Books from Authentic Media Inc

  • Once an Addict
    By Barry Woodward, Andrew Chamberlain

    Meanwhile Ihad arranged to have a meeting with IanWatson, who isthe senior leader of the Bridge Church in Bolton, which is a large AoG church.He agreed thatI could base myself in his church andwork out of there.

  • Mission in Marginal Places: The Praxis
    By Paul Cloke, Michael Pears

    William Cavanaugh has written about Holy Communion as a practice which challenges the false order of the state and offers an alternative.24 He argues that the state's promise of salvation – the kind of things politicians offer in ...

  • Understanding Jesus: Five Ways to Spiritual Enlightenment
    By Peter S Williams

    Examines the Gospel accounts of Jesus' life the claims of Jesus' life and ministry. Peter S. Williams brings a philosopher's Jesus and argues that understanding the spirituality of Jesus is the path to our own spiritual enlightenment.

  • Job's Way Through Pain: Karma, Cliches & Questions
    By Paul Hedley Jones

    pain into chaos and despair. Nor can I bear the thought of Solomon's life being wasted or his death being in vain. I need something good to come from it; otherwise hope drains away. It's not the 'good' I wanted or that anyone wouldwish ...

  • Church as Moral Community: Karl Barth's Vision of Christian Life, 1915-1922
    By Michael D O'Neil

    James M. Robinson; Richmond: John Knox, 1968), 7281. Note Barth's response to Jülicher's reviewin his letter to Thurneysen dated July 14, 1920: 'There! Yesterday afternoon Jülicher's longheralded 42centimeter shell landed here' (Smart, ...

  • In His Image: Understanding and Embracing the Poor
    By Andy Matheson

    Andy Matheson, Oasis International Director, argues that we can only begin to understand poverty, its effects, and possible solutions when we focus on the truth that all people are made in God's image.

  • S Lewis vs the New Atheists
    By Peter S Williams

    Peter S Williams. 42 Quoted by Downing, ... 60 Interview withFrancis S.Collins ... 91 Tom Morris, Foreword, C.S. Lewis as Philosopher: Truth, Goodness and Beauty (ed.

  • The Wesleys
    By Julian Wilson

    Meanwhile, Charles and Benjamin Ingham accompanied Oglethorpe to establish a new settlement called Fort Frederica on St. Simon's Island, one hundred miles south of Savannah. The settlement consisted of a few tents and huts.

  • Aspects of Reforming: Theology and Practice in Sixteenth Century Europe
    By Michael Parsons

    Thompson, 'Historical Background,' 25. Calvin, Commentary on Jeremiah (Grand Rapids: Baker, 1979), xxi. The struggle of the Lutheran and Reformed over the Augsburg continued from 1563 with the formal adoption of the Heidelberg Catechism ...

  • The Future of Biblical Interpretation: Responsible Plurality in Biblical Hermeneutics
    By STANLEY E PORTER, Matthew R Malcolm

    12 Kevin J.Vanhoozer, Is There aMeaninginThis Text? ... Treier, Introducing Theological Interpretation, pp.142–5;J. Todd Billings, The Wordof God forthePeople of God: An Entryway to the Theological Interpretation of Scripture (Grand ...

  • Will All be Saved?: An Assessment of Universalism in Western Theology
    By Laurence Malcolm Blanchard

    London: Darton, Longman & Todd, 1964. ______. The Unknown Christ of Hinduism. Revised and enlarged edition. ... Edited by J.P. Migne. 162 vols. Paris, 1857–1886. Patrologia latina. Edited by J.P. Migne. 217 vols. Paris, 1844–1864.

  • Joyful in Hope: Finding God in the Extremes
    By Jean Gibson

    Despite the trauma of their own suffering, Rosie and David tried to protect sixyearold Ellen by keeping her life as normal as possible. She picked up information about Peter at her own pace, gradually coming to understand all that made ...

  • Puritan Evangelism: Preaching for Conversion in Late-Seventeeth Century English
    By Clifford B Boone

    Gore, Ralph Jackson, Jr. 'The Pursuit of Plainness: Rethinking the Puritan Regulative Principle of Worship.' Ph.D., Westminster Theological ... Maddux, Clark. 'Ramist Rationality, Covenant Theology, and the Poetics of Edward Taylor.

  • A Distinctive People: A Thematic Study of Aspects of the Witness of Baptists in Scotland in the Twentieth Century
    By Brian Talbot

    26 One of Wallis' early associates in renewal, David Lillie addresses this theme in his book Beyond Charisma. He is believed [by dispensationalists and others] thatwe have nowreached thefinal 'Laodicean' period when the ...

  • When Faith Turns Ugly: Understanding Toxic Faith and How to Avoid It
    By Brian Harris

    Brian Harris' take on what constitutes life-serving faith is refreshing and will be appreciated by all who would like to be sure that their obedience to Jesus the Christ will help to build a world with a better name.

  • To Heaven and Back: A Doctor's Extraordinary Account of Her Death, Heaven, Angels, and Life Again
    By Mary C Neal

    Sceptical of near death experiences, she was to have her life transformed when her kayak became wedged in rocks at the bottom of a waterfall and was underwater for so long that her heart stopped.To Heaven And Back is Mary's faith-enriching ...

  • Mission in Marginal Places: The Theory
    By Michael Pears

    101–10; C. René Padilla, Mission between the Times: Essays on the Kingdom (Carlisle: Langham, 2010), pp. 103–27; Robert J. Schreiter, 'Contextualization from a World Perspective', in Ministry and Theology in Global Perspective: ...

  • Who Has Bewitched You? A Study in Galatians
    By Alan J Spence

    6 Watson suggests an alternative strategy. 'If we are to understand Paul's view of the law and of Judaism, our starting point should not be the complex theoretical discussions of the law found in his letters, but the situation in the ...

  • Youthwork After Christendom
    By Jo Pimlott, Nigel Pimlott

    8 For further exploration of this issue, see Bob Jackson's Encounters on the Edge series at

  • The Physically Disabled in Ancient Israel According to the Old Testament and Ancient Near Eastern Sources
    By Michael D Fiorello

    Holladay contends that “supplications” is not a correct reading and that it should be amended to read consolations. 189 Carroll, Jeremiah, 591. 190 Gerald L. Keown, Pamela J. Scalise, and Thomas G. Smothers, ...