Books from Health Research Books

  • The Occult Sciences in Atlantis
    By Lewis Spence

    The author ransacked every possible source of productive evidence on the subject. for more than a generation at least, occult society as a whole has awaited an authoritative work on the subject of the arcane science known as Atlantis.

  • The Hollow Globe: The World's Agitator and Reconciler a Treatise on the Physical Conformation of the Earth
    By M. L. Sherman, William F. Lyon

    Fourteen years later , another American , Marshall B. Gardner wrote a book that presented the same concept of the earth's structure as Reed , only Gardner's theory claimed the existence of a central sun encased by the earth's shell .

  • Overlords and Olympians
    By William G. Allen

    Meantime in the area of spiritual healing , Astronaut , space initiate ( 1 ) , Ldgar D. Mitchell is putting together a scientific approach at long last . He is one of the many working to reshape our concepts of the unseen universe .

  • Memory Culture
    By William W. Atkinson

    Important factors these - Interest and Attention -- don't forget them . But the mind has been lazy , and it ... And the only way to get the mind to do this is to train its powers of observation . Things to be impressed upon the mind ...

  • Pasteur, Plagiarist, Impostor!: The Germ Theory Exploded!
    By R. B. Pearson

    Surprising confirmation of his ideas seems to come from some experiments conducted by F. M. Pottenger , Jr. , M.D. , and D. G. Simonsen on cats.79 They put two groups of cats on diets of meat and vegetables ; identical in value , except ...

  • Guide to the Royal Arch Chapter
    By James L. Gould, John Sheville

    ... Lodge opened Lodges in • Dr. Oliver . Some account of the schism , oto . The student who wahes to thoronghly understand this rabject should read Dr. Olver's work . various parts of London . The Grand Lodge of England INTRODUCTION . 13.

  • Secret Instructions to Probators of an Esoteric Occult School
    By Helena P. Blavatsky

    These are highly involved instructions concerning the Higher Egos; the Absolute, Archetypal, Spiritual, Manasic, Psychic, Astral & Elemental Worlds.

  • An Abridgement: The Secret Doctrine
    By Helena Petrovna Blavatsky, Katharine Hillard

    In two parts Cosmogenesis and Anthropogenesis. after 15 years intensive study of the voluminous wealth of material in the original work, has presented a scholarly work which is both affordable and understandable for the average reader.

  • How I Know That the Dead Return
    By William T. Stead

    1909 an account of the remarkable personal experiences of the author which dispelled all doubt in his mind as to the reality of a future life.

  • Communication with the Next World, a Text Book: The Right and the Wrong Methods
    By William T. Stead

    Communication with the Next World, a Text Book: The Right and the Wrong Methods

  • The Harmonial Philosophy: A Compendium and Digest of the Works of Andrew Jackson Davis ...
    By Andrew Jackson Davis

    1923 a compendium and digest edited with a preface, biographical summary, and notes by a Doctor of Hermetic of Science.

  • Nutritional Methods of Intestinal Regeneration
    By Raymond W. Bernard

    Blum holds that the thyroid neutralizes the toxins produced by the putrefaction of albumins in the intestine . Kishi believes that a highly toxic substance which he calls prothyreotóxin , a nucleoproteih , is produced by the ...

  • The Great Harmonia: The Thinker
    By Andrew J. Davis

    A full measure of sturdy independence had been born with his spirit , and by a singular affectation of abiding reverence for the Church authorities , he made war upon the combined powers . Now , the spiritual descendants of Luther may ...

  • Lectures by Kittie S. Cowan
    By Kittie S. Cowan

    Lectures deliverd by Kittie S. Cowen on the Cosmo at Mt. Ecclesia, beginning October 29, 1930, through March 1931.

  • What's In Your Name: The Science Of Letters and Numbers
    By Clifford W. Cheasley

    Clifford W. Cheasley. IN YOUR NAME ? Ву Clifford W. Cheasley wtL .. The Science of Letters and Numbers WHAT'S IN YOUR NAME ? GERTRUDE VOORHEIS CLARK 1 THE. WHAT'S Front Cover.

  • Dr. Shelton's Hygienic Review
    By Herbert M. Shelton

    ... during the these superior varieties are now being supplied period following Alexander's conquest of WestAsia and ... port of Alfred E. Fischer , of New York University then , he " attacked ” the problem of slaying the School of ...

  • Numerology Up-to-date: A Key to Your Fortune
    By Karen Adams

    1925 the Meaning of Numerology; Numbers & Their Meaning to You; How to Analyze Your Own Name; Date of Birth; Numerological Method of Working Out Domestic Happiness - Friendship of the Spirit; Analyzing Artistic & Literary Types; Domestic & ...

  • The Work of Invisible Helpers
    By Amber M. Tuttle

    Still we are all children of God , and part of God , for at the beginning of our period of manifestation God differentiated within Himself all the virgin spirits of our life - wave as sparks from a flame .

  • Mars: The War Lord
    By Alan Leo

    If we refer to our little cross " diagram on p . xi and if , in order to fix our ideas , we imagine it to be a isal cross of solid wood , and the Zodiac a circular band of iron fitting over it , we can easily see that as this band is ...

  • Thousand and One Notable Nativities: Astrologer's Who's Who
    By Alan Leo

    CLIFFORD : editor of Orphens , the Theosophical Art Quarterly - ( os ) 134 “ Beach MURDER , " YARMOUTH ; ( 1 ) Herbert Jobn Bennett strạngled his wife on Yarmouth beach ; ( spec . hor . by " Mercury " ) .