Books from Lindhardt og Ringhof

  • Plato’s Meno
    By – Plato

    Agora Publications offers these performances based on the assumption that Plato wrote these works to be performed by actors in order to stimulate additional dialogue among those who listen to them.

  • Hjerteveninder
    By Meg Cabot


  • Allie Finkles regler for piger 3: Hjerteveninder
    By Meg Cabot

    Allie Finkle, der i bog 2 i serien var den nye pige i klasse, bliver i bog 3 glad for at høre, at der kommer en ny pige i klassen, for så er Allie ikke den nye pige længere.

  • En kvinde har alt
    By Karen Aabye

    "En kvinde har alt" er historien om kvinden Jenny, som nægter at lade sig underkaste sig samfundets forventninger til, hvad en kvinde kan – og særligt ikke kan!

  • Angreb elleve-fem-og-fyrre
    By Karen Videbæk

    Under urolighederne møder Karen en såret frihedskæmper, som hun prøver at hjælpe. Karen Videbæk (1927-1997) var en dansk forfatter og oprindeligt uddannet som lærer. Karen Videbæk er kendt for sine børnebøger.

  • Dyndkongens datter
    By Karen Dionne

    Hun er den eneste, der kan spore ham, for alt, hun ved om overlevelse og jagt, har hun lært af ham. Men hvem jagter i virkeligheden hvem? Dyndkogens datter er første bog på dansk af Karen Dionne.

  • Regnskabsforståelse og økonomistyring

    En indføring i de grundlæggende regnskabsbegreber, så man som ikke-regnskabskyndig bliver i stand til at planlægge og bruge økonomiske begreber i forbindelse med forretningsbeslutninger

  • 360 Grad - heisse Erzählungen
    By Karen Fastrup, Morten Brask, Stephanie Gaarde Caruana

    Ich bin die Art Mensch, die sich durch die Menschenmenge windet und diejenigen Menschen und Partys findet, die interessant sind – wenn ich die Feste nicht gerade selbst gebe. Die erste Vernissage des heutigen Abends habe ich ...

  • Operation udslettelse
    By Hank Janson

    Hunter, din dumme dreng. Han synes, det kun er passende, at vi afslutter vore hvedebrødsdage i Texas. Han – øh – beder mig hilse og sige, at han ikke bærer nag. Du har blot gjort, hvad ethvert mandfolk med rødt blod i årerne ville gøre.

  • Revolutionen der udeblev
    By Erik Nørgaard

    Ernst Thälmann rasede som en gal tyr og blev kraftigt understøttet af partiets kasserer, Hugo Eberlein, vicepræsidenten Herrmann Schubert og Willy Leow, Leo Flieg, Fritz Schulte og andre medlemmer af rigsdagen og centralkomiteen.

  • Ørnens rede
    By Karen Aabye

    "Ørnens rede" er historien om en familie, der lever i et gammelt hus på en klippeskrænt.

  • The Betrayal
    By Edward Phillips Oppenheimer

    A classic story of international espionage from the master of the spy thriller E. Phillips Oppenheim. E. Phillips Oppenheim (1866-1946) was a hugely prolific and highly popular British author of novels and short stories.

  • Anna the Adventuress
    By Edward Phillips Oppenheimer

    Set in Paris and London, this is an amusing short story full of intrigue and deception, with plenty of twists and turns. E. Phillips Oppenheim (1866-1946) was a hugely prolific and highly popular British author of novels and short stories.

  • The Great Secret
    By Edward Phillips Oppenheimer

    Following his intervention, Hardcross finds himself unwittingly drawn into a world of international espionage. With plenty of danger, secrets, conspiracies, and a touch of romance - this is a classic spy novel from the Victorian author.

  • The Black Box
    By Edward Phillips Oppenheimer

    E. Phillips Oppenheim took a foray into the world of science fiction for this 1910 novel ‘The Black Box’.

  • The Cafe of Terror
    By Edward Phillips Oppenheimer

    Mystery shrouds this spooky short story from prolific author E. Phillips Oppenheim. E. Phillips Oppenheim (1866-1946) was a hugely prolific and highly popular British author of novels and short stories.

  • For the Queen
    By Edward Phillips Oppenheimer

    First published in 1912 ‘For the Queen’ is a collection of short stories by prolific author E. Phillips Oppenheim. In classic Oppenheim fashion, themes throughout this collection include crime, espionage, and mystery.

  • The Court of St. Simon
    By Edward Phillips Oppenheimer

    He is widely regarded as one of the earliest pioneers of the thriller and spy-fiction genre as it is recognised today. Oppenheim’s incredible literary success meant that his own life soon began to mirror that of his opulent characters.

  • The Mystery Road
    By Edward Phillips Oppenheimer

    Packed full of mystery and romance, this is an entertaining tale from author E. Phillip Oppenheim. E. Phillips Oppenheim (1866-1946) was a hugely prolific and highly popular British author of novels and short stories.

  • A Monk of Cruta
    By Edward Phillips Oppenheimer

    A gothic romance, this is a tale of love and tragedy, religion and revenge. E. Phillips Oppenheim (1866-1946) was a hugely prolific and highly popular British author of novels and short stories.