1916 , World War I Survey , 166th Infantry . 8. Cooper , 1997 , 165 . 9. R. S. Beightler to E. A. Walsh , August 28 , 1945 , BP . 10. Cheseldine , 42 . 11.

  • Democracy and Socialism in Sandinista Nicaragua
    By Harry E. Vanden, Gary Prevost

    Taylor , Anne Marie . 1975. “ Cien años de soledad : History and the Novel . ” Latin American Perspectives 2 . Thome , Joseph and David Kaimowitz . 1985. " Agrarian Reform . ” In Thomas Walker , ed . , Nicaragua : The First Five Years .

  • The Path to Blitzkrieg: Doctrine and Training in the German Army, 1920-1939
    By Robert Michael Citino

    Moltke's own writings are available in an extremely useful recent volume , Daniel J. Hughes , ed . , Moltke on the Art of War : Selected Writings ( Novato , CA : Presidio Press , 1993 ) . 14. " Vernichtung des feindlichen Heeres ... ist ...

  • Men, Militarism, and UN Peacekeeping: A Gendered Analysis
    By Sandra Whitworth

    Ahmed Aruush and Shidane Arone were forgotten quickly131 — the former seldom mentioned at all and the latter seldom mentioned by name . The inquiry called to investigate their deaths was wrapped up without ever hearing testimony about ...

  • U.S. Politics and the Global Economy: Corporate Power, Conservative Shift
    By Ronald W. Cox, Daniel Skidmore-Hess

    Memorandum from Henry Wallich , senior consultant to the treasury secretary to CEA member Herb Stein , subject : “ Summary of Treasury Consultants Meeting ” of November 22 , 1969 , memo dated December 5 , 1969 , White House Central ...

  • Contemporary Regulatory Policy
    By Marc Allen Eisner, Jeffrey Worsham, Evan J. Ringquist

    Regulation in the Bush Administration : Setting the Energy Agenda Ronald Reagan oversaw the end to the synthetic fuels program , encouraged utilities to reexplore the nuclear energy option , decontrolled oil and gas prices , and pushed ...

  • The Weapons State: Proliferation and the Framing of Security
    By David Mutimer

    First , he reports that the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff , Colin Powell , ordered a new overarching military posture to guide the U.S. military without the lodestone of a Soviet enemy : General Powell's formal instructions to ...

  • Television: The Limits of Deregulation
    By Lori A. Brainard

    Prentice Hall , 1989 . Reagan , Ronald . Veto - S . 742 : Message from the President of the United States of America Returning Without My Approval S. 742 , the Fairness in Broadcasting Act . Washington , D.C .

  • Civil Society & Development: A Critical Exploration
    By Jude Howell, Jenny Pearce

    Democratization , 4 , no . 2 , pp . 57–83 . 1998. “ From Civil War to Civil Society : Has the End of the Cold War Brought Peace to Central America ? ” International Affairs , 74 , no . 3 , July , pp . 587-615 . Pearson , Margaret .

  • Race in the Schools: Perpetuating White Dominance?
    By Judith R. Blau

    Entwisle , Doris R. , Karl L. Alexander , and Linda Steffel Olson . “ The Gender Gap in Math . ... Friedkin , Noah E. , and Scott L. Thomas . ... Asghar Iran - Nejad and P. David Pearson . Washington , D.C .

  • Whistleblowing: When it Works--and why
    By Roberta Ann Johnson

    As one whistleblower confided , " Being trained as a scientist rather than a politician , I have never found negotiations to be a particularly satisfactory means of solving problems " ( Pearson , cited in Frome 1978 : 51 ) .

  • Biological Warfare: Modern Offense and Defense
    By Director of the Chemical and Biological Weapons Nonproliferation Program Raymond A Zilinskas

    Graham Pearson ( 1993b ) argues that biological weapons proliferation can be stopped through a " web of deterrence . " Four elements form the strands of the web : ( 1 ) effective defenses against biological weapons , ( 2 ) a ...

  • Becoming President: The Bush Transition, 2000-2003
    By John P. Burke

    The Bush Transition, 2000-2003 John P. Burke. tion defense . On December 6 , 2002 , both tendered their resignations as had been requested . The dismissals had been decided by President Bush on December 4 in a meeting that Card , Bolten ...

  • Olympic Dreams: The Impact of Mega-events on Local Politics
    By Matthew Burbank, Gregory Andranovich, Charles H. Heying

    OLYMPIC DREAMS THE IMPACT OF MEGA - EVENTS ON LOCAL POLITICS Matthew J. Burbank , Gregory D. Andranovich , and Charles H. Heying " This volume not only answers the questions of why and how cities pursue mega - events like hosting the ...

  • Ivoirien Capitalism: African Entrepre
    By John Rapley

    Niangui , L'organisation sociale et politique des gwa de Côte d'Ivoire ( Abidjan : Université Nationale de Côte ... J. P. Chauveau and J. Richard , Organisation soci - économique gban et économie de plantation ( Abidjan : ORSTOM ...

  • The Ticos: Culture and Social Change in Costa Rica
    By Mavis Hiltunen Biesanz, Richard Biesanz, Karen Zubris Biesanz

    Special thanks to Michael Snarskis , Sandra Castro , Oscar Herrera and family , Arturo Morales , Leda Montoya , Jovita Hernández , John Biesanz , Barry Biesanz , Sarah Blanchet , Ricardo Vargas , Roberto Salóm , Gravelí Morales ...

  • Insurrection & Revolution: Armed Struggle in Cuba, 1952-1959
    By Gladys Marel García-Pérez, Gladys Marel García

    Armed Struggle in Cuba, 1952-1959 Gladys E. Garcia Perez, Gladys M. Garcia-Perez, Gladys Marel García-Pérez, Gladys E. García Louis Perez. ( Trade ) , Jesús A. Portocarrero ( Labor ) , Andrés Rivero Agüero ( Education ) , Enrique ...