Books from Parmenides Publishing

  • PLOTINUS, Ennead III.4: On Our Allotted Guardian Spirit
    By Wiebk-Marie Stock

    Oxford: Oxford University Press. Griffiths, J. Gwyn, ed. 1975. Apuleius of Madauros, The Isis-Book (Metamorphoses, Book XI). Edited with an introduction, translation and commentary by J. Gwyn Griffiths. Leiden: Brill. Gritti, Elena.

  • Legacy of Parmenides
    By Patricia Curd

    In that argument (Simplicius, in Ph. 138.38– 139.3 = 97.13–16) Alexander took Zeno to be “confuting the one,” a claim that Simplicius disputes. At the time that I maintained that Simplicius was right that Parmenides' account of what-is ...

  • PLOTINUS Ennead IV.3-4.29: Problems Concerning the Soul
    By John Blumenthal H.J. Dillon

    “Plotinus and the Vehicle of the Soul,” in Gnosticism, Platonism and the Late Antique World: Essays in Honor of John D. Turner, edd. K. Corrigan and T. Rasimus, Leiden: Brill, pp. 485–496. Page No: 422 Dodds, E. R. 1934.

  • Route of Parmenides
    By Alexander P.D. Mourelatos

    17. See Pepe, ch. 3. 18. Ibid., pp. 78 f., 92 f. Cf. James H. Oliver, Demokratia, the Gods, and the Free World (Baltimore, 1960), pp. 108–17. 19. Metaph. Iooža;3 ff.; E.N. Io96b27; Top. 106ag f. 20. PERSUASION AND FIDELITY I 39.

    By Arnold Hermann

    [737] Courant, R., H. Robbins, and I. Steward. What Is Mathematics? An Elementary Approach to Ideas and Methods. 2nd ed. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1996. [738] Davis, Philip J., and Reuben Hersch. The Mathematical Experience.

  • One Book, The Whole Universe
    By Richard D. Mohr

    14 Formed in 1888, the Clark & Cox “Ben-Hur Tableaux” toured the United States for nine years. ... 1888); see the introduction by Jerome M. Clubb and Howard W. Allen in the 2001 Southern Illinois University Press edition of the novel ...

  • PLOTINUS Ennead I.6 On Beauty
    By Andrew Smith

    London: Bristol Classical Press. ARISTOTLE: Metaphysics, trans. Ross, W. D. 1928. Oxford: Clarendon Press. Metaphysica, ed. Ross, W. D. 1957. Oxford: Clarendon Press. Nicomachean Ethics, trans. Ross, W. D. 1925. Oxford: Clarendon Press.

  • Parmenides, Venerable and Awesome
    By Nestor Luis Cordero

    ... Parmenides, Cosmos and Being (Milwaukee: Marquette University Press, 2007); Parménides, Poema: Fragentos y tradición textual, edited and translated by A. Bernabé; introduction, notes and commentary by J. Pérez de Tudela; ...

  • One and Many in Aristotle's Metaphysics: The Central Books
    By Edward C. Halper

    Michael Hayduck (Berlin: George Reimer, 1888), ad loc. Gail Fine, “Separation,” Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy II (1984): 35, accepts it; Donald Morrison, “Separation in Aristotle's Metaphysics,” Oxford Studies in Ancient ...

  • Philosopher in Plato's Statesman
    By Mitchell Miller

    In his 1980 study, reprinted here, Mitchell Miller employs literary theory and conceptual analysis to expose the philosophical, political, and pedagogical conflict that is the underlying context of the dialogue, revealing that its chaotic ...

  • PLOTINUS EnneadV.8 On Intelligible Beauty
    By Andrew Smith

    Plotinus' Ennead V.8, originally part of a single work (with III.8, V.5, and II.9), provides the foundation for a positive view of the universe as an image of divine beauty against the Gnostic rejection of the world.

  • God and Forms in Plato
    By Richard D. Mohr

    (3) “Plato's Cosmogony (Timaeus 27d ff.)” Classical Quarterly 9 (1959) 17–22. ... Johansen, T. J. Plato's Natural Philosophy: A Study of the Timaeus-Critias. Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. ... Miller, D. The Third Kind in Plato's Timaeus.

  • Plato's Universe
    By Gregory Vlastos

    Plato gives us the chance to see that movement from a unique perspective: that of a fierce opponent of the revolution who was determined to wrest from its brilliant discovery, annex its cosmos, and redesign it on the pattern of his own ...

  • PLOTINUS Ennead IV.7: On the Immortality of the Soul
    By Barrie Fleet

    On the Immortality of the Soul Barrie Fleet ... II.4: On Matter by Anthony A. Long Ennead II.9: Against the Gnostics by Sebastian Ramon Philipp Gertz Ennead III.4: On Our Allotted Guardian Spirit by Wiebke-Marie Stock Ennead III.5: On ...

  • PLOTINUS Ennead II.9: Against the Gnostics
    By Sebastian Gertz

    ... Layne Ennead I.8: On the Nature and Source of Evil by Anne Sheppard Ennead II.4: On Matter by Anthony A. Long Ennead II.9: Against the Gnostics by Sebastian Ramon Philipp Gertz Ennead III.4: On Our Allotted Guardian Spirit by ...

  • PLOTINUS Ennead VI.8: On the Voluntary and on the Free Will of the One
    By John, Kevin Turner Corrigan

    Pythagorean Crimes by Tefcros Michaelides The Aristotle Quest: A Dana McCarter Trilogy. ... by Robert Goulding Ennead II.8: On Sight by Robert Goulding Ennead III.4: On Our Allotted Guardian Spirit by Wiebke-Marie Stock Ennead III.5: On ...

  • PLOTINUS Ennead I.1: What is the Living Thing? What is Man?
    By Gerard O'Daly

    Pythagorean Crimes by Tefcros Michaelides The Aristotle Quest: A Dana McCarter Trilogy. ... by Robert Goulding Ennead II.8: On Sight by Robert Goulding Ennead III.4: On Our Allotted Guardian Spirit by Wiebke-Marie Stock Ennead III.5: On ...

  • PLOTINUS Ennead VI.9: On the Good or the One
    By Stephen Clark

    What Is Man? by Gerard O'Daly I.6: On Beauty by Andrew Smith II.5: On What Is Potentially and What Actually by Cinzia Arruzza II.9: Against the Gnostics by Sebastian Ramon Philipp Gertz III.4: On Our Allotted Guardian Spirit by ...

  • PLOTINUS Ennead VI.4 & VI.5: On the Presence of Being, One and the Same, Everywhere as a Whole
    By Steven, Eyjolfur Strange Emilsson

    Ennead VI.4-5, originally written as a single treatise, contains Plotinus' most general and sustained exposition of the relationship between the intelligible and the sensible realms, addressing and coalescing two central issues in Platonism ...

  • Interpreting Plato's Dialogues
    By Angelo J. Corlett

    But not all of Plato's dialogues take these dramatic forms. Thus it fails the test of the first desideratum of a plausible approach to Plato's works, as described in Chapter 1. All in all, while the Socratic Interpretation concurs ...