Books from Saraband

  • My Best Friend Has Issues
    By Laura Marney

    Will it be the Alexander McQueen dress or the Marc Jacobs skirt with the Prada top? Oh, what the hell, everything looks good on me now. Are the market stalls still selling those cheap Burberry fakes? How I pity you, you sad losers.

  • Charlotte Brontë Revisited
    By Sophie Franklin

    a photo of me standing in a graveyard smiling, surrounded by bright green foliage and memorial stones. Trees rise above my head out of eyeshot. Behind me is the top of a grey house, with four of its symmetrical windows in view, ...

  • The Gathering Tide: A Journey Around the Edgelands of Morecambe Bay
    By Karen Lloyd

    With the inherent dangers of the tides and the state of the rivers, each journey was, in its own way, a voyage into the unknown. Cox made numerous paintings with the title 'Crossing Lancaster Sands'. He reworked the scene again and ...

  • The Blackbird Diaries: A Year with Wildlife
    By Karen Lloyd

    Their feet glissaded momentarily along the surface of the water before, in close sequence, they folded their great wings back and upright into the distinctive position that lends swans such an unquestionably regal air.

  • Rocks and Rain, Reason and Romance: The Lake District - landscape, people, art and achievements
    By David Howe

    David Howe tells the story of the Lake District, England's most dramatic landscape. Home to vistas of stunning beauty and a rich heritage, it is an area of England that fascinates, inspires – and has bewitched David for a lifetime.

  • Extraction to Extinction: Rethinking our Relationship with Earth's Natural Resources
    By David Howe

    In Extraction to Extinction, David Howe traces our environmental impact through time to unearth how our obsession with endlessly producing and throwing away more and more stuff has pushed the planet to its limit.

  • A Proper Person to be Detained
    By Catherine Czerkawska

    This was a weird and wonderful amalgam of social and oral history, under the leadership of the great Scottish folklorist Stewart Forson Sanderson. One of the first projects assigned to us was to produce a file of everything that we had ...

  • Overlander: Bikepacking coast to coast across the heart of the Highlands
    By Alan Brown

    What we're seeing are the remains of another period of thinking about this land; a little-known experiment in the 1970s by Ron Greer and Derek Pretswell, a pair of fish biologists. They were worried about the effect of the hydroelectric ...

  • The Nature of Winter
    By Jim Crumley

    " BBC Countryfile Magazine, Book of the Month "This book is all luminous moments, small delights and bright meditations drawn from the northern cold... there is deeply indigenous wisdom here.

  • The Janus Run
    By Douglas Skelton

    She exhaled and relaxed, grateful that he had opened the door, and said, “I think you should take some time off, Cole.” “I'm okay, Katherine.” “No, you're not. You think I don't see that? Take some time off. Take as much as you need.

  • A Scots Dictionary of Nature
    By Amanda Thomson

    ... a flail, the lower part of a flail. flouncing v (used of trees in a gale) tossing to and fro. flurish, flourish v blossom. forstaris n a female inhabitant of a forest. freuch, freugh adj (used of wood) brittle; (used of corn) dry.

  • Bleak: The Mundane Comedy
    By R.M. Murray

    Its foothills, a scree of outsize boulders collapsed from some primeval disaster, provide a stony warren for puffins to burrow and breed. Overhead, among the guillemots, kittiwakes and fulmars, great skuas wheel and plunge.

  • Castles from Cobwebs
    By J.A. Mensah

    The second summer Melia visits she brings a rose cutting. It's dark purple. It's a gift for all of us, for the rose garden, she says. Melia hopes to help Sister Magdalene plant it. But with Sister Magdalene being cloistered and Melia ...

  • Your Country Needs You: The Secret History of the Propaganda Poster
    By James Taylor

    Like the man himself–brooding, compulsive, and final – it has entered into the mythology of the nation; ... The poster historian Mark Bryant, writing in 'Poster Boy: Alfred Leete' for History Today (Volume 59: Issue 7, 2009), ...

  • The Accident on the A35
    By Graeme Macrae Burnet

    Burnet's do." Jake Kerridge, Telegraph "There are so many echoes of French writers in this book... [Raymond] is a fantastic depiction of the typical alienated teenager.

  • Mind Over Matter (illustrated)
    By Michael Kerrigan

    tHe KeNNedy effect the powers of political persuasion and sexual seduction notoriously went together in the person of President John f. Kennedy, but his case offers less enlightenment than we might expect. His great power appears to ...

  • The Eagle's Way: Nature's New Frontier in a Northern Landscape
    By Jim Crumley

    Two distinguished eagle authorities two or three generations apart – John Love and Seton Gordon – have identified historic sea eagle eyries hereabouts on islands in lochs. Loch Tulla is one of these. John Love's name is synonymous with ...

  • The Jewel
    By Catherine Czerkawska

    Huge thanks must go to my publisher, Sara Hunt, to Jenny Hamrick and Heather McDaid for editorial and proofreading, and to all at Saraband for support, inspiration and patience. Finally, love, as ever, to my long-suffering husband Alan ...

  • Paris Kiss
    By Maggie Ritchie

    Bohemian Paris in the 1880s.

  • Chinese Spring
    By Christopher New

    A powerful family drama set against the backdrop of the burgeoning protest movement that led to Hong Kong’s Umbrella Revolution, Chinese Spring explores the reality of democracy and dissent in modern China.