Books from University of Notre Dame Pess

  • From the Cast-Iron Shore: In Lifelong Pursuit of Liberal Learning
    By Francis Oakley

    Small colleges in settings like Amherst, Oberlin, and Swarthmore did not prove to be exempt. Nor did Williams. The occupation of Willard Straight Hall at Cornell took place on April 18, 1969. Less than two weeks earlier, members of the ...

  • A Framework for the Good
    By Kevin Kinghorn

    My response is that you will feel more than what Feldman has indicated. Your reflection on your diminishing pain has a certain feeling tone to it; it feels a certain way to reflect on your changing condition. Feldman seems to want to ...

  • Dante and Violence: Domestic, Civic, Cosmic
    By Brenda Deen Schildgen

    In Thomas Aquinas, Commentary on the Letters of Saint Paul to the Philippians, Colossians, Thessalonians, Timothy, Titus, and Philemon, translated by F. R. ... In Aristoteles Latinus database, edited by Carlos G. Steel and Paul Tombeur.

  • Nostalgia after Apartheid: Disillusionment, Youth, and Democracy in South Africa
    By Amber R. Reed

    “Seminude School Performance Sparks Debate about Tradition in South Africa.” New York Times, June 2. Crais, Clifton. 1998. “Of Men, Magic, and the Law: Popular Justice and the Political Imagination in South Africa.

  • The University of Notre Dame: A History
    By Thomas E. Blantz C.S.C.

    See also letters to Cavanaugh from Ernest Davis (July 2, 1908), Stephen Gavin (September 19, 1907), James Gallagher (November 14, 1909), James Donahue (December 8, 1909), and George Finnigan (August 8, 1913) in the John W. Cavanaugh ...

  • St. Patrick's Day: another day in Dublin
    By Thomas McGonigle

    The head of Mangan on its pillar. Crossed over the bridge Ruth used in her search for that flower containing the bottle of shampoo. Back and forth in front of the pond walked the duck counters. A swan was out in the middle of the pond ...

  • Aquinas's Eschatological Ethics and the Virtue of Temperance
    By Matthew Levering

    2 of Saint Thomas Aquinas [Washington, DC: Catholic University of America Press, 2003], 376). 10. ... 2005); Matthew J. Thomas, Paul's “Works of the Law” in the Perspective of Second Century Reception (Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2018).

  • Interruptions: Mysticism, Politics, and Theology in the Work of Johann Baptist Metz
    By J. Matthew Ashley

    Mysticism, Politics, and Theology in the Work of Johann Baptist Metz J. Matthew Ashley. Thomas's greatness lies in his willingness to stretch or to move beyond Greek categories when he uses them to try to articulate concepts drawn from ...

  • Seamus Heaney’s Regions
    By Richard Rankin Russell

    this stanza with a moving tribute to Lavery that mourns his material absence because of the manner of his death: And what in the end was there left to bury Of Mr. Lavery, blown up in his own pub As he bore the primed device and bears it ...

  • Minding the Modern: Human Agency, Intellectual Traditions, and Responsible Knowledge
    By Thomas Pfau

    On Aquinas's notion of synderesis and conscience, see McCabe, “Aquinas on Good Sense.” Drawing on Aquinas's early Questio Disputata de Veritate, McInerny notes how, unlike the “purely cognitive” judgment of conscience, choice “consists ...

  • Freedom and Tradition in Hegel: Reconsidering Anthropology, Ethics, and Religion
    By Thomas A. Lewis

    On the I in abstract right, see PR § 35; Enz. § 490; Rph I § 12 A. See also Riedel 1984, 172; Tunick 1994, 327; Williams 1997, 119, 120, and 135. 28. Charles Taylor, for instance, focuses on morality primarily in this hypostatized mode ...

  • Mary's Bodily Assumption
    By Matthew Levering

    Carroll is careful to emphasize that the view that “all who have fallen asleep in the Lord are already in union with ... See also, on death and the separated soul, Randall S. Rosenberg, “Being-Toward-aDeath-Transformed: Aquinas on the ...

  • Setting Aside All Authority: Giovanni Battista Riccioli and the Science against Copernicus in the Age of Galileo
    By Christopher M. Graney

    Donahue, William. 1981. The Dissolution of the Celestial Spheres, 1595–1650. New York: Arno Press. Drake, Stillman. 1957. Discoveries and Opinions of Galileo. Garden City, NY: Doubleday Anchor Books. Dreyer, J. L. E. 1890.

  • Herman Dooyeweerd: Christian Philosopher of State and Civil Society
    By Jonathan Chaplin

    Contributors include Robert Nisbet, Alan Wolfe, Robert Bellah, Gertrude Himmelfarb, Jean Bethke Elshtain, Amitai Etzioni, Peter Berger, Richard Neuhaus, James Q. Wilson, Francis Fukuyama, Michael Sandel, Mary Ann Glendon, ...

  • Ghosts of the Somme: Commemoration and Culture War in Northern Ireland
    By Jonathan Evershed

    Hume, D., ed. 2005. Battles Beyond the Boyne: Orangemen in the Ranks 1798–2000. Belfast: GOLI. Humphrey, C., and J. Laidlaw. 1994. The Archetypal Actions of ... Jansen, S. 2003. “'Why Do They Hate Us?': Everyday Serbian Nationalist ...

  • Soldiers of the Cross, the Authoritative Text: The Heroism of Catholic Chaplains and Sisters in the American Civil War
    By David Power Conyngham

    Shortly after the Civil War ended, David Power Conyngham, an Irish Catholic journalist and war veteran, began compiling the stories of Catholic chaplains and nuns who served during the war.

  • Creating Conversos: The Carvajal–Santa María Family in Early Modern Spain
    By Roger Louis Martínez-Dávila

    Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell, 2011. Sáez, Liciniano. Demostración histórico del verdadero valor de todas las Moneda que corrían en Castilla durante el reynado del Señor Don Enrique IV, y de su correspondencia con las del Señor D. Cárlos ...

  • The Inheritance of Exile: Stories from South Philly
    By Susan Muaddi Darraj

    “Dr. Farrington. Dr. Keriakis—both senior professors in our department,” John said, and I dutifully shook hands. I caught John's eye, and he winked, his face suffused with red. He was nervous, and, to my own dismay, I felt my own nerves ...

  • Sandinistas: A Moral History
    By Robert J. Sierakowski

    Karen Kampwirth, “Women in the Armed Struggles in Nicaragua: Sandinistas and Contras Compared,” in Radical Women in Latin America: Left and Right, ed. Victoria González-Rivera and Karen Kampwirth (University Park: Penn State University ...

  • The Nature of Human Persons: Metaphysics and Bioethics
    By Jason T. Eberl

    Aristotelian-Thomistic Response to David L. Schindler.” National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly 7 (2007): 729–47. ... Porter, Jean. “Individuality, Personal Identity, and the Moral Status of the Preembryo: A Response to Mark Johnson.