Books from Semiotext(e)

  • Depraved Indifference
    By Gary Indiana

    If you had the right touch, if you knew how to press one button lightly and another button with a bit more force, you could make the emotional side of a person swing up and down as you wished. —from Depraved Indifference First published ...

  • Social Practices
    By Chris Kraus

    Marnie Weber says, “I like to think about things beyond what you can see.” We're in her upstairs studio, sitting in front of her collage Woodland Creatures. This extraordinary piece, and its companion The Treehouse, is part of Weber's ...

  • Vile Days: The Village Voice Art Columns, 1985–1988
    By Gary Indiana

    Robert Hawkins's paintings are very much in the tradition of Ryder—and of Thomas Cole, who painted overgrown ruins to depict “The Course of Empire” in the 1830s, and Elihu Vedder, whose The Lair of the Sea Serpent (1864) shows an ...

  • Looking Back on the End of the World
    By Jean Baudrillard

    Looking Back on the End of the World raises provocative questions about the possibilities of critical knowledge in social systems that seem to have surpassed history.First published in 1989, Looking...

  • Walking Through Clear Water in a Pool Painted Black
    By Cookie Mueller

    Cookie trips through her forty-year odyssey on this planet--from LSD to shopping at the A&P, from birthing Max to shooting Pink FlamingosCookie trips through her forty-year odyssey on this planet--from...

  • I Love Dick
    By Chris Kraus

    "Oh Dick, I want to be an intellectual like you."In "I LOVE DICK," published in 1997, Chris Kraus, author of "Aliens & Anorexia," "Torpor," and "Video Green," opened up an...

  • Desert Islands: And Other Texts, 1953-1974
    By Gilles Deleuze

    A fascinating anthology of texts and interviews written over 20 years by renowned French philosopher Gilles Deleuze."One day, perhaps, this century will be Deleuzian," Michel Foucault once wrote. This book...

  • Introduction to Kant's Anthropology
    By Michel Foucault

    Foucault's previously unpublished doctoral dissertation on Kant offers the definitive statement of his relationship to Kant and to the critical tradition of philosophy.This introduction and commentary to Kant's least discussed...

  • In the Shadow of the Silent Majorities--or the End of the Social: And Other Essays
    By Jean Baudrillard

    The whole chaotic constellation of the social revolves around that spongy reference, that opaque but equally translucent reality, that nothingness: the masses. A statistical crystal ball, the masses are 'swirling...

  • Simulations
    By Jean Baudrillard

    Baudrillard's bewildering thesis, a bold extrapolation on Ferdinand de Saussure's general theory of general linguistics, is in fact a clinical vision of contemporary consumer societies where signs don't refer anymore...

  • Imported: A Reading Seminar
    By Rainer Ganahl

    A Reading Seminar Rainer Ganahl. Jahr begann Hélène Cixous in ' Le rire de la Meduse ' [ ' Das Lachen der Medusa ' ] und einem anderen Essay , ' Sorties ' [ ' Auswege ' ] , darüber zu theoretisieren , was die Praxis einer écriture ...

  • Germania
    By Heiner Müller

    Reflections on the laws of history from the standpoint of someone straddling the Berlin Wall. Heiner Muller, East German author of Hamletmachine and Medea, was the preeminent German successor of...