Books from Bellevue Literary Press

  • Water, Ice & Stone: Science and Memory on the Antarctic Lakes
    By Bill Green

    Then Mike would pull the boat to shore and load it with samplers and bottles and supplies for the day, and I would drag it back out to the ice, unload it, and stack its cargo at a safe distance from the edge.

  • A Proper Knowledge
    By Michelle Latiolais

    She doesn't look up from the silver salver, onto which she now has stuck four small pieces of green putty. She secures the stem of a huge ivy leaf into each piece of putty so there appears a cross of leaves against the blue silver.

  • Tinkers: 10th Anniversary Edition
    By Paul Harding

    Howard resented the ache in his heart. He resented that it was there every morning when he woke up, that it remained at least until he had dressed and had some hot coffee, if not until he had taken stock of the goods in his brush cart, ...

  • A Loaded Gun: Emily Dickinson for the 21st Century
    By Jerome Charyn

    Kate Scott Turner Anthon—she was widowed twice—was born on March 12, 1831, in Cooperstown, New York, the lair of novelist James Fenimore Cooper, whose father had founded the tiny village in 1786 on one of his own enormous tracts of land ...

  • Talking Back, Talking Black: Truths About America's Lingua Franca
    By John McWhorter

    Especially clear on this point was Zora Neale Hurston, who laid down a skeptical analysis of minstrelese in 1934. She was fully aware that there was such a thing as Black English, and lovingly described aspects of it.

  • Starlight Detectives: How Astronomers, Inventors, and Eccentrics Discovered the Modern Universe
    By Alan Hirshfeld

    Several attempts were made to capture a focused image of the Sun, but Bond's diary entry says no more than “Mr. Whipple ... while the Bonds were making micrometer measurements of the position of Mars, Whipple and his partner William B.

  • The Body Politic: The Battle Over Science in America
    By Jonathan D. Moreno

    The Body Politic is the first book to recognize and assess this new force in our political landscape—one that fuels today’s culture wars and has motivated politicians of all stripes to reexamine their platforms.

  • Mind Wars: Brain Science and the Military in the 21st Century
    By Jonathan D. Moreno

    roborat technology as, 60–63 tactile feedback by, 57 Ronsen, Jon, 99 Roosevelt, Franklin D., 35, 38 Rosenberg, Anna, 43–44 Rosenberg, Barbara Hatch, 195–96 Rosenberg, Ethel, 39 Rosenberg, Julius, 39 Roskies, Adina, 129–31 Rudolph, Alan, ...

  • Impromptu Man: J.L. Moreno and the Origins of Psychodrama, Encounter Culture, and the Social Network
    By Jonathan D. Moreno

    During the 1960s the bête noire of the human potential movement was the greatest and most radical behaviorist of his time, B.F. Skinner, who flatly denied that there is a mental life behind human actions. Skinner's 1971 book Beyond ...

  • Beyond Uncertainty: Heisenberg, Quantum Physics, and The Bomb
    By David C. Cassidy

    Rutherford suggested that the negative electrons are orbiting around the positive nucleus, to which they are attracted, much as the planets orbit the sun in our solar system. If they did not orbit, they would fall into the nucleus, ...

  • Widow: Stories
    By Michelle Latiolais

    ... us borrowing a few from her centerpiece,” the aunt said, carefully boring two holes in the giraffe's white head with a fork tine and pushing the stamens in, the horns hilariously long and lopping about like bells on a jester's hat.

  • Keep Out of Reach of Children: Reye’s Syndrome, Aspirin, and the Politics of Public Health
    By Mark A. Largent

    Tim Miller, “The O.M.B. Writes a Prescription,” The Nation (March 21, 1984): 383. Behr, “If There's a New Rule, Jim Tozzi Has Read It,” A21. Larry Doyle, “Threat of Suits Delayed Warning Process,” Los Angeles Times (May 31, 1987): 1.

  • The Poetic Species: A Conversation with Edward O. Wilson and Robert Hass
    By Edward O. Wilson, Robert Hass

    A testament to how science and the arts can join forces to educate and inspire, this book is also a passionate plea for conservation of all the planet’s species.

  • The Business of Naming Things
    By Michael Coffey

    So Michael read to him the opening pages of Ethan Frome, by Edith Wharton. I had the story, bit by bit, from various people, and, as generally happens in such cases, each time it was a different story. If you know Starkfield, ...

  • A Wilder Time: Notes from a Geologist at the Edge of the Greenland Ice
    By William E. Glassley

    The book bears the literary, scientific, philosophic, and poetic qualities of a nature-writing classic, the rarest mixture of beauty and scholarship, told with the deftest touch." —John Burroughs Medal judges’ citation Greenland, one of ...

  • Boltzmann's Tomb: Travels in Search of Science
    By Bill Green

    Lonnie Thompson, who has studied high altitude glaciers around the world, has photos of the Southern Icefields of Kilimanjaro from 2000 and 2006. Kilimanjaro is the highest mountain in Africa. Thompson's photographs show that in a mere ...

  • The Bear
    By Andrew Krivak

    Andrew Krivak is the author of two previous novels: The Signal Flame, a Chautauqua Prize finalist, and The Sojourn, a National Book Award finalist and winner of both the Chautauqua Prize and Dayton Literary Peace Prize.

  • A Mathematician's Lament: How School Cheats Us Out of Our Most Fascinating and Imaginative Art Form
    By Paul Lockhart

    Paul Lockhart is the author of Arithmetic, Measurement, and A Mathematician’s Lament.

  • City of Incurable Women
    By Maud Casey

    Long history’s ghosts, marginalized and dispossessed due to their gender and class, they are reimagined by Maud Casey as complex, flesh-and-blood people with stories to tell.

  • American Follies
    By Norman Lock

    Prince. of. Humbug,. &c. WE WERE SHOWN TO BARNUM'S WAGON by a roustabout carrying a monkey on his shoulder. No sooner had we climbed aboard than the abominable showman launched into a joke in dubious taste: “A bereaved husband kept the ...