Books from Edinburgh University Press

  • Famine in Scotland - the 'Ill Years' of the 1690s
    By Karen J. Cullen

    ... with some regions experiencing catastrophic effects.58 Despite the regional variations, this was a crisis on. some geographical insights from an exploratory study of a Millennium of Russian famines', in Robson, Famine, 139–54.

  • Plastic Sovereignties: Agamben and the Politics of Aesthetics
    By Arne De Boever

    Barbara Johnson. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1981. —. Of Grammatology. Trans. Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1997. —. “Oligarchies: Naming, Enumerating, Counting.” In: Derrida, Jacques.

  • American Ethnic History
    By Jason J. McDonald

    Porter, K. (1971), The Negro on the Frontier, Arno Press, New York. Porter, K. (1996), The Black Seminoles: History of a Freedom-Seeking People, ed. and rev. by A. Amos and T. Senter, University Press of Florida, Gainesville.

  • Irish English, volume 1 - Northern Ireland
    By Karen P. Corrigan

    ... fish' shamrock 'flower with trefoil leaf' seamróg 'clover' + diminutive óg skeagh 'hawthorn bush/ white thorn/fairy thorn' sceach 'hawthorn bush/white thorn/fairy thorn' slagh 'muddy/dirty' sláthach 'mud/slime' sliggan 'shellfish; ...

  • Scotland's Foreshore: Public Rights, Private Rights and the Crown 1840 - 2017
    By John MacAskill

    ... 213 White Herring Fisheries Act (1771), 166–7, 168, 173–4 Admiralty, 18n2, 25, 63, 84, 186, 222 Agnew, Sir Andrew, of Lochnaw, 56, 123, 128, 133 Anderson, James, 43, 43n91 Anstruther, Sir R., 121n65 Argyll, George Douglas Campbell, ...

  • Contemporary Cinema and the Philosophy of Iris Murdoch
    By Bolton Lucy Bolton

    Then Sandra receives a telephone call from a man who claims to be a policeman called Officer Daniels. He asks for the manager's name and says he has the regional manager with him. He begins to ask about a young blonde woman who works ...

  • Bannockburn: The Scottish War and the British Isles 1307-1323
    By Michael Brown

    ... 43–59; J. Lydon, 'Irish Levies in the Scottish Wars, 1296–1302', in Irish Sword, v (1963), 207–17. C.D.S., ii, nos 1841, 1888. C.D.S., ii, no. 1888. C.D.S., ii, nos 1888–9; Chron. Guisborough, 368; Chron. Lanercost, 178. A. McDonald ...

  • Jet Li: Chinese Masculinity and Transnational Film Stardom
    By Sabrina Q Yu

    Miao was regarded as either somebody who is responsible for producing comic effect (Zan), or a perfect foil who serves to make the male hero Fong stand out (Xie, Li M., Chen Q., Wang P.). Jia detected the 'exploitation of women' in the ...

  • Student's Guide to Shakespeare
    By William McKenzie

    Lord Chamberlain's Men, vi, 2, 203 Lupton, Julia, 34, 139, 169, 223, 237 Lyne, Raphael, 13, 97 Propeller (theatre company), ... 64, 67, 81, 152, 187 Wells, Stanley, xi, 34, 107, 238 Wilde, Oscar, 11, 237 Wilson, Richard, 163, 169 inDEx 241.

  • Scots in Victorian and Edwardian Belfast: A Study in Elite Migration
    By Kyle Hughes

    Higgs, E., A Clearer Sense of the Censuses: The Victorian Censuses and Historical Research (London, 1996). ... Holmes, A. R., 'Irish Presbyterian Commemorations of their Scottish past, c.1830–1914', in F. Ferguson and J. McConnel (eds), ...

  • Edinburgh Critical Edition of the Selected Writings of Andrew Lang, Volume 1: Anthropology, Fairy Tale, Folklore, The Origins of Religion,...
    By Lang Andrew Lang

    37 'The common ... among men': William Robertson Smith, The Prophets of Israel and Their Place in History (Edinburgh: A & C Black, 1882); the words in square brackets have been inserted by Lang. as spectral as Bathybius: in 1868, ...

  • Prime Minister and Cabinet
    By Stephen Buckley

    5 Smith, M.J., Richards, D. and Marsh, D. (2000) The Changing Role of Central Government Departments (Macmillan). 6 Smith, M.J. (2000) 'The Core Executive', Politics Review, vol. 10.1, 2000. 7 White, M. (2003) The Guardian, 6 June 2003.

  • Towards a Deliberative and Associational Democracy
    By Stephen Elstub

    Smith, G. and Wales, C. (2000), 'Citizens' Juries and Deliberative Democracy', Political Studies, 48 (1), 51–65. Smith, G. (2000), 'Toward Deliberative Institutions', in M. Saward (ed.), Democratic Innovation: Deliberation ...

  • Morality of Peacekeeping
    By Daniel H. Levine

    ... in Kimia II was severely criticized, and for good reason (Atama 2009; Congo Advocacy Coalition 2009; Mahtani et al. 2009a; Nienaber 2009; Olson and J. Smith 2009; Thomas-Jensen 2009; Sawyer and van Woudenberg 2009, ThomasJensen, ...

  • Reflections on the Astronomy of Glasgow
    By David Clarke

    2. Available at: Sweet, P. A. (1950), 'The Importance of Rotation in Stellar Evolution', Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society [hereafter MNRAS], 110,548–58. 3. Sweet, P. A. and Roy, A. E. (1953), ...

  • Introduction to Regional Englishes: Dialect Variation in England
    By Joan Beal

    Anderwald, like Cheshire et al. notes that forms such as done are precisely those identified by Bybee and Moder (1983) as conforming to the 'preferred schema for past tense forms in English' (Cheshire et al. 1993: 78).

  • Islamic Philosophy and Theology
    By William Montgomery Watt

    This is the standard general account in English of Islamic philosophy and theology.

  • Introduction to the Qur'an
    By William Montgomery Watt

    Surveying the life, aims, character and inspiration of Muhammad, this classic introduction explains the history, form and chronology of the Qur'an, and gives the views of Muslim and Occidental scholars.

  • Kurds in Erdogan's Turkey: Balancing Identity, Resistance and Citizenship
    By William Gourlay

    a Mesopotamia and Anatolia One way of highlighting a physical link is to evoke historical or alternative labels and establish a Kurdish presence at the time such labels were in use. In my discussions with Kurds some reached back into ...

  • War Power, Police Power
    By Mark Neocleous

    ... of their effeminated Mother-Country, immediately took to their Arms and made the Enemy fly before them'.88 The fourth example is John Millar's comment, noted above, that 'effeminate wealth has shattered our age with venal luxury'.