Books from Athabasca University Press

  • Rocks in the Water, Rocks in the Sun: A Memoir from the Heart of Haiti
    By Paul Jackson, Vilmond Joegodson Déralciné

    When Joegodson Déralciné was still a small child, his parents left rural Haiti to resettle in the rapidly growing zones of Port-au-Prince.

  • Hobohemia and the Crucifixion Machine: Rival Images of a New World in 1930s Vancouver
    By Todd McCallum

    ... Frank Tobias. Indispensable Outcasts: Hobo Workers and Community in the American Midwest, 1880–1930. Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 2003. Bibliography 293 Hobbs, Margaret. “Equality and Difference: Feminism and the Defence of ...

  • Visiting with the Ancestors: Blackfoot Shirts in Museum Spaces
    By Laura Peers, Alison K. Brown

    Frank Weasel Head and Andy Blackwater seeing the shirts for the first time at Pitt Rivers Museum, 2004. Left to right: Frank Weasel Head, Andy Blackwater, and Laura Peers. Photograph by Beth Carter. It was another three years before the ...

  • Unforgetting Private Charles Smith
    By Jonathan Locke Hart

    12 Jonathan F. Vance, Death So Noble: Memory, Meaning, and the First World War (Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press, 1997), 11. As Vance observes, Canadians collectively “refused to countenance a preoccupation with the ...

  • Accessible Elements: Teaching Science Online and at a Distance
    By Lawton Shaw, Dietmar Karl Kennepohl

    Accessible Elements informs science educators about current practices in online and distance education: distance-delivered methods for laboratory coursework, the requisite administrative and institutional aspects of online and distance ...

  • American Labour’s Cold War Abroad: From Deep Freeze to Détente, 1945-1970
    By Anthony Carew

    ... Victor Reuther to Val Agostinone, 24 May 1961, Reuther-Carliner records, 1955–63, box 6, file 25; Victor Reuther to Corrado de Luca, 4 August 1961, Reuther-Carliner records, 1955–63, box 7, file 2; Schlesinger, A Thousand Days, 749.

  • Liberalism, Surveillance, and Resistance: Indigenous Communities in Western Canada, 1877-1927
    By Keith Douglas Smith

    Curtis Cook and Juan D. Lindau. Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen's University Press, 2000: 221-264. Fraser, Simon. The Letters and Journals of Simon Fraser, 1806-1808, ed. W. Kaye Lamb, rpt. Toronto: Macmillan Company of Canada, ...

  • Centring Human Connections in the Education of Health Professionals
    By Beth Perry, Sherri Melrose, Caroline Park

    Retrieved from Quek, G., & Shorey, S. (2018). Perceptions, experiences, and needs of nursing preceptors and their ... Retrieved from Simon Fraser University. (n.d.).

  • Interrogating Motherhood
    By Lynda R. Ross

    While these families may not be living in poor housing conditions they are considered to have “housing affordability issues” (Laird, 2007). In Canada, for example, “almost one-quarter of Canadian households—more than 2,700,00 ...

  • Health and Safety in Canadian Workplaces
    By Bob Barnetson, Jason Foster

    The other designated porter, Andy, called in sick at the last minute, leaving Amy to do the job alone with occasional help from the wait staff. As the time of the reception neared, the chefs were running behind schedule.

  • Assessment Strategies for Online Learning: Engagement and Authenticity
    By Dianne Conrad, Jason Openo

    3, emphasis added) In 1988, Otto Peters's Theory of Industrialization of Teaching looked into the future using theories of economics and industry to emphasize the need for mechanization, economies of scale, standardization, ...

  • Our Union: UAW / CAW Local 27 from 1950 to 1990
    By Jason Russell

    The New Men ofPower: America's Labor Leaders. Chicago: University of Illinois, 1948. Nissen, Bruce. “A Post–World War II Social Accord.” In U.S. Labor Relations, 1945–1989: Accommodation and Conflict, edited by Bruce Nissen, 173–205.

  • Defying Expectations: The Case of UFCW Local 401
    By Jason Foster

    (Voss 2010, 377) Voss argues that revitalization is most commonly sparked by the infusion of new ideas from levels above that of the individual local, occurring when senior leadership plots a change of course and mandates the necessary ...

  • Lost Tracks: National Buffalo Park, 1909-1939
    By Jennifer Brower

    Both men were involved with the Ottawa Field Naturalist's Club: Lloyd was president and Lewis was editor of Canadian Field-Naturalist. At the 28 February 1925 club meeting, it was decided to send a copy of Harper's letter from the ...

  • Teaching Crowds: Learning and Social Media
    By Terry Anderson, John Dron

    In Teaching Crowds, Dron and Anderson introduce a new model for understanding and exploiting the pedagogical potential of Web-based technologies, one that rests on connections — on networks and collectives — rather than on separations.

  • Voices of the Land: The Seed Savers and Other Plays
    By Katherine Koller

    Toronto: Irwin, 1984. Rebar, Kelly. Bordertown Cafe. Winnipeg: Blizzard, 1989. Ringwood, Gwen Pharis. The Collected Plays ofGwen Pharis Ringwood. Ed. Enid Delgatty Rutland. Ottawa: Borealis Press, 1982. Stegner, Wallace. WolfWillow.

  • Creative Clinical Teaching in the Health Professions
    By Beth Perry, Sherri Melrose, Caroline Park

    Nurse Education in Practice, 10(6), 349–354. Stevens, C., Schneider, P. P., & Johnson, C. W. (2012). Preparing students to write a professional philosophy of recreation paper.

  • From Bricks to Brains: The Embodied Cognitive Science of LEGO Robots
    By Michael Wilson, Brian Dupuis

    5.1.1 Synthetic Methodology Previous chapters have introduced the methods of synthetic psychology (Braitenberg, 1984; Dawson, 2004; Pfeifer & Scheier, 1999). Pfeifer and Scheier (1999, p. 22) aptly describe the synthetic approach as ...

  • Mind, Body, World: Foundations of Cognitive Science
    By Michael R. W. Dawson

    As a result, classical theories take the form of the sense-think-act cycle (Pfeifer & Scheier, 1999). Furthermore, the “thinking” component of this cycle is emphasized far more than either the “sensing” or the “acting.

  • Mission Life in Cree-Ojibwe Country: Memories of a Mother and Son
    By Elizabeth Bingham Young, E. Ryerson Young

    At that time there were no homes for returned missionaries on furlow, so we were forced to trott around and visit our loved ones here and there, Trenton, Brighton, Bradford, Bond head. Mother dear lived in Bradford, sister Lottie, ...