Books from University of Notre Dame Pess

  • Fifty Years with Father Hesburgh: On and Off the Record
    By Robert Schmuhl

    Throughout the book, Schmuhl captures the essence, spirit, and humanity of a great leader.

  • Images of Hope: Imagination as Healer of the Hopeless
    By William F. Lynch SJ

    Edgar H. Schein, Inge Schneier, and Curtis H. Barker, Coercive Persuasion: A Sociopsychological Analysis of the Brainwashing of American Civilian Prisoners of the Chinese Communists (New York: Norton, 1961).

  • Logic and Philosophy: An Integrated Introduction
    By William H. Brenner

    An Integrated Introduction William H. Brenner. count as evidence for “All ravens are black.” But they don't! ... Read, summarize, and discuss Stephen Barker's brief, lucid treatment of it in the last chapter of The Elements of Logic.

  • A Philosophy of the Unsayable
    By William P. Franke

    This book develops Franke's explicit theory of unsayability, which is informed by his long-standing engagement with major representatives of apophatic thought in the Western tradition.

  • Love beneath the Napalm
    By James D. Redwood

    ... along the way: David Lynn, Nancy Zafris, Sharon Dilworth, Robert Anderson, James Carl Nelson, the late Staige Blackford, Peter White, Christopher N. May, Norman R. Shapiro, my brother John Redwood III, David Pratt, and Alex Seita.

  • The Glory and the Burden: The American Presidency from FDR to Trump
    By Robert Schmuhl

    Carter November wins the presidential election against Ford, who becomes 2, 1976 the first former president and former vice ... nomination by amassing more delegates than chief rivals George H. W. Bush and Congressman John Anderson.

  • Ireland's Magdalen Laundries and the Nation's Architecture of Containment
    By James M. Smith

    Finally, Burke Brogan forcibly targets the Catholic Church's collusion with the state-supported sexual double standard that institutionalized women for falling foul of society's moral proscriptions. On Burke Brogan's stage both groups ...

  • Religious Movements in the Middle Ages
    By Herbert Grundmann

    In this case a weaver was not made into a heretic, but rather a heretic became a weaver. There is nothing against the assumption that most heretical “weavers” had similar origins40—and the precedent of Saint Paul, who supported himself ...

  • The Celtic Unconscious: Joyce and Scottish Culture
    By Richard Barlow

    Deconstruction works at the same giddy limit, suspending all that we take for granted about language, experience and the “normal” possibilities of human communication” (C. Norris, xi). Appropriately enough for this study of doubles and ...

  • Medieval Crossover: Reading the Secular against the Sacred
    By Barbara Newman

    Robert Rawdon Wilson, “Godgames and Labyrinths: The Logic of Entrapment,” Mosaic 15.4 (1982): 6; Tison Pugh, “Gawain and the Godgames,” Christianity and Literature 51 (2002): 525–51. The term derives from Fowles's 1966 novel, The Magus.

  • Divine Scripture in Human Understanding: A Systematic Theology of the Christian Bible
    By Joseph K. Gordon

    Rombs, Ronnie J., and Alexander Y. Hwang, eds. Tradition and the Rule of Faith in the Early Church: Essays in Honor of Joseph T. Lienhard, S.J. Washington, DC: Catholic University of America Press, 2010. Römer, Thomas, and Philip R.

  • Christian Identity, Piety, and Politics in Early Modern England
    By Robert E. Stillman

    A volume containing two works on a related topic, one by Vermigli and another by Bullinger, both translated possibly by Thomas Becon, is A treatise of the cohabitacyon of the faithfull with the vnfaithfull Whereunto is added, ...

  • Does God Suffer?
    By Thomas Weinandy O.F.M.

    The immense suffering in the modern world, especially in the light of the Holocaust, has had a profound impact on the contemporary understanding of God and his relationship to human suffering.

  • Twilight of the American Century
    By Andrew J. Bacevich

    In these essays, Bacevich critically examines the U.S. response to the events of September 2001, as they have played out in the years since, radically affecting the way Americans see themselves and their nation’s place in the world.

  • The Mirror of Simple Souls
    By Margaret Porette

    Hathaway, Ronald F. Hierarchy and the Definition of Order in the Letters of Pseudo-Dionysius. The Hague, 1969. Hatto, Arthur T. Essays in Mediaeval German and Other Poetry. Cambridge, 1967. Hodgson, Phyllis, ed. Deonise Hid Diuinite.

  • Opening the Qur'an: Introducing Islam's Holy Book
    By Walter H. Wagner

    Timmerman, Kenneth R. Preachers of Hate: Islam and the War on America. New York: Crown Forum, 2003. Treadgold, Warren. A History of the Byzantine State and Society. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1997. Tuchman, Barbara.

  • Ars Vitae: The Fate of Inwardness and the Return of the Ancient Arts of Living
    By Elisabeth Lasch-Quinn

    been sung about it” (1), Jay holds that the sheer prevalence and changeability of the word means that “we must speak of 'songs' in the plural” rather than misguidedly adhere to one “metanarrative of this idea's history” (2).

  • Aquinas on Matter and Form and the Elements: A Translation and Interpretation of the De Principiis Naturae and the De...
    By Joseph Bobik

    Et dictum est etiam quae sunt miscibilia: quando ista [sunt] passiva ad invicem, et bene terminabilia; et talia sunt bene divisibilia. Dictum est etiam, quod ad hoc quod sit mixtio, necessarium est quod miscibilia non sint simpliciter ...

  • Lessons from Walden: Thoreau and the Crisis of American Democracy
    By Bob Pepperman Taylor

    At a recent lecture at a state university, a philosophy professor was presenting the famous thought experiment discussed by Peter Singer about a boy in danger of drowning in a pond: An individual witnessing this is in a position to save ...

  • The Holocaust and Catholic Conscience: Cardinal Aloisius Muench and the Guilt Question in Germany
    By Suzanne Brown-Fleming

    In this carefully researched book, which draws on Muench’s collected papers, Suzanne Brown-Fleming offers the first assessment of Muench’s legacy and provides a rare glimpse into his commentary on Nazism, the Holocaust, and surviving ...