Books from Fairleigh Dickinson

  • The Rise and Fall of the Femme Fatale in British Literature, 1790–1910
    By Heather L. Braun

    Morris, William Morris. “The Haystack in the Flood.” The Defence of Guenevere, The Life and Death of Jason, and Other Poems. London: Oxford University Press, 1914. 131—36. Owenson, Sydney, Lady Morgan. The Wild Irish Girl (1802).

  • The Price of Honor: The Life and Times of George Brinton McClellan Jr.
    By M. Barbara Mulrine

    He knew that only one of his predecessors had gone on to higher office, and that was John T. Hoffman, whom Tweed got into the governor's chair at the same time that he got himself elected to the State Senate, fraudulently, some claimed.

  • Race and Narrative in Italian Women's Writing Since Unification
    By Melissa Coburn

    Simona Wright, for example, writes of Annarosa in L'incendio nell'olioeto, describing her "dogmatic rigidity in the face ... _ Umw. WWW MIMI: — — lhnwii 1' \ lll'll Inh— Beunhfl mm mm H 'I'Iillll Mun'uw mmln mu ~ I, I w— “ \_- angar,- ...

  • A Handful of Mischief: New Essays on Evelyn Waugh
    By John Howard Wilson, Donat Gallagher, Ann Pasternak Slater

    See “A World University,” History ofthe University ofOxford, Vol. 8, 636. 57. Stephanie Jenkins, St Giles' Street, Oxford, 2006, oxon/stgiles/tour/east/l1.htm 58. Carpenter, Brideshead Generation, 139. 59.

  • The Original Iron Brigade
    By Thomas J. Reed

    I44 Company C was recruited in Schenectady by Bennet Van Voast, who became its captain.145 Two companies were raised in Saratoga County by Miles T. Blevins and Albert J. Perry. Blevins's command became Company C. His company had a ...

  • Germaine de Staël in Germany: Gender and Literary Authority (1800–1850)
    By Judith E. Martin

    Later, when she develops this ability into an art form as a dancer, Rosamunde moves from introspection to activity, in! choate emotions to communication through movement, and from isolation to public expression.

  • Suburban Erasure: How the Suburbs Ended the Civil Rights Movement in New Jersey
    By Walter David Greason

    ... of American History, June 2005, accessed 12 April 2009, http:// 184 Chapter 11 81. David L. Kirp and Ar Ar.

  • Mussolini's National Project in Argentina
    By David Aliano

    61 From Saint Benedict to Saint John Bosco, the texts also used the lives of the saints to promote the Italian agenda. Not the humble servants of God with whom we may be familiar, the fascist versions of the saints were marked by a ...

  • Shakespeare Closely Read: Written and Performance Texts
    By Frank Occhiogrosso

    The essays are united by their commitment to close reading, whatever connection they may also have to other theoretical or methodological approaches.

  • Coarseness in U.S. Public Communication
    By Eric Mark Kramer, Philip Dalton

    Blame stems more from the vulgarization of Adam Smith's ideas than it does with modernization of Guglielmo Marconi's inventions. Our thesis throughout this book is that capitalism, as it manifests in the United States today, ...

  • Rhetoric and the Familiar in Francis Bacon and John Donne
    By Daniel Derrin

    James J. Murphy (Carbondale and Edwardsville: Southern Illinois University Press, 2010), abbreviated hereafter to Arguments. ... Thomas Conley, Rhetoric in the European Tradition (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1990), 122. 46.

  • The Contemporary African American Novel: Multiple Cities, Multiple Subjectivities, and Discursive Practices of Whiteness in Everyday Urban Encounters
    By E. Lâle Demirtürk

    Blackness as “the state of exception,” I argue in this chapter, exposes the fact that the sovereign violence of whiteness opens a “zone of indistinction” between violence and law, and hence in the politics of “inclusive exclusion” ...

  • Frank O'Hara and the Poetics of Saying 'I'
    By Micah Mattix

    The crowning example of this approach is Hazel Smith's Hyperscapes in the Poetry of Frank O'Hara: Dzjfizrence/Homosexuality/thography (2 000). For Smith, what most distinguishes O'Hara is his use of “hyperscapes”—a term that she has ...

  • Reimagining Life: Philosophical Pessimism and the Revolution of Surrealism
    By Raihan Kadri

    has apparently been tended to by a “doctor,” one who enters the scene with the name “Imagination” to pronounce a “discourse on himself.” Imagination claims himself capable of administering to anything “from remembrance to systems of ...

  • Dickens Novels as Verse
    By Joseph P. Jordan

    It argues that some of the great Dickens novels are held together by book-length patterns in topics that, by organizing the object in dimensions extra to syntax, make readers’ experience feel truer than it would otherwise feel.

  • Literature, Intertextuality, and the American Revolution: From Common Sense to Rip Van Winkle
    By Steven Blakemore

    The World Turned Upside Down is, of course, a ubiquitous theme and title, in both history and literature, dealing with political, social, and literary upheaval-the inversion of the traditional order by those who have been marginalized.

  • Beyond Uncle Tom's Cabin: Essays on the Writing of Harriet Beecher Stowe
    By Sylvia Mayer, Monika Mueller

    Beyond Uncle Tom's Cabin: The Writings of Harriet Beecher Stowe, edited by Sylvia Mayer and Monika Mueller, shows that during her long writing and publishing career, Stowe was a highly prolific writer who targeted diverse audiences, dealt ...

  • Benjamin Franklin's Intellectual World
    By Matthew S. Holland, Paul E. Kerry

    The essays in this volume explore how Franklin's political and philosophical thinking was informed, while examining the deep appeal that Franklin has had on generation after generation of Americans.

  • Cultures of Violence in the New German Street
    By Patricia Anne Simpson

    It was followed by a series of violent attacks with punks, among others, as victims.8 With the fall of the Berlin Wall (1989) and eventual reunification (1990), much of the repressed nationalism returned or resurfaced, ...

  • Women and Tudor Tragedy: Feminizing Counsel and Representing Gender
    By Allyna E. Ward

    Amery dialogue, declaringe the propertyes of shrowdeshrewes, and honest wyves. London, 1557. STC 10455. Euripides. Electra, Phoenician Women, Bacchae, Iphigenia at Aulis. Translated by Cecelia Eaton Luschnig and Paul Woodruff.