Books from PageFree Publishing, Inc.

  • The Courage Place
    By Thomas S. Fiske

    My son - in - law , Jesse Simmons , did I say his name ? Well , it's Jesse E Simmons . E as in Ernest , you know . ” Now we were all shuffling our feet . I was beginning to think Mr. Williams would not be such a good witness at a trial ...

  • Last Flight of the Fallen Valkyrie
    By Theodore Lovecraft

    For Dick , this was also his first trip away from home since he had more or less retired and turned the day - to - day operation of his successful hardware business over to a full time manager . This , he had accomplished on St.

  • Spilled Milk
    By Holly Goldstein

    A cathartic journal which evolves into a highly personal self-help book for those who still live in the shadow of an abusive past.

  • Strange Fire / Confessions of a False Prophet
    By Fred L. Volz

    Former Pentecostal prophet Fred L. Volz shares his experience within the charismatic movement. The supernatural experiences were real, but were they true?

  • Journal of Accounting, Ethics & Public Policy Vol. 4, No. 1
    By Robert McGee

    Reasoning Ability of Recent Accounting Graduates With the assumption that we can teach ethics in a way to improve moral reasoning ability and that the academy has pursued an integration of ethics into the accounting curriculum then why ...

  • C and the 8051
    By Thomas W. Schultz

    Overall , your programs should never terminate but go on polling for new inputs until the power is shut off . Wait for START START ? no yes Decisions Figure 4.1 : Descriptive Flowchart Progression are unnecessary here .

  • A Tree on Turtle Island
    By Sheila Seclearr

    two young Indian boys and Sammy asked what became of Sky Woman after the earth grew on the turtle's back . ... Wherever Sapling ran , fresh soil and trees sprung up in his footsteps , birds and animals followed and rivers flowed in two ...

  • Buen Camino: Hiking the Camino de Santiago
    By Jim Clem, Eleanor Clem

    We took off from the Don Carlos Hotel at 8:00 a.m. We didn't have to do long mileage , so we planned on taking a slow walk through the city of Pamplona . Pamplona was our first large city in Spain . The trail crosses the Rio Arga on the ...

  • Journal of Accounting, Ethics & Public Policy Vol. 4, No. 2
    By Robert McGee

    This quarterly jounal publishes scholarly articles in the interdisciplinary areas of accounting, ethics, and public policy.

  • The People Vs. George Dubya Bush
    By Carneades

    ... his blatant and partisan attempt to maliciously prosecute the President of the United States , to reverse the outcome of a duly elected American President , to so destroy his character that his role as leader of the Democratic Party ...

  • Thirst of the Desert
    By R. Rosenthal

    A plan for peace in the Holy Land and an end to global terrorism.

  • My Friend Tater
    By Big Adam

    He headed to the lobby and saw that the film was at its emotional climactic finale . ... He only watched about an hour of it , since it was such a long movie and he didn't think he could stand to watch the final scenes of it twice in ...

  • Extreme Passions
    By H. D. Ezzat

    He worried much more about losing Julia than losing the business . He was also lost as to what the hell he was going to do about Mary . He figured however , it was time to focus on Julia and get her out of the way .

  • Service with a Smile
    By Christine West

    Chapter 4 Service with a Smile ☺ It takes 64 muscles to frown and only 13 to smile . Or is it 27 to frown and 6 to smile ? Whatever . The point is , servers must maintain a sense of humor , give friendly , enthusiastic service and ...

  • Clash City Showdown
    By Chris Knowles

    ... him scrapping an album made at a very expensive studio , and Mick's attempt to go back to his Punk roots resulted in a remake of Cut the Crap . ... If we use Rat Patrol as a guide , Joe went in and recorded a lot of extra guitar .

  • Without Warning
    By Tom McCrory

    “ He's telling the truth , everyone had a watch . They got ' em at a meeting or something . " “ Does Carl Strayhorn have one ? ... have to break soon , or the little weasel would have to be turned loose . “ Okay , if WITHOUT WARNING 175.

  • The Trap
    By Fritz Galt

    “ Prepare to cast off , " he ordered . Setting his leather briefcase beside the box , he worked THE TRAP 181.

  • Even A Bird With Broken Wings Can Fly
    By Lori Sue Schmitt

    We even had little pies for desert that were cooked over the flames . After dinner , we sat and watched the sun go down and sang campfire songs . We were allowed to stay up a little later than normal , but only because some of the ...

  • Live Like You Have No Diabetes
    By Jayne Boykin, Bonny C. Damocles

    Char Gray ( New York ) I was born on a mountaintop in Tennessee ... Oh , that was a song . Sorry . I was born 59 years ago in West Virginia . But it was on a mountaintop - only in a town called Cameron . We moved to another town not far ...

  • Burning at the Grassroots: Inside the Dean Machine
    By Dana Dunnan

    liberal instincts is obviously genuine . ” Sullivan referred to Kerry's “ Hamletlike anguish and ... not do much shouting into a candidate easily caricatured as a fire - breathing liberal . " 226 Perry Bacon , Jr. wrote of the Dean Web ...