Books from Resurrection House

  • Archangel
    By Marguerite Reed

    The two women were like night and day to look at: Karen, the physical therapist, wore her brown hair in a braid that swung down next to her spine, over her shoulder, in my face, wherever she turned her bony head.

  • Glimmering
    By Elizabeth

    Then sanding it all, again and again, by hand, the wood beneath his palm growing smoother and smoother still, until it was like milk, like silk, like skin. There is a love of wood as of other things that do not answer to our touch; ...

  • Thirteen: Stories of Transformation
    By Mark Teppo

    This is the genesis and root of Thirteen: Stories of Transformation. The twenty-eight authors of this collection are voices—new and old—who are not afraid to explore what comes next.

  • Cyberpunk: Stories of Hardware, Software, Wetware, Evolution, and Revolution
    By Victoria

    Delmont hemmed and hawed and they dickered for a while, then he sent Lee over to Jim Johnson, who made the sale under a cheery exchange of the day's news, over by the chess tables. After that Lee bought a pack of cigarettes in a liquor ...

  • The Fissure King: A Novel in Five Stories
    By Rachel Pollack

    He remembered his parents taking him to Barnum & Bailey's at Madison Square Garden when he was nine, and this outfit could have fit in a corner of it. They had all the right acts, just on a small scale. A handful of clowns (none of them ...

  • Singleton
    By Jack Cady

    Nigger fight up to Hamilton. He could tell that fat lady a few things. Death was the absolute worst failure. Living was how you did not fail, but no one seemed to understand that. They did not seem bothered by people dying as long as it ...

  • The Man Who Could Make Things Vanish
    By Jack Cady

    As some men climbed from the van and approached the small, unlighted tower, other men began to unload explosives. In less than five minutes the runway lights winked out. In the town of Land's End the explosives were carried beneath the ...

  • The Hauntings of Hood Canal
    By Jack Cady

    A couple stood in the middle of the dance floor, swaying somewhat, mostly rubbing, while swirling light from a beer sign ... This cop knows that every mother's son and daughter in that bar is guilty of something, because all of us ...

  • The Pilo Traveling Show: A Novel
    By Will Elliott

    Jamie is rebuilding his life after his previous escape from the Pilo Family Circus, with no memories of the circus besides the clown outfit in his cupboard.

  • In Extremis: The Most Extreme Short Stories of John Shirley
    By John Shirley

    In this collection of darkly funny, disquieting stories, John Shirley brings his substantial talent to bear on human morality through the absurd, violent blunderings of his characters.

  • Heraclix and Pomp: A Novel of the Fabricated and the Fey
    By Forrest Aguirre

    Heraclix and Pomp, Aguirre's first full-length novel, explores the ideas of identity and immortality through the eyes of a man-like golem and a time-bending fairy who can barely grasp the idea of now, much less the dangers of what's to come ...

  • The Alchemists of Kush
    By Minister Faust

    Separated by seven thousand years, and yet connected by immortal truth. Born in fire. Baptized in blood. Brutalized by the wicked. Sworn to transform the world and themselves. They are the Alchemists of Kush.