Books from Heinemann

  • The Play of George Orwell's Animal Farm
    By Peter Hall

    A dramatisation of George Orwelll's classic satire, Animal Farm.

  • Diversity and Rights in Care
    By Neil Moonie, Anne Bates, Dee Spencer-Perkins

    A study of American , British , Polish and New Zealand speakers , for example , has shown that women use compliments more frequently than men , and that women are complimented more often than men ( Holmes in Maybin and Mercer , 1996 ...

  • Geometry in everyday life
    By Karen Morrison

    Focusing on geometry, this is one of a series exploring issues of interest to children in Africa, and designed to introduce students to reading non-fiction for pleasure and information.

  • Regina's Dream
    By Gillian Leggat

    In this story Regina fails her audition for the lead role in the school play, but her athletic talent wins her another prized role.

  • A2 English Language for AQA B
    By Ron Norman, Anne Watkiss

    ... Salty Red Sea by J C M Truijens © text JCM Truijens 1989 , published by Nelson . Reprinted by permission of Nelson Thornes Limited ; Extract Teen speak : the definitive Lexicon 2001 compiled by Sophie Wilson , editor of J17 magazine ...

  • Developing Drama Skills 11-14
    By Joss Bennathan

    Are they reassured ? Horrified ? Nervous ? The situation suddenly changes and they find themselves being pursued in a dark wood . What is pursuing them ? They find somewhere to hide . How does their body feel after the chase ?

  • Revise for London GCSE Mathematics
    By Keith Pledger, David Kent

    The results of the survey are : Candidate Number of likely voters Abbot 120 48 Bailey Cassell 32 ( a ) Use this information to work out an estimate of the probability that a randomly chosen voter will vote for Bailey .

  • Edexcel GCSE Modular Mathematics Homework and Consolidation: Intermediate stage 2
    By Karen Hughes

    8 A 20 pence piece contains copper and nickel in the ratio 21 : 4 . ( a ) What fraction of the mass of a 20 pence coin is copper ? The mass of a 20 pence coin is 5 grams . ( b ) Work out the mass of nickel in a 20 pence coin .

  • Research Methods in Health, Care and Early Years
    By Karen Hucker

    2.0 1.8 1.6 1.41.2 Frequency density 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 Amount spent in the school cafeteria in a week ( pence ) Histogram with differing size columns Scatter graphs Another frequently used ...

  • Mine Boy
    By Peter Abrahams

    Xuma faces the complexities of urban life in Johannesburg.

  • Food and Nutrition in Practice
    By Isobel Cole-Hamilton, Ann Livermore, Jacquie Watson

    Wash any surfaces used to prepare the raw bird with hot soapy water . Allow frozen poultry to thaw completely and 2 cook it thoroughly ( Fig . 4 ) . Do not put stuffing nor leave the giblets , etc. , in the body cavity .

  • Perserving Our Heritage Level 1
    By Linda Collie

    Example Report of the Homegoing Service for Pastor Jasiel George Thompson The funeral for the late Jasiel Thompson was held today , Saturday March 20th , 2004 , at 3.00 p.m. at Calvary Bible Church on Collins Avenue .

  • Britain, 1750-1900
    By Alan Brooks-Tyreman

    Samuel Coulson's account of children at work given to the Government Commissioner for the Royal Commission of 1832 . An illustration from Frances Trollope's novel The Adventures of Michael Armstrong , Factory Boy , written in 1840.

  • Cry Softly, Thule Nene
    By Shirley Bojé

    In this story, orphaned Thule Nene is offered a new start with a wealthy family if she will help to look after a crippled white girl.

  • BTEC National IT Practitioners: ICT Systems Support
    By Alan Jarvis

    ICT Systems Support Alan Jarvis Jenny Lawson. Huffman coding based on the English language E 0 A 1 I 10 O 11 U 100 S 101 T 110 D 111 X 11010 And so on , with characters such as 1234567890 , !

  • Britain, 1066-1500
    By Jane Shuter, Alan Brooks-Tyreman, Kate Smith

    These Key Stage 3 supplementary books cover new topics to add depth and interest to existing resources.

  • Britain 1500-1750
    By Jane Shuter, Alan Brooks-Tyreman, Kate Smith

    These Key Stage 3 supplementary books cover new topics to add depth and interest to existing resources.

  • GCE AS Travel and Tourism Double Award for Edexcel
    By Alan Marvell

    Marco Polo Travel , Bristol Owner Polly Davies voted for Kirker at the AITO awards . ' Their service is marvellous - they always answer their phones in three rings . ' She says Kirker's knowledgeable staff are also honest .

  • Confusions
    By Alan Ayckbourn

    Alan Ayckbourn Alan Ayckbourn is one of the most prolific writers for the English stage , having written and produced , on average , one full - length play or comedy every year since 1965. Virtually all of his plays are first produced ...

  • Chemical Storylines
    By George Burton

    ... Ace Photo Library ; SS28 , John Olive , Department of Chemistry / University of York ; SS31 , Jim Kershaw / reproduced by kind permission of the Dean and Chapter at York ; AA1 , SPL / Jim Gipe / Agstock ; AA2 , Environmental Images ...