Books from Parkstone International

  • 雷诺阿
    By 娜莎莉亚·布洛兹卡娅

    皮埃尔-奥古斯特·雷诺阿生活和呼吸着的是一种新的艺术风格,对他来说,第一次印象派画展意义重大,他的画作得到艺术家们的肯定。1873年他搬到了蒙马特并在那里度过了一生 ...

  • 莫奈
    By 娜莎莉亚·布洛兹卡娅

    周... III.1雷诺阿,H.(1841-1919)—生平事迹 2 油画—作品集—法国—近代 IV.1K835.655.722J233 中国版本图书馆CIP数据核字(2004)第051724号© Confidential Concepts, Worldwide, USA © Parkstone PressInternational, New York, USA 书名:莫奈译者:蔡德崑 ...

  • Remington
    By Frederic Remington

    Remington became interested in the American Indian, probably because he became interested in the active, exciting life of the American Great Plains.

  • The Pre-Raphaelites
    By Robert de La Sizeranne

    In Victorian England, with the country swept up in the Industrial Revolution, the Pre-Raphaelite

  • 30 Millennia of Sculpture
    By Joseph Manca, Patrick Bade, Sarah Costello

    Other important commissions include the tombs of two popes, Clement XIII and Clement XIV. Buried in Possagno, where he was born sixty-five years earlier, Canova is considered the artist who defined classical, elegant sculpture and was ...

  • Bauhaus
    By Michael Siebenbrodt, Lutz Schöbe

    Der Versuch einer Neueröffnung des Bauhauses in Dessau nach dem Ende des II. ... Der Architekt Walter Gropius, Zeichnungen, Pläne und Fotos aus dem Busch-Reisinger Museum der Harvard University Art Museum, Cambridge, Massachusetts, ...

  • James McNeill Whistler
    By Patrick Chaleyssin

    The young artist had better luck with Wilde who permitted him to illustrate his play Salomé. In 1886, Whistler planned major projects with the American painter William Merritt Chase, who had arrived from New York. Chase wanted to bring ...

  • Curso de patinaje sobre ruedas
    By Bruno Grelon

    Los grandes especialistas del raid fueron un equipo de cuatro patinadores que cruzaron el mundo entre los años 1983 y 1986: J.P. Jubault, A. de Givenchy, B. Boyer y P. Le Cornec. En su palmarés cuentan con la travesía de los Estados ...

  • El gran libro del bodybuilding
    By Bruno Davide Bordoni

    ... con la barra que toca casi al pecho. Se extienden los brazos y se repite. Respiración: se espira con la flexión de los codos y se inspira en el retorno. Curl con mancuernas en banco inclinado, estilo Boyer coe Músculos.

  • Franz Marc
    By Franz Marc, Klaus H. Carl

    Bergère. et. ses. moutons. 1908-1909 Aquarelle et blanc opaque, 21,2 x 29,5 cm Kupferstichkabinett, Hambourg Le successeur de Guillaume 1er et dernier empereur allemand était. 30.

  • La splendeur de l'architecture gothique anglaise
    By John Shannon Hendrix

    L’auteur, John Shannon Hendrix, divise ici le gothique anglais en quatre grandes phases : le gothique primaire, le gothique décoré, le gothique curvilinéaire et le gothique perpendiculaire.

  • 1000 Portraits of Genius
    By Victoria Charles, Klaus Carl

    The work and research of the Egyptologist Gay Robbins during the 80s and 90s (Proportion and Style in Ancient Egyptian Art, 1994) determined, thanks to meticulous analysis, that for any particular epoch numerous different grids existed.

  • James McNeill Whistler
    By Victoria Charles

    Whistler (Lowell, 1834 – Londres 1903) Whistler surgit à un moment crucial de l'histoire de l'art et il joue un rôle de précurseur.

  • James McNeill Whistler: le cri strident du papillon
    By Patrick Chaleyssin, Thierry Vasseur

    Avec l'achat par le musée du Luxembourg de son tableau intitulé Le portrait de ma mère, aujourd'hui au musée d'Orsay, WHISTLER reçut les premiers honneurs officiels en France.

  • Paul Gauguin
    By Anna Barskaya

    He was acquainted with the press it received and with the written works of Delacroix himself and his interpreter Charles Baudelaire. Excited by the coincidence between some of Delacroix's ideas and his own, Gauguin sent a letter to his ...

  • Fra Angelico
    By Stephan Beissel

    [12] In the guide to San Marco, Professor Fred Rodoni summarises the remarks we have just presented in the following terms, “Nelle mura di questo con vento è impressa la storia monumentale dei più gloriosi tempi dell' arte fiorentina.

  • 1000 Scupltures of Genius
    By Joseph Manca, Patrick Bade, Sarah Costello

    774. Pierre Roche, 18551922, French. Morgan Le Fay, 1904. Bronze, lead and marble, 83 x 26.5 x 16 cm. Musée d'Orsay, Paris (France). Academicism. 775.Antoine Bourdelle, 1861-1929, French. Nude with Fruit, 1902-1911. Bronze, 226.

  • Francisco Goya
    By Sarah Carr-Gomm

    In the tapestry cartoon of 1786, The Wounded Mason, Goya shows the dangers labourers faced while carrying out their work. Traditionally, scaffolding was sometimes used in calendar illustration to represent summer, and The Wounded Mason ...

  • Virgo
    By Silvia Heredia de Velázquez

    ... geranios Árboles frutales: manzano, nogal Plantas: centeno, trigo Hierba: menta Especias: aromáticas Perfume: gardenia Animales: los domésticos, la ardilla, la hormiga Correspondencias anatómicas y salud: vientre, intestinos, ...

  • 鲁本斯
    By Jp·A·卡洛斯

    参考文献[1] G.曼奇尼(G. Mancini),《论艺术的美》,第I-II卷,1956-1957年,罗马;参见莱顿城教授丹尼尔·赫恩西乌斯(Daniel Heinsius)和多米尼克斯·包迪乌斯(Dominicus Baudius)的《拉丁语诗歌》(1609年和1612年),以及安娜·鲁莫斯·费舍尔(Anna Rumors ...