Books from Univ of Hertfordshire Press

  • Guidelines for Extrasensory Perception Research
    By Richard Wiseman, Julie Milton

    When , how and where tests should be conducted Davis and Akers ( 1974 ) recommend extensive tests on electronic RNGs before they are placed into service with regular tests thereafter . They also suggest that control tests on electronic ...

  • Cambridge and Its Economic Region, 1450-1560
    By John S. Lee

    Knowles and Wareing , Geography , pp . 226–30 , 252–3 . 16 between towns and their hinterlands in the medieval and early 4 Cambridge and its economic region , 1450–1560 Medieval towns and their regions 4.

  • Shakespeare, Spenser and the Contours of Britain: Reshaping the Atlantic Archipelago
    By Joan Fitzpatrick

    Sidney claimed that poetry was the only way to civilize the barbarous Indians ( “ if ever learning come among them , it must be by having their hard dull wits softened and sharpened with the sweet delights of poetry ” Sidney 1965 ...

  • Guidelines for Testing Psychic Claimants
    By Richard Wiseman, Robert Lyle Morris

    Many people claim to be psychic.

  • Danger! Educated Gypsy: Selected Essays
    By Ian Hancock

    In Philadelphia in 1970, Kalderash Romani leader Johnny Thompson got together with city officials to work out a compromise with them, because they had begun to withhold payments from those Romani families having children who were not ...

  • Electronic and Mobile Commerce Law: An Analysis of Trade, Finance, Media and Cybercrime in the Digital Age
    By Charles Wild, Stuart Weinstein, Neil MacEwan

    The right to cancel outlined in ELM 1.4A.1 R commences on the later of: (a) the day of the conclusion of the contract; and (b) the day on which the consumer receives the contractual terms and conditions and other information required by ...

  • Wearmouth & Jarrow: Northumbrian Monasteries in an Historic Landscape
    By Sarah Semple, Sam Turner, Alex Turner

    Lucy, S. (1999) 'Changing burial rites in Northumbria AD 500–750', in J. Hawkes and S. Mills (eds), Northumbria's golden age (Stroud: Sutton), pp. 12–43. Lucy, S. (2002) 'Burial practice in early medieval eastern England: constructing ...

  • Winter Time: Memoirs of a German Sinto who Survived Auschwitz
    By Walter Stanoski Winter

    自制自自自 Prisoner Blocks SS Buildings Workshops and Works A Headquarters B Bunker C Crematorium D Execution Place E Gas Chamber ( Wooden Barrack ) F Infirmary G Disinfection Block Il Gas Chamber ( New Building ) I Punishment Block J ...

  • Cinemas of Hertfordshire
    By Allen Eyles, Keith Skone

    ... Stewart 45 Morris , W. Southan xii , 45 , 51 , 54 , 85 , 124 , 128 Murphy , Gerald 98 Murray , Pete 56 Mystic Meg 111 ... S. 52 Nina and Frederick 134 Norfolk and Prior 126 Norman , Barry 22,37 Norris , F. S. 43 Nunn , J. B. 138 Nye ...

  • Poor Relief and Community in Hadleigh, Suffolk 1547–1600
    By Marjorie Keniston McIntosh

    ... and building workers Cooper 2 1580s Carpenter 1 1540se90s Thatcher 1 1580s Dauber 1 1590s Total 5 l. Clergymen Dr of Theology, Divinity, or Law/rector of Hadleigh 4 1590s Minister/chaplain/vicar 1 1580se90s Curate 3 1550s Total 8 J.

  • Lena Ashwell: Actress, Patriot, Pioneer
    By Margaret Leask

    66 Lady Astor, Stanley Baldwin, Lords Beauchamp, Burnham and Islington, J.R. Clynes, Cyril Cobb, John Galsworthy, Lloyd George, Sir John Martin Harvey, the Lord Bishop of London, John Masefield, Sir Johnston Forbes-Robertson, ...

  • Tracing Your Family History in Hertfordshire
    By Margaret Ward

    Clifford , D.J.H. , My ancestors were Congregationalists in England and Wales , SoG , 2nd ed . , 1997 Gandy , M. ... Mc 10APR 1777 HEMEL HEMPSTEAD 280CT 1966 28NOV 1966 SL 30 JUN 197700C059701 1190 EVER DANIEL BECKEY SAUNDERS JUN 1798 ...

  • Trees in England: Management and Disease since 1600
    By Tom Williamson, Gerry Barnes, Toby Pillatt

    Brown, J. (1871) The Forester (revised and extended edition). London. Brown, N. and Fisher, R. (2009) Trees Outside Woods: a Report to the Woodland Trust. Grantham: The Woodland Trust. Brown, N., Daegan, J.G. Inward, Jegar, ...

  • Rethinking Ancient Woodland: The Archaeology and History of Woods in Norfolk
    By Tom Williamson, Gerry Barnes

    productivity, Brown urging in 1861, for example, that 'a properly executed system of drainage will result in heavier and more profitable tree-crops being yielded' (Brown 1861, 531). Curtis described how drainage: Gives a depth of soil ...

  • A History of Doughty's Hospital, Norwich, 1687-2009
    By Nigel Goose, Leanne Moden

    Indeed , Paul Slack has gone so far as to describe the English system of poor relief as ' unique ' by the end of the seventeenth century , and to suggest that , “ it is not a total anachronism to call that institution , as it had ...

  • Lilian Baylis: A Biography
    By Elizabeth Schafer

    1936 , OVLB / 000157 ( unpaginated autobiographical essay dictated to Annette Prevost ) and ' Autobiography ' , c . ... 16 Liebe's main detractors are Richard Findlater , and Tyrone Guthrie in ' A Portrait and Two Profiles : Lilian ...

  • Learn Romani
    By Ronald Lee

    I depart with thesepeople and he departs with those people Reading exercise A Canadian-Kalderash folk tale recorded in 1963 from Waso Russel Demitro Sas êkh Gazho thai Gazhi hai nas lên raklorre. Dine hai rrugisáile ka o Del tedelle,o ...

  • Brewers in Hertfordshire
    By Allan Whitaker

    The brewery with eighteen tied houses was bought for £ 18,200 plus £ 8,000 for rolling stock on 11 February 1889 by Frederick William King and Edward William Lake who were managing director and a director of Greene King & Sons ' brewery ...

  • Agriculture and Rural Society After the Black Death: Common Themes and Regional Variations
    By Richard Britnell, Ben Dodds

    'Regional prosperity in fifteenth-century England: some evidence from Wessex', in M. Hicks (ed.), Revolution and consumption in late medieval England (Woodbridge, 2001), pp. 105-26. Haren, M., Sin and society in fourteenth-century ...

  • The County Community in Seventeenth-century England and Wales
    By Jacqueline Eales, Andrew James Hopper

    Restoration England 1660-1689 (Cambridge, 1971); J. Thirsk (ed.), The Restoration (London, 1976); J. Jones (ed.), The restored monarchy, 1660-88 (Basingstoke, 1979);J. Miller, Popery and politics in England, 1660-88 (Cambridge, ...