Books from BookPros, LLC

  • Bobo's Daughter: One Woman's Journey to Find Hope, Healing, and the Father Behind the Face Paint
    By Bonnie Barnett

    He took me by the hand and brought me to a man he introduced as Leonard Pearson, his sidekick. ... His brown, thin hair was carefully greased back with a little curl in the front, more like F. Scott Fitzgerald than the rock-and-rollers, ...

  • Six Disciplines for Excellence: Building Small Businesses That Learn, Lead and Last
    By Gary Harpst

    (outside expert) Example of Risk/Insurance Checklist (outside expert) Provided by Copeland-Lewis, Findlay,. Technology Review Checklist Verify that Backup Policies are being followed Check daily backup of data files (monitored by ...

  • The Big Ten of Grammar: Identifying and Fixing the Ten Most Frequent Grammatical Errors
    By William B. Bradshaw

    Identifies ten common errors in English grammar, including troublesome verbs, commas between adjectives, and misusing "I" and "Me."

  • The Breath of Allah
    By Tempest O'Rourke

    Alshook was a man full of life as he guided the group around the almost empty rotunda and down a long corridor lined with magnificent stone arches and a vast pool of water that separated the two buildings.

  • A Scientific Search for Religious Truth
    By Phil Mundt

    Phil Donahue on his talk show, and film star Meryl Streep on TV both damned Alar. Mass hysteria ensued and apple markets were ruined overnight; the industry lost about $400 million. Through all this the radical environmentalist group ...

  • Our God and Your God Is One
    By Zagloul Kadah, Danny Kadah

    The gospels of Thomas and Q promote the beliefs of the first group whereas the gospel of Paul represents the second group of believers. The four canonical gospels contain major struggles to combine the two schools of thought.

  • Afterlife Crisis
    By Steve Mayfield

    Downsized manager Frank Moon dies and is whisked away to an afterlife in the Resting Place. Guided by the Visionary, Frank learns how his earthly actions have impacted the four factors that create human warmth.

  • White Sleeper
    By David R. Fett, Stephen Langford

    Meredith was in the front yard, wearing her gardening gloves with her hair tied back. She was pruning the rose bushes that lined the right side of the house. Meredith turned around and saw Dave. Her pleasant smile grew cold as Dave ...

  • Stop the 401(k) Rip-off!: Eliminate Costly Hidden Fees to Improve Your Life
    By David B. Loeper

    I highly recommend this handy and very readable book.” —W. Scott Simon, J.D., CFP®, AIFA® author ofThe Prudent Investor Act: A Guide to Understanding Stop the 401(k) Rip-off! Eliminate Costly Hidden Fees to Improve.

  • For Certain I'm Hurtin'
    By Robert Stern

    Two years later, just after I had completed my college degree, Karen and I were asleep in our new condominium in North Hollywood, California. The February 9, 1971, 6.8 earthquake hit. I wasn't demilitarized yet.

  • No Greater Love: The Lives and Times of Hispanic Soldiers
    By Freddie Valenzuela, Jason Lemons

    I'm convinced that most Hispanic soldiers truly make their mark on the army at this point in their career, and as a result, they probably enjoy this time the most. This is the essence of what I call the love affair with soldiering, ...

  • Freedom's Call
    By John Walker

    Dad went behind the bunker and unlocked a door that led to the storeroom. We formed a chain and had the supplies out in no time. “What about the ammo?” Ray hollered at Kyle. “Let's just set them in the bunker for tonight.

  • Get Out of Our House: Revolution! : a New Plan for Selecting Representatives
    By Tim Cox

    Politicians have taken control of our government, and the long-term viability of our nation is at risk. The time has come to take a stand—we cannot afford to wait any...

  • The Lone Star Skate: Improbable (But True) Stories of Texas's Hockey Heroes
    By Rusty Burson, Glenn Hart

    But thanks in large part to the campaigning of outgoing NHL president Clarence Campbell and several NHL owners who were still quite venomous in their disdain for the WHA, the NHL voted the proposal down. Campbell had been quoted in ...

  • The Power of Dyslexic Thinking: How a Learning Disability Shaped Six Successful Careers
    By Robert W. Langston

    6 Drs. Brooks and Shaywitz aren't the only experts in their fields who are focusing on emphasizing strengths as a way to cope with weaknesses. According to Dr. Brooks, “the emergence of the field of positive psychology reflects a ...

  • The Price of Death
    By S. J. Robinson

    ... “Counsel, I have made my ruling. This court is adjourned.” The judge rose, and the bailiff stood and quickly called out, “All rise.” The courtroom occupants stood, and the judge walked to the side door to her chambers.

  • My Heart Has Wings: 52 Empowering Reflections on Living, Learning, and Loving
    By Kris King

    52 Empowering Reflections on Living, Learning, and Loving Kris King. The only way to discover the limits of the possible is to go beyond them into the impossible. T —Arthur C. Clarke, Profiles of the Future Dreams Do Come True Dreams Do ...

  • The Dyodyne Experiment
    By James Doulgeris, V. Michael Santoro

    John pushed the remainder of the cola toward Neagle. “No, thanks.” Neagle shook his head and tried to hide his urge to laugh. “Okay, then, I'll take your word for it. I'll expect a status report in three days, and don't let me down.

  • The 12th Demon: Vampyre Majick
    By Bruce Hennigan

    “I'm sorry. I'm Mrs. Reeves from across the street. I saw lights in the house, and I wondered if Josh was home. We heard about Claire at church and...” She stopped and glanced around Steel at Josh, now slumped on the couch.

  • Laguna: A Novel
    By Michael Putegnat

    Jason was Sergeant of the Watch at the Port Mansfield Port Office police station and the Sergeant of the Watch was also the night janitor . He liked the night shift ; it suited him . He could get the place cleaned up in an hour or less ...