Books from Presidio Press

  • The Bravest Man: Richard O'Kane and the Amazing Submarine Adventures of the USS Tang
    By William Tuohy

    Describes the life and naval career of Congressional Medal of Honor winner Captain Richard O'Kane and the patrols of United States submarines in the Pacific theater during World War II. Reprint.

  • Battling for Saipan
    By Francis A. O'Brien

    Ralph C.Smith. Lieutenant General“Howlin' Mad” Smith wasa supernumerary duringthe Gilberts operation and was excluded from ... Drovis, Company A,1st Battalion;2d Lt.Arthur G. Hansen, Company G, 2d Battalion; and2d Lt. Robert D. Young, ...

  • Visions from a Foxhole: A Rifleman in Patton's Ghost Corps
    By William A. Foley

    Proctor moved to a blasted tree nearby where other bodies lay. He whispered my name, and I reluctantly left Dan to join him. A dead American was crouched against the tree aiming his rifle across the field; his shape, so full of action, ...

  • Abundance of Valor: Resistance, Survival, and Liberation: 1944-45
    By Will Irwin

    One of them was a local schoolteacher and minister's daughter named Amanda Carlton. Marion was a small place, and the congregation was such that everyone knew all the other members. So when Allan Todd, a stranger in town, ...

  • Eyes Behind the Lines
    By Gary Linderer

    Burnell had teased us about how he had used to eat only hundred-watt bulbs, but was now cutting back because he was trying to watch his weight. After he was gone, the engineers, who had stood back in shock after viewing the tragic ...

  • Summons of Trumpet: U.S.-Vietnam in Perspective
    By Dave R. Palmer

    But the Johnson administration had already barricaded the one sure route to victory — to take the strategic offensive against the source of the war. Memories of Mao Tse-tung's reaction when North Korea was overrun by United Nations ...

  • Space Shuttle: The Quest Continues
    By George J. Torres

    THE GIANT LEAP On July 16 , 1969 , the Apollo 11 crew of Neil Armstrong , Michael Collins , and Edwin “ Buzz ' ' Aldrin blasted off from Cape Canaveral to fulfill President Kennedy's 1961 mandate to send a man to the moon and return him ...

  • The Battle for Pusan: A Memoir
    By Addison Terry

    He said that their favorite sport was fox and coon hunting. He had six hound dogs back in Texas that he swore could outrun anything with four or two legs and hair on its back. I believed every word he said.

  • St. Nazaire Commando
    By Stuart Chant-Sempill

    N. Moon W. Thorpe O / Sea O / Sea C. T. Piggott E. S. McLuckie | PO MM Sea RNR ML 443 Lieutenant K. Horlock , RNVR Sub - Lieutenant P. Royal , RNVR Lieutenant E. E. M. Shields , RNVR Lieutenant R. E. A. Verity , RNVR , Beach Master W.

  • First In: An Insider's Account of How the CIA Spearheaded the War on Terror in Afghanistan
    By Gary C. Schroen

    This is the riveting first-person account of the treacherous top-secret mission inside Afghanistan to set the stage for the defeat of the Taliban and launch the war on terror. Gary Schroen was hardly expecting to take on such a job.

  • Storm On The Horizon: Khafji-the Battle That Changed The Course Of The Gulf War
    By David Morris

    He called back to Ross and told him that the tanks didn't appear to be an immediate threat. Ross was apoplectic: “No immediate threat? Fuuuuuckkk!” All radio protocol broke down at this point, and Ross began screaming expletives into ...

  • Normandy: The Real Story
    By Shelagh Whitaker, Dennis Whitaker

    When we strapped into a Spitfire we felt snug and part of the aircraft; the Thunderbolt cockpit, on the other hand, w as so large thai w e fell if w e slipped off the Goddamned seat we would break a leg! We were horrified at the thought ...

  • Guns Up!
    By Johnnie Clark

    Updated with new material and photographs, this classic memoir of the Vietnam War by the author of No Better Way to Die describes how training, faith, and luck carry Marine machine gunner Johnnie Clark and his buddy, Chan, through months of ...

  • Rangers in World War II
    By Robert W. Black

    Myerhoff Needing Nelson Nelson Neubauer Neville Nicholsen Norris Norton Nundahl O'Connell Olen Outwater, Jr. Ozbold ... Victor Thomas Sydney J Clifford Alva Henry Joseph Robert Paul Grady William Leland Arthur Merrie Leslie Robert ...

  • Raising the Hunley: The Remarkable History and Recovery of the Lost Confederate Submarine
    By Brian Hicks, Schuyler Kropf

    OVER THE NEXT Two WEEKS, THE ARCHAEOLOGISTS REmoved two more hull plates, each in a little worse shape than the last. However, none of them showed any signs of a hull breach resulting from the H0urat0n1'c's explosi0n—one theory of the ...

  • Medic!: The Story of a Conscientious Objector in the Vietnam War
    By Ben Sherman

    I hadn't expected to hear a white redneck sergeant from Mississippi exempting himself from 150 years of bigotry. It seemed out of character, and it exposed my own prejudice against white Southerners. “It ain't about racism goddammit, ...

  • Korean War Heroes
    By Edward F. Murphy

    The marines were able to take up their new positions but , as soon as the sun set , the CCF came again . HAROLD E. WILSON Technical Sgt . Harold E. Wilson spent twenty - seven months on Midway Island during World War II .

  • Visions From a Foxhole: A Rifleman in Patton's Ghost Corps
    By William Foley

    Sergeant Siegel and Sergeant Roberts walked over to us. and I got the shock of my life when Siegel informed me I was ... I decided to tell Siegel I could not do this and let him find someone else. ... Between babbling Buckner, Jerry C ...

  • Drop Zone Sicily: Allied Airborne Strike, July 1943
    By William B. Breuer

    I just heard a reliable report that the entire force had not been wiped out , but at least half of the 505s were killed in their C - 47s or shot while parachuting down . ” “ Where did you get that info ? ” Siegel asked .

  • Death Valley: The Summer Offensive, I Corps, August 1969
    By Keith Nolan

    A wounded grunt walked up and told him, “Hey listen, Bailey wants to talk to ya.” Bailey lay in the paddy, a thick bandage around his neck. His voice was scratchy. “You were right, I should've listened to you,” he whispered to Besardi, ...