Books from Aris and Phillips Hispanic Cla

  • Selected Suites
    By Federico García Lorca

    Belamich, André, 'Las Suites en la vida y la obra de Lorca', in Lecciones sobre Federico García Lorca, ed. Andrés Soria Olmedo (Granada: Edición del Cincuentenario, 1986), 267–76. Bonaddio, Federico, ed., A Companion to Federico García ...

  • El Muerto Disimulado
    By Angela de Azevedo

    Perim's Theatro Heroino: Abecedario historico, e catalogo das mulheres illustres em armas, letras, accoens heroicas e artes liberaes (1740), which describes her as the daughter of João de Azevedo Pereira and Isabel de Oliveira, ...

  • Legend of Myself
    By María Victoria Atencia

    ... which so struck Jorge Guillén that he referred to the poet as 'María Victoria Serenissima', 'is a foil to her acute sense of mortality' (Women's Poetry, p. 248). Martha La Follette Miller continues in this vein, with an analysis of ...

  • Insolacin: Historia Amorosa
    By Graham Whittaker

    Nowadays, this simple love story illustrating the double standards of a society that expects of men what it denigrates in women is recognised as a psychological masterpiece.

  • Serrana de la Vera
    By Luis Vélez de Guevara, Harley Erdman

    In La Serrana de la Vera. Eds William R. Manson and C. George Peale. Newark, DE: Juan de la Cuesta, 2002, 41–62. Perelis, Ronnie. Narratives from the Sephardic Atlantic. Bloomington: Indiana UP, 2016. Profeti, Maria Grazia.

  • Días de lluvia
    By Montserrat Lunati

    Los sefardíes ante los retos del mundo contemporáneo. Identidad y mentalidades [with María Sánchez Pérez] (Madrid: CSIC, 2010). Los sefardíes y la poesía tradicional hispánica del siglo XVIII. El Cancionero de Abraham Israel (Gibraltar, ...

  • Fuerza de la Costumbre
    By Guillén de Castro

    Stroud, Matthew D. Plot Twists and Critical Turns: Queer Approaches to Early Modern Spanish Theater. Lewisburg: Bucknell University Press, 2007. Stroud, Matthew D. '“Y sois hombre o sois mujer?”: Sex and Gender in Tirso's Don Gil de las ...

  • Granny and the Heist
    By José Luis Alonso de Santos

    ÁNGELES A tailor was killed during a robbery round the corner the other day. They stole two thousand pesetas. Left his wife a widow, and three children without a dad. One's away on military service. TOCHO Wasn't us.

  • A Dreamer for the People
    By Antonio Buero Vallejo

    He looks forward , in the hope that there will be other dreamers , other people of integrity and compassion who will make a difference ( even if it takes centuries ) . One of the predictions he makes -- " in a century or two from now ...

  • Campos de Castilla
    By Antonio Machado

    Hay en mis venas gotas de sangre jacobina , pero mi verso brota de manantial sereno ; que un hombre al uso que sabe su doctrina , soy , en el buen sentido de la palabra , bueno . Adoro la hermosura , y en la moderna estética corté las ...

  • Albuquerque, Caesar of the East: Selected Texts
    By Afonso de Albuquerque

    Os rubães que tomam na porta do estreito não são para navegação do mar limpo e largo que é a meio estreito , senão para quando ... navegar com bom resguardo de dia , e não de noite , e a meio estreito de dia e de noite sem nenhum pejo .

  • The Grotesque Farce of Mr. Punch the Cuckold
    By Ramón del Valle-Inclán

    It may well be the sheer virtuosity of its writing that has deprived English audiences hitherto of an opportunity to appreciate Los cuernos de Don Friolera .

  • Aunt Tula
    By Miguel de Unamuno

    Aunt Tula (La tia Tula), published in 1921, is one of the few novels written by Miguel de Unamuno to centre on a female protagonist.

  • Poema de Mio Cid
    By John Hodgkinson, Peter Such

    One of the most powerful and sustained works in all medieval literature, without which no series could be considered complete.

  • Chronicle of King Pedro Volumes 1 - 3: Pero López de Ayala
    By Peter Such

    This three-volume edition of the Chronicle of King Pedro is a compelling and richly informative account of the turbulent reign of the notorious but enigmatic fourteenth-century Castilian monarch known as Pedro el Cruel.

  • Miguel de Unamuno: An Anthology of His Poetry
    By Miguel de Unamuno

    First anthology dedicated solely to Unamuno's poetry in 25 years, with commentary on each poem.

  • The Blockhouse: (el Blocao)
    By José Díaz-Fernández

    ... Oriente. Transforming the avant-garde magazines into publishing houses circumvented, at least temporarily, the problem of censorship, but, as the editors of Ediciones Oriente ... El blocao would have been unthinkable without the ability of ...