Books from Baptist Sunday School Board

  • Christian Ethics: A Primer
    By William M. Tillman, Timothy D. Gilbert

    ... to Sharlande Sledge who has applied her art and craft of editorial skills to help the material be more readable; to students who, as only students can, offered their candid reactions to ideas which found their way into these pages; ...

  • Opening Night: The Complete Guide to Producing Christian Drama
    By Laura Harris Smith

    Photo : Chris Greenwood LAURA HARRIS SMITH began her acting career at age three when she appeared in a series of television commercials . She has since become an accomplished playwright and actress , focusing her talents and skills on ...

  • Through the Tears: Caring for the Sexually Abused Child
    By Karen Cecilia Johnson

    ( Jane Hammond Wendt , Mario Noche illus . ) , and When I Feel Sad : A Coloring ... Depression in Children We don't usually associate depression with the carefree years of childhood and adolescence . However , depression can invade at ...

  • Making Good Marriages Better
    By Robert D. Dale, Carrie Kondy Dale

    Making Good Marriages Better

  • Home Cell Groups and House Churches
    By C. Kirk Hadaway, Francis M. DuBose, Stuart A. Wright

    In some instances , these decisions are left up to the group or to the persons whose home is being used . ... Reach Out Incorporated , headquartered in Chattanooga , Tennessee , claims to have thirty - five thousand members enrolled in ...

  • Dating: Making Your Own Choices
    By Karen Dockrey

    How does my relationship with Dale go with God ? ” No , getting married would not make your faith in God disappear . God does want all of you , but what that means is that He wants to guide everything you do , not take everything away .

  • Friends: Finding and Keeping Them
    By Karen Dockrey

    Addresses from a Christian perspective questions and concerns about friendship, including "First Steps Toward Friendship" and "The Courage to Be Myself."

  • The Nuts and Bolts of Church Growth
    By Paul W. Powell

    Paul W. Powell. I followed the study in Psalms with a study of Proverbs . My study of Proverbs delighted and ... For example , when I came to the psalm that said , “ I was glad when they said unto me , Let us go into the house of the ...

  • The Bright Side of Depression
    By Jim Geddes

    The Bright Side of Depression

  • Words Speak
    By Billy K. Smith

    On one occasion Martin Luther's wife dressed in the garb of a mourner to dramatize the dismal spirit her husband was projecting . Too many Christians live as though Christ were dead . Sing , Shout ( ranan , zamar , shir ) The three ...

  • Marriage: For Better Or for Worse
    By David E. Garland, Diana R. Garland

    Marriage: For Better Or for Worse

  • Illustrated Sermons for Special Occasions
    By J. B. Fowler

    It is said that Alexander the Great's most - prized possession was a copy of Homer's Illiad . Given to him by Aristotle , his teacher , the Illiad tells about the Trojan Wars which were fought nearly one thousand years before ...

  • Illustrated Sermon Outlines
    By J. B. Fowler

    Alexander the Great heard of India's wealth . Rivers , mountains , and strong nations held no terror for him . Even the feared Kyber Pass would not stop Alexander . Caesar determined to conquer Britain . A grueling march would not stop ...

  • Lord, Send Revival
    By Richard Lee

    Lord, Send Revival

  • Knowing and Doing God's Will
    By Jerry Glisson

    Scripture quotations marked Phillips are reprinted with permission of Macmillan Publishing Co. , Inc. from J. B. Phillips : The New Testament in Modern English , Revised Edition . © J. B. Phillips 1958 , 1960 , 1972 .

  • Invitation to the Feast
    By Danny E. Bush

    Fred Kendall III in Adult Life and Work Lesson Annual 1984-1985 , Edited by Reid Keiger ( Nashville : Convention Press , 1984 ) , p . 329 . 2. W. T. Conner , Christian Doctrine ( Nashville : Broadman Press , 1937 ) , pp . 302-303 . 3.

  • Crown Reference Bible King James Version Burgundy Imitation Leather
    By Sunday School Baptist, Chu

    Crown Reference Bible King James Version Burgundy Imitation Leather

  • Transformed One Winter
    By Marsha G. Spradlin

    Dr. Kennedy had already called in from out of town and received Dr. Hill's message . “ I want to see you tomorrow . " Leave it to me to find an excuse . I did not see Dr. Kennedy for two weeks . Not knowing was easier than knowing .

  • Mark
    By Johnnie C. Godwin

    Written in clear, readable style, this 24-volume set is designed to give a thorough and easily understood exposition of each book of the Bible.

  • Personal Evangelism for Today
    By G. William Schweer

    Brehm , Jack W. 1966. A Theory of Psychological Reactance . New York : Academic Press . Brown , Charles T. , and Paul W. Keller . 1979. Monologue to Dialogue : An Exploration of Interpersonal Communication .