Dona Perfecta Benito Pérez Galdós Graham Whittaker. Biblioteca Virtual Miguel de Cervantes, 1999),
Following the volume of six fragmentary Sophoclean tragedies published in this series in 2006, Alan Sommerstein and Thomas Talboy now present seven more.
Lazenby's classic work is now available once more; it gathers together research in many detailed fields, and in particular by analysis of ancient sources, attempts to ascertain what actually happened in those momentous eighteen years during ...
This volume includes details on the architectural features, scenes, inscriptions and finds from these tombs along with lots of photographs and drawings.
The two previous volumes draw a fascinating picture of the confrontation between the Christians and Moors in Spain from the Christian side. This volume attempts to redress the balance by...
Federico García Lorca Paul Burns, Salvador Ortiz-Carboneres. ACTO TERCERO CUADRO PRIMERO a Bosque . Es de noche . Grandes troncos húmedos . Ambiente oscuro . Se oyen dos violines . ( Salen tres LEÑADORES . ) LEÑADOR 1.0 ...
The Eastern Mediterranean Lands in the Period of the Crusades
Book IV 2-41 of the Thucydides: History of the Peloponnesian War concerns the events of the campaign fought at Pylos and the island of Sphacteria between the Athenians...
Text with facing translation, commentary and notes. (Aris and Phillips 1986)
Andromache, written in the early years of the Pelopennesian War, shows the effects of war on the conquerors and the conquered. The other main theme is the role and nature...
Well Built Mycenae: Ground stone
With so many translations of Sophocles' Theban plays available, another might seem superfluous. However, a translation by Professor Trypanis, who is not only a distinguished Classical scholar but also a...
Yo he dicho lo que decir. CRIADA Bernarda cree que nadie puede con ella y no sabe la fuerza que tiene un hombre entre mujeres solas. LA PONCIA No es toda la culpa de Pepe el Romano. Es verdad que el año pasado anduvo detrás de Adela y ...
A collection of essays in English, German and French on the Ancient Near East and its languages.
Despite his poor reputation as a rhetorician among critics both ancient and modern, the four speeches attributed in MSS to Andocides, the second of the canon of ten Attic orators,...
... Epic Tradition (Madison: Hispanic Seminary of Medieval Studies). Bailey, Matthew, 2010. The Poetics of Speech in the Medieval Spanish Epic (Toronto: University of Toronto Press). Coates, Geraldine (see also Hazbun, Geraldine), 2008 ...
... Hippolytos (Oxford, 1964) 10–45, esp. 22–26; TrGF iv 475–481; Lucas de Dios 341–9; Lloyd-Jones 322–331. Myth ... und Phaidra: Bemerkungen zum religiösen Hintergrund eines tragischen Konflikts (Mainz, 1959); H. J. Tschiedel, Phaedra und ...
Selected Fragmentary Plays: Telephus, Cretans, Stheneboea, Bellerophon, Cresphontes, Erectheus, Phaethon, Wise Melanippe, Captive Melanippe
This edition of St Augustine's City of God is the only one in English to provide a text and translation as well as a detailed commentary of this most influential document in the history of western Christianity.
Giles puts forward a case in support of these two co-regencies by looking at royal burials and espeically Tomb 55 in the Valley of the Kings.