Books from College Press

  • Id Rather See a Sermon
    By Stone Dave

    Just Inside the Gate Before going to work for Walt Disney , Derek Johnson traveled the country with a contemporary Christian singing group called “ Regeneration . ” Sometimes through the course of a concert Johnson would tell the story ...

  • Psalms
    By Samuel Edward Tesh, Walter D. Zorn

    Robert H. Pfeiffer ( as late as 1941 , amazingly ! ) proposed an even later date for the book , 100 B.C. , as the culmination of a process that had begun shortly before 400 B.C.24 A number of circumstances led to a modification of this ...

  • The Stone-Campbell Movement: The Story of the American Restoration Movement
    By Leroy Garrett

    ... 391 , 452-453 Hardin , Arnold , 445 , 466 Harding , James A. , 363 , 397-398 , 400 , 403 , 405 Harding , W.H. , 324 Harper , W.R. , 317 , 417 Harrell , David E. , Jr. , 348 , 353 , 381 Harrell , Pat , 459 Harrison , Richard L.

  • Old Testament Introduction
    By Mark Mangano

    C.C. Forman contends that “ the early chapters of Genesis represent the most important single influence in the ideas of Ecclesiastes regarding the nature and destiny of man , the character of human existence , and the fact of God .

  • Minor Prophets Volume 2: Nahum-Malachi
    By Clay Alan Ham

    70 ; Meyers and Meyers , Zechariah 9-14 , p . 224 . 270 Meyers and Meyers , Zechariah 9-14 , p . 227 . 271 Baldwin , Haggai , Zechariah , Malachi , p . 177 ; Cohen , The Twelve Prophets , p . 313 ; Mason , “ The Use of Earlier ...

  • Take the Journey: 34 Daily Devotions to Help You Go Against the Flow
    By Les Christie

    OWENS. ' STORY. In his book The Heart of a Champion , Bob Richards tells the story of Olympic champion Charley Paddock , who was a great speaker and loved to talk to young people in high school . Once , while speaking at East Tech High ...

  • Generations of Praise: The History of Worship
    By Bruce E. Shields, David Alan Butzu

    we see the bishop ' s three primary roles pushed to the fore : ( 1 ) that of preserver of the true faith ( apostolic function ) , ( 2 ) the sign of unity within his congregation — the church in one particular city ( episcopal function ) ...

  • Revelation
    By Christopher A. Davis

    First , some scholars suggest that Har - Mageddon sounds like HarMõēd , the term translated “ mount of assembly ” in Isaiah 14:13 . The " mount of assembly ” refers to a mountain north of Babylon that was thought to be the assembly ...

  • Deuteronomy
    By Gary Harlan Hall

    for religious art ( Exod 28 : 33-34 ; 1 Kgs 7 : 18,20,42 ) and was used for sensual overtones in poetry ( S of S 4 : 3,13 ) .9 The corresponding ... The technology was not common in Israel until Solomon's time ( 1 Sam 13 : 19-22 ) .

  • James & Jude
    By Gary Holloway

    Solomon asked for wisdom , not riches and honor . God is so pleased with this choice , that he grants Solomon all three ... s , haplūs , a word found only here in the New Testament ) . The word means he gives “ straightforwardly ...

  • Faith Under Fire: Studies in First and Second Peter
    By David Faust

    His NAME Peter ' s parents called him Simon , from the Hebrew shama , “ to hear . ” Simon was a common name among the Jews because it is derived from “ Simeon , ” the name of one of the sons of Jacob ( and one of the twelve tribes of ...

  • The Faces of Our Lives: A Journey of Discovery for Women
    By Vickie Hull

    As the weeks went by , the study grew , until nearly half the hall was attending . Some girls showed special sensitivity to the Bible lessons . I invited each of these to study more in depth with me , particularly lessons centering ...

  • 1 & 2 Kings
    By Jesse C. Long

    My grandparents , Rex and Opal Turner , inscribed the first Bible I remember receiving , “ To a grandson of whom we justly delight . ” I delight in their memory . They were a blessing from God to me . In a real way , the influence of my ...

  • The ABC's of Financial Freedom
    By Barry Cameron

    Rich in Every Way , West Monroe , LA : Howard , 2004 Gotthardt , Alan . The Eternity Portfolio . Wheaton , IL : Tyndale , 2003 . Howard , Alton . Money Grows on Trees . West Monroe , LA : Howard , 1994 . Hunt , Mary .

  • The Preaching of Jesus
    By Mark Edward Moore, Jon Weece

    In his sermon “ The Disciple's Prayer , ” Haddon Robinson recalls : When our children were small , we played a game . I'd take some coins in my fist . They'd sit on my lap and work to get my fingers open . According to the international ...

  • Student Ministry That Leaves a Mark: Changing Youth to Change the World
    By Gary Blair Zustiak, John Mouton, Kevin Greer

    Richard R . Dunn , “ A Theological Framework Zondervan , 1985 ) , p . 19 . for Doing Youth Ministry , " in Reaching a 2 . Jay Kesler , “ Determining Your Theology of Generation for Christ , ed . by Richard R . Youth Ministry , ” in The ...

  • 1 & 2 Chronicles
    By John Mark Hicks

    1 & 2 Chronicles

  • Yet Will I Trust Him: Understanding God in a Suffering World
    By John Mark Hicks

    Yet Will I Trust Him will challenge you to look at God's providence and human suffering from a new perspective. If you have struggled with suffering and personal pain versus God's goodness, this book will be a blessing to you.

  • C.E.: The Heritage of Christian Education
    By James Riley Estep

    With the commitment to liberal arts education , schools were established in England at Winchester ( 1387 ) , Eton ( 1440 ) , and London ( St. Paul's school , 1510 ) . St. Paul's school , founded by John Colet , became a leading public ...

  • Reading with God in Mind
    By J. K. Jones

    I recall a time when I was pursuing a graduate degree at Friends University in Wichita , Kansas . I would make the long , four - hour drive between Joplin , Missouri , and Wichita each Monday . All of my courses were offered from.