Books from Unitarian Universalist Association of Congregations

  • The Other Side of Salvation: Spiritualism and the Nineteenth-century Religious Experience
    By John Benedict Buescher

    See also Benjamin Todd , “ Mrs. Foye's Seances in Virginia , Nevada , ” The Banner of Progress , November 23 ... Simon Crosby Hewitt ( Boston : Bela Marsh , 1852 ) , introduction ; John Murray Spear , The Educator ; Beings Suggestions ...

  • In Nature's Honor: Myths and Rituals Celebrating the Earth
    By Patricia Montley

    According to Joseph Campbell's The Masks of God : Occidental Mythology , the cauldron of the Celtic father - god , the Dagda , was just such a vessel . Its contents not only provided unlimited nourishment but “ restored the dead and ...

  • Congregational Polity: A Historical Survey of Unitarian and Universalist Practice
    By Conrad Wright

    had been no notice of withdrawal from the parish ; there had been no incorporation of a society to receive money and pay ... The assessors ' position was that the unpaid leader of a small voluntary religious group meeting in a private ...

  • The Call to Care: Essays by Unitarian Universalist Chaplains
    By Karen L. Hutt

    So every Wednesday after school I would go over to aunt Florence and Uncle Dale's. Since I was ten years old at the time, my great-aunt and great-uncle were maybe a hundred and forty in my mind. Florence would show me the quilt she was ...

  • Revisiting the Empowerment Controversy: Black Power and Unitarian Universalism
    By Mark D. Morrison-Reed

    Pulpit Takeover at Cedar Lane On Sunday, May 4, 1969, James Forman interrupted the worship service at Riverside Church in New York City to deliver the Black Manifesto. On Wednesday, he called the Community Church of New York; ...

  • In Between: Memoir of an Integration Baby
    By Mark D. Morrison-Reed

    Karen and I had attended the Ecole d'Humanité together, and she and David were members of the Cedar Lane Unitarian Church, where I served as intern minister. But what really drew the four of us together was the opportunity to grouse ...

  • Neighboring Faiths: Exploring Religions with Junior High Youth
    By Christine Reed

    Charismatics were heard in the voices of Mary Baker Eddy , Dwight Moody , and Charles Taze Russell as well as in the ... Fundamentalism as a point of view has taken root in many other world faith traditions , who are also defining ...

  • Universalists and Unitarians in America: A People's History
    By John A. Buehrens

    ... 221 Schulz, William F., 193, 198, 199, 200, 201, 236 Schweitzer, Albert, 155 Scott, Clinton Lee, xiii, 143, 147, 167, 168, 170, 172–174, 238, 242, 243 Scott, Edith, 167 Scott, Harold, 168 Scott, Mary Slaughter, 168, 172, 174 Scott, ...

  • Going Out Dancing: Poems
    By Ric Masten

    For Doctors Strum, Meyers and Small lived experience has taught them most of what they know so MDs treating men diagnosed with advanced prostate cancer automatically put us on death row taking the past into account this negativity is ...

  • Worship that Works: Theory and Practice for Unitarian Universalists
    By Kathleen Rolenz

    Roy Phillips offered a reflection on sermons in which he described them as sacramental . Phillips described sacraments as liturgical elements and rites that are metaphorical . They point beyond themselves to something that the sermon ...

  • The Essential James Luther Adams: Selected Essays and Addresses
    By James Luther Adams

    ... Sociology ( London : George Allen and Unwin , 1935 ) . 6. One of the hopeful signs for democracy in Germany today appears in the marked advance shown by the “ free - religious communities . ” Representatives of these groups attended ...

  • A. Powell Davies and His Times
    By George N. Marshall

    ... 8 , 12 Mistaken identity case : defended by Davies , 143-152 ; articles in magazines and newspapers about the case , 152 Montzka , Margaret W. , 111-112 , 121 Moore , Mrs. Dudley T. ( Tillie ) : and the Unitarian Service Committee ...

  • American Universalism
    By George Huntston Williams

    ... 115 Skinner , George W. , 10-11 , 18 Sophia , 86 Soule , Caroline A. , 41 Spear , Charles , 53 , 54 , 108 Spear ... 102 Wallace , Robert , 92 Ware , Henry , Sr. , 81 Warne , Colston E. , 104 Warner , Charles Dudley , 107 Washburn ...

  • True Harvest: Readings from Henry David Thoreau for Every Day of the Year
    By Henry David Thoreau, Barry Andrews

    In addition, True Harvest is designed to help readers use Thoreau's sentiments as a daily spiritual practice'one that promotes a life of simplicity, conscious living, and quiet contemplation.

  • Prairie Soul
    By Jeffrey Alan Lockwood

    My graduate studies in entomology began with insect behavior , and Lorenz's wisdom continued to resonate as I moved into the field of ecology . Love of a place or an animal , as Lorenz suggests , is a familiar act , although perhaps ...

  • Children of the Same God: The Historical Relationship Between Unitarianism, Judaism, and Islam
    By Susan J. Ritchie

    The Historical Relationship Between Unitarianism, Judaism, and Islam Susan J. Ritchie ... The historian Richard Popkin has even argued, not without controversy, that the connection between Jewish influence and anti-Trinitarianism is so ...

  • Gay Marriage, Real Life: Ten Stories of Love and Family
    By Michelle Bates Deakin

    ... they included three elderly women who called themselves “the Church Ladies,” a baby in a jester suit clutching a lemur puppet, and members of the local Parents and Friends of Gays and Lesbians Group. the county attorney was bemused ...

  • The Bridge Called Respect: Women and Men Joining as Allies
    By Tom Owen-Towle, January Riddle

    Vail Weller , a Unitarian Universalist minister , heard a Palestinian woman say at a Middle Eastern Women's Workshop at the International Women's Conference in Beijing , “ Trust is not a requirement for negotiation ; it is an outcome .

  • Social Action Heroes: Unitarian Universalists Who Are Changing the World
    By Michelle Bates Deakin

    Karen began to pay closer attention to her urge to attend seminary. “I had a deep sense that I had to go to divinity school, but I didn't know why,” Karen said. “I knew that to integrate my life and my work, I had to go.

  • Everybody is Important: A Kids' Guide to Our Seven Principles
    By Jennifer Dant

    She had a fight with her friend Lewis this afternoon, and now she doesn't want to eat dinner or talk to anybody. Ginny doesn't remember who got mad first, but she remembers that her face got hot and her voice got really loud.