Books from Writers Exchange E-Publishing

  • Unquiet Spirits
    By Dee Lloyd

    A Safe and Welcome Nest By Judith B. Glad {Contemporary Romance} When a guy acts like a jerk, he may have a good reason...but that doesn't mean a determined woman can't teach him better manners. Delilah's loneliness isn't the only ...

  • Against the Dark Devourer
    By Margaret L. Carter

    A Safe and Welcome Nest By Judith B. Glad {Contemporary Romance} When a guy acts like a jerk, he may have a good reason...but that doesn't mean a determined woman can't teach him better manners. Delilah's loneliness isn't the only ...

  • Lost in Shadows
    By Jennifer St. Clair

    Ten years ago, the Queen of Iomar's son was exiled and named the author of the magical plague. Now, in the present, Terrin works to complete his ultimate goal: Control of the Seven Kingdoms using his son's power to supplement his own.

  • Prince of the Hollow Hills
    By Margaret L. Carter

    Publisher: Bridge of Fire, Book 10: Part 1: OUT OF THE ASHES The youngest son in a family of shape-shifting goats, William Gruff escaped a dire fate but his life is desperately lonely, ...

  • The Heirs: A Novel of Ancient Egypt
    By Max Overton

    For a time, I was content to be Heir and even proud that I would follow my father onto the throne of Kemet. I was a young man, Admiral of the River, ... "You do not desire this fate?" "On the contrary, Hem-netjer, I want nothing more ...

  • Dukker's Revenge
    By JennaKay Francis

    Without anyone reminding him that he was no longer the DragonMaster. He rose and laid the harness across the stall gates. Kowa's rider would have to know. Pepin had eased the LifePledge from the dragon just seconds before his death, ...

  • Rebecca and the Flying Horse Problem
    By Margaret Pearce

    The white owl hooted at Bluebell. "Spread your wings to stall before you land." Bluebell flung out her wings. She landed on the grass, bounced and tumbled, her wings flapping uselessly, her legs sprawling out in all directions.

  • From the Dark Places
    By Margaret L. Carter

    Publisher: RENEGADE'S ROSE, Book 6: Network operative Hunter Savage is nearly at death's door when he turns renegade to save his sister, kidnapped by the Black Pope, Rex Kovac, ...

  • An Echo of Lies
    By John Schembra

    Publisher: Woodcutter's Grim Series Anthology, Volume II {Classic Tales of Horror Retold} (Books 4 - 7): Moonlight Becomes You, Book 4: Very loosely based on "The Town Mouse ...

  • Free Spirit
    By JennaKay Francis

    The children of Woodcutter's Grim are changing...and only one person, music teacher Diane Anders, realizes the truth. ... /Woodcutters-Grim-Series-Vol-II/ THE DEEP, Book 8: Very loosely based on "Metamorphoses: The Story of Pygmalion ...

  • King's Steel, A Novel Set in the Ring Realms
    By John R. Morris

    And what about the burning. "Did you make arrangements with Basset yet?" "The burning..." Kallan groaned. "Damn. I usually have Yantz do the arrangements. With everything being sideways I..." He paused. The burning would be a great ...

  • Wild Sorceress
    By Margaret L. Carter, Leslie Roy Carter

    "I call Sorceress Halista to give testimony before this hearing." The name of her old commander and friend sent a surge of alarm through Aetria. As she feared, Halista entered through the southern door, looking as large as any pregnant ...

  • Red River Rising
    By Herb Marlow

    The road from Louisiana to the L Bar Ranch on the Bosque River, Texas is a long and dangerous one, but for Earl Lamar, recently discharged sergeant from the First Texas Confederate Cavalry, it's the only way home.

  • Tara's Mother
    By Richard J. Sutcliffe

    Moments later, I tried to swallow my apprehension when I saw the manse we were about to enter. "I take it you are new to the city," I commented on our turning in. "We moved to Tara from Roma only three weeks ago," Anders replied, ...

  • Merenptah
    By Max Overton

    She was evidently important enough to be married to Merenptah's son Seti, which makes her a royal princess. ... Colleen, 2003, The Great Karnak Inscription of Merneptah: Grand Strategy in the 13th Century BC, Yale Egyptological Studies ...

  • First Draft Outline
    By Karen S. Wiesner

    ... Book 1 of the Angelfire Trilogy (on contract, June 1999 release) ✓ editor revisions for Flesh & Blood, Book 2 of the Gypsy Road Series (on contract, August 1999 release) ✓ write Fire & Ice, Book 3 of the Gypsy Road Series ...

  • The Infinity Annihilator
    By Will Greenway

    It's not that we can't do it, it's just going to take time to do it right..." "Well, I can help find such stuff, Matradomma," Bannor offered. "Finding them is the easy part," Kalindinai said. "It's disabling them that takes all the ...

  • The Exile
    By Richard J. Sutcliffe

    In The Exile we recount Day MacAllister's return from exile on Tirdia and subsequent involvement with The Friends, the life of Sheana A'Kildare/O'Toole to her arrival at Tara, Lady Karina's second escape from prison and subsequent life ...

  • Blood Debt
    By John Schembra

    Vince knows best, though, a blood debt always demands payment.

  • Prince of the Hollow Hills
    By Margaret L. Carter

    When her sister mysteriously dies, Fern takes over the care of her baby nephew.