Books from Infobase Publishing

  • Social Life and Issues
    By Roe Bubar, Irene S. Vernon

    EXECUTIVE EDITOR Lee Marcott EDITOR Christian Green PRODUCTION EDITOR Bonnie Cohen PHOTO EDITOR Sarah Bloom SERIES AND COVER DESIGNER Takeshi Takahashi LAYOUT EJB Publishing Services ©2006 by Chelsea House Publishers.

  • American Social Leaders and Activists
    By Neil A. Hamilton

    She was born on October 27, 1958, in Los Angeles County to Albert Cervantes and Dolores Barron Cervantes. Maggie Cervantes grew up in a family in which both of her parents worked, her father as an upholsterer and her mother as a bank ...

  • Television
    By Amy Hackney Blackwell

    This was the year of the infamous Janet Jackson “wardrobe malfunction” that occurred during the halftime show of the Super Bowl; singer Justin Timberlake ripped open Jackson's top, exposing her right breast and raising the ire of ...

  • Critical Companion to Kurt Vonnegut: A Literary Reference to His Life and Work
    By Susan Farrell

    movement of the 1950s and 60s and the later black power movement of the 1960s and '70s, Breakfast of Champions very much takes on the issue of race in America. In chapter 1 of the novel, Vonnegut briefly and sardonically discusses ...

  • The FCC and Regulating Indecency
    By Paul Ruschmann, Alan Marzilli

    During a dance number featuring pop stars Justin Timberlake and Janet Jackson, Timberlake tore off part of Jackson's costume, exposing part of her breast. The halftime show prompted hundreds of thousands of complaints to the Federal ...

  • Civil War and Reconstruction
    By Rodney P. Carlisle

    ... Patrick Ronayne 369–370 African American soldiers 152 Confederate recruitment of slaves 159c, 254 proposal to arm slaves 204, 216c, 347–351 Cleburne Memorial 347–352 Clifton (gunboat) 190c Cobb, Howell 84, 104 Cochrane, ...

  • Realism and Regionalism (1860-1910)
    By Karen Meyers, Michael Anesko, Jerry Phillips

    The inner conflict and self-defeating nature of London are most clearly revealed in his autobiographical novel Martin Eden (1909). One of Eden's books, The Shame of the Sun (the narrative's obvious equivalent to The Call of the Wild), ...

  • Romanticism and Transcendentalism: 1800-1860
    By Karen Meyers, Jerry R. Phillips, Andrew Ladd

    Eden. Nineteenth-century America is defined in many ways by the nation's geographical expansion. With the purchase of the Louisiana Territory in 1803, the size of the United States doubled to encompass 828,000 square miles of land west ...

  • New Techniques for Examining the Brain
    By Karen D. Davis

    Lipids 0.9–1.5 ppm Not seen in normal brain. Represents membrane breakdown products. Increase has been noted in necrotic tumors and acute inflammation. Lactate (Lac) 1.32 ppm– doublet Not detected in normal brain.

  • The Civil War
    By Karen Taschek

    Right: Generals Robert E. Lee (Martin Sheen) and James Kemper (Royce D. Applegate) discuss Confederate strategy in this scene from the movie Gettysburg (1993). General Kemper is quite the swashbuckler here with his long white gloves and ...

  • The Encyclopedia of Genetic Disorders and Birth Defects
    By James Wynbrandt, Mark D. Ludman

    Cavenee, W. K., A. L. Murphree, M. M. Shull et al., “Prediction of Familial Predisposition to Retinoblastoma,” N EnglJ Med, 314(1986): 1,201. Children's Defense Fund, The State of America's Children, Yearbook 1998.

  • The Underground Railroad
    By Michael Burgan, Philip Schwarz

    Describes the system by which black slaves escaped captivity in the southern United States.

  • Encyclopedia of the United States Constitution
    By David Andrew Schultz

    82 Brennan, William J., Jr. which the clinics had brought suit did not provide a private cause of action against people obstructing access to abortion clinics. The federal statute required that the protesters discriminate against the ...

  • The Truth about Death and Dying
    By Karen Meyers, Robert N. Golden, Fred Peterson

    In 1990, Dr. Jack Kevorkian, a Michigan pathologist, assisted in the suicide of Janet Adkins, who had just been diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease. Kevorkian, nicknamed “Dr. Death” by the media, did what many doctors had done quietly ...

  • The Mafia Encyclopedia
    By Carl Sifakis

    COHEN, Mickey assault in the two countries netted some 150 suspected drug traffickers, and there were more arrests over the following year. One of the prize captures was that of Emanuele Adamita who had been fur- loughed from an Italian ...

  • The Encyclopedia of American Prisons
    By Carl Sifakis

    Cohen,. Mickey. (1913–1976). mobster. maltreated. in. prison. What happens to high-profile criminals who go to prison? In the case of well “connected” mobsters of the Mafia stripe, the results are not too unpleasant because there is a ...

  • New Hampshire
    By Craig A. Doherty, Katherine M. Doherty

    Page numbers followed by t indicate tables or graphs. ... See provincial assembly atrocities 27–28, 52 B Bachiler, Stephen 21 Barré, Isaac 74 Bartlett, Josiah 90, 103, 103, 109c Basque fishermen 18 beans 6, 7 Bennington, Battle of 84, ...

  • Marcus Garvey: Black Nationalist Leader
    By John Davenport, Mary Lawler

    Marcus Garvey and the Vision of Africa. New York: Random House, 1974. Cronon,E.David.Black Moses: The Story of Marcus Garvey and the Universal Negro Improvement Association. Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, 1969.

  • Cornel West
    By John Morrison

    Cornel West is one of the leading scholars, teachers, and writers in the field of American studies.

  • W. E. B. Du Bois: Scholar and Activist
    By Mark Stafford, John Davenport

    Garvey's actions got bolder as the 1920s progressed. Impressed by his own success, he began to promote himself as a “Black Moses” striving to lead his people back to their African homeland. The Black Star Line, in which his supporters ...