Books from University of Texas Press

  • The Poetry of American Women from 1632 to 1945
    By Emily Stipes Watts

    ... Janet Wilson James, and Paul S. Boyer, 3 vols. (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, Belknap Press, 1971). Aldridge, Alfred Owen. Benjamin Franklin and Nature's God. Durham, N.C.: Duke University Press, 1967. Allen, Hervey.

  • Freedom Is Not Enough: The War on Poverty and the Civil Rights Movement in Texas
    By William S. Clayson

    The War on Poverty and the Civil Rights Movement in Texas William S. Clayson ... The tax base in the state remained low, so Texans gained far more from New Deal programs than they sent to the Internal Revenue Service.34 Many ...

  • Sexual Textualities: Essays on Queer/ing Latin American Writing
    By David William Foster

    One might immediately object that sex is certainly a big deal for those obliged through physical and ideological ... This is precisely the circumstance of feminine S/M, whether the idea is outrageously disingenuous— S/M viewed as ...

  • Ascomycete Fungi of North America: A Mushroom Reference Guide
    By Alan E. Bessette, Arleen R. Bessette, Michael Beug

    Jaklitsch, W.M., Samuels, G. J., Dodd,S.L., Lu, B. S., Druzhinina, I. S. 2006. Hypocrea rufa/Trichoderma viride: Areassessment, and descriptionoffive closely related specieswithand without wartedconidia. Studies inMycology 56: 135–177.

  • Star Gods of the Maya: Astronomy in Art, Folklore, and Calendars
    By Susan Milbrath

    Ruben Morante Lopez points out that similar configurations may be evident near the northern limit of the Maya area at Chichén Itza' (20°40'N), where the Osario has a zenith tube that remains to be tested. In Oaxaca, to the west of the ...

  • The Raven: A Biography of Sam Houston
    By Marquis James

    To be quite accurate , Peg was now Mrs. John Timberlake , but John Timberlake was not much in evidence , being a purser in the Navy who went on long voyages . The sailor's wife consoled herself with the society of her father's clientele ...

  • We Could Not Fail: The First African Americans in the Space Program
    By Richard Paul, Steven Moss

    Adding new names to the roster of civil rights heroes and a new chapter to the story of space exploration, We Could Not Fail demonstrates how African Americans broke the color barrier by competing successfully at the highest level of ...

  • The Language Parallax: Linguistic Relativism and Poetic Indeterminacy
    By Paul Friedrich

    Paul Friedrich's The Language Parallax argues persuasively that the "locus and focus" of differences among languages lies not so much in practical or rational aspects as in the complexity and richness of more poetic dimensions—in the ...

  • French Verbs Made Simple(r)
    By David Brodsky

    In Marie se laveles mains avec du savon. “Marie washes her hands with soap.” les mains is now the direct object,se the indirect object (literally: Marie washesto herself the hands). Since there is no accord with an indirect object ...

  • Spike, Mike, Slackers & Dykes: A Guided Tour Across a Decade of American Independent Cinema
    By Kevin Smith, John Pierson

    No one had even seen Shefs Gotta Have It. Later we listened to another seminar on distribution featuring Laurie Parker from Island Pictures and the producer's rep for Blood Simple and Desert Hearts, Jeff Dowd. Dowd suggested that you ...

  • The Story of Big Bend National Park
    By John Jameson

    Geology Brochure; Ross A. Maxwell, The Big Bend of the Rio Grande: A Guide to the Rocks, Geologic History, ... Ibid.; C. B. Casey and Lewis H. Saxton, “The Life of Everett Ewing Townsend,” West Texas Historical and Scientific Society ...

  • The Governor's Hounds: The Texas State Police, 1870–1873
    By Donaly E. Brice, Barry A. Crouch

    They apprehended Henry Mayfield for “aiding and abetting” outlaws in criminal activities and lawlessness; Mitchell H. Ferguson for murder; Jack Mitchell for the same offense; Payton Bevins for as- sisting prisoners to escape; ...

  • The Dance of Freedom: Texas African Americans During Reconstruction
    By Barry A. Crouch, Larry Madaras

    In summary, then, it might be said that racial separation in Texas did not wait until the decade of Plessy vs. Ferguson to solidify. Rather, it was a basic fact of life during the years 1865 to 1877. notes 4. Leon F. Litwack, North of ...

  • Irene Rice Pereira: Her Paintings and Philosophy
    By Karen A. Bearor

    “Glass in the World of Today—and Tomorrow.” Glass Industry 20 (May 1939): 182—183. Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von. Faust: A Tragedy. Trans. Alice Raphael. Introduction by Mark van Doren. New York: Jonathan Cape and Harrison Smith, 1930.

  • Texas Log Buildings: A Folk Architecture
    By Terry G. Jordan

    ... the Swedish and Dutch Anderson, Thomason, andVan Zandt. Read these names and hundreds of others of like origin and you willperceive the diverseethniccharacter ofthe colonial seaboardfrom the HudsonValleyto the Chesapeake Tidewater.

  • When the Center Is on Fire: Passionate Social Theory for Our Times
    By Diane Harriford, Becky Thompson

    Photograph by Spencer Platt. Getty Images News, 1163814. The irrational imbuing of a piece of cloth with properties that could heal a country, that could unite people in support of those who died, was portrayed as a rational, ...

  • Biscuits, the Dole, and Nodding Donkeys: Texas Politics, 1929-1932
    By Norman D. Brown

    The regional FERA staff, while visiting the capitol in October 1934, found the senate gallery packed with six hundred whites, Mexicans, and blacks, former reliefers who had been removed from the Travis County relief rolls.38 One ...

  • Indigenous Movements, Self-Representation, and the State in Latin America
    By Kay B. Warren, Jean E. Jackson

    Indigenous Peoples and Democracy: Issues for Policymakers. In Donna Lee Van Cott, ed., Indigenous Peoples and Democracy in Latin America, 1–28. New York: St. Martin's. ———, ed. 1994b. Indigenous Peoples and Democracy in Latin America.

  • Jazz Mavericks of the Lone Star State
    By Dave Oliphant

    ... following the performance by the Coleman Quartet at the Performing Arts Center, University of Texas at Austin, November 2004. Used by permission of Casey Monahan. the tune in progress, not even retuning the instrument but ...

  • Why Karen Carpenter Matters
    By Karen Tongson

    In Why Karen Carpenter Matters, Karen Tongson (whose Filipino musician parents named her after the pop icon) interweaves the story of the singer’s rise to fame with her own trans-Pacific journey between Manila—where imitations of ...