Books from CCH Australia Limited

  • Understanding Australian Consumer Credit Law: A Practical Guide to the National Consumer Credit Reforms
    By Gail Pearson, Richard Batten

    advantage of this exemption by requiring the related company to engage in credit activities through its employees and directors.

  • Australian Master GST Guide, 2011, 12th ed
    By Philip McCouat

    The sale of the carcass to a wholesaler, and the subsequent sale to a butcher, is therefore GST-free. If the butcher sells the meat to a customer it will also be GST-free. If the butcher sells it to a restaurant, that sale will be ...

  • Introducing the Law
    By Limited, CCH Australia

    1007; 1010 Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission Act 1986 (Cth).................... 941 Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commissioner.................. 950 Human Rights (Sexual Conduct) Act 1994 (Cth) .

  • Effective Recruitment and Selection Practices
    By Limited, CCH Australia

    Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission The commission's functions are to monitor legislation in terms of the United Nations International covenant on civil and political rights (ratified by Australia in 1980), to investigate and ...

  • Australian Income Tax Legislation 2011: Taxation Administration Act
    By Australia

    (a) inform the Commissioner of Police or the Director of Public Prosecutions of that opinion; (b) in the case of an ... [''Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission''] (Repealed by No 70 of 2009) [''Merit Protection Act''] (Repealed ...

  • The Politics of Retirement Savings Taxation: A Trans-Tasman Comparison
    By Lisa Marriott

    Research by Scobie, Gibson and Le (2004) examines the issue of saving in New Zealand, with a focus on determining whether New Zealanders are preparing adequately for their retirement.

  • Australian Business Law 2012
    By Paul Latimer

    Mutual Life & Citizens' Assurance Co Ltd v Evatt [1968] HCA 74 (High Court); [1970] HCA 46 (Privy Council) MLC Assurance Co Ltd and HG Palmer (Consolidated) Ltd were both subsidiaries of MLC Ltd. A policy holder of MLC asked for advice ...

  • International Tax Administration: Building Bridges
    By Jonathan Mendel, John Bevacqua

    Former Commissioner of the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), Fred Goldberg noted that the combined error rate (both taxpayer and IRS) on electronically filed returns was only 4% (as opposed to 15% for paper returns).

  • Introducing the Law
    By Paul Latimer, Gary N. Heilbronn, Jennifer M. Nielsen

    Ipp, DA The Hon Mr Justice Kuc,T McLeod-Lindsay, A Mitchell, Justice Roma Tennison, P Williams, RC ''Reform to the Adversarial Process in Civil Litigation'' β€” Part I and Part II, (1995) 69 Australian Law Journal 705 and 790.

  • Mediation for Lawyers
    By Samantha Hardy, Olivia Rundle

    In Commonwealth Bank of Australia v McConnell (unreported, NSWSC, Rolfe J, 24 July 1997) the McConnells sought relief pursuant to the Contracts Review Act 1980 (NSW), claiming that the terms of the Heads of Agreement signed at the ...

  • Guide to Environmental Risk Management
    By Stephen Healy, Su Wild River

    Environmental risk management is an increasingly important activity for any business.

  • Practical Guide to Engineering and Construction Contracts
    By Donald Charrett, Philip Loots

    ... Sir Lindsay Parkinson & Co Ltd v Commissioner of Works [1949] 2 KB 632 per Asquith LJ. 547 Marsden v Sambell (1880) 43 LT 120; (1880) 28 WR 952 cited by I N Duncan Wallace, Hudson's Building and Engineering Contracts (11th ed, ...

  • na

    Office locations in Australia Each office is staffed by experts with in-depth knowledge of local tax regulations, ... By sharing their experiences and ideas, our tax professionals strengthen their own capabilities for the benefit of ...

  • Tax Agents Manual
    By John Gaal

    ... and (b) an amount that the Board considers reasonable for sustenance or maintenance PART 4 β€” THE TAX PRACTITIONERS BOARD REGULATION ... and (ii) performing duties in the Australian Taxation Office; to be the secretary of the Board; ...

  • Australian Master Financial Planning Guide 2010/11

    Planet Wealth Planet Wealth features a service called Auto Trader which allows an investor to copy the exact trades of an experienced trader. ... ΒΆ20-160 1,110 MASTER FINANCIAL PLANNING GUIDE.

  • Australian Income Tax Legislation 2011: Income Tax Assessment Act 1997 (sections 1-1 - 717-710)
    By Australia

    (b) you have a shared care percentage under section 59 of the A New Tax System (Family Assistance) Act 1999 for the individual for a period that includes that day; and (c) step 2 (including that step as affected by subsection (2)) ...

  • Australian Corporations & Securities Legislation 2011: Corporations Act 2001, ASIC Act 2001, related regulations

    A court may stay: (a) court proceedings in relation to a takeover bid or proposed takeover bid; or (b) court proceedings that would have a significant effect on the progress of a takeover bid; until the end of the bid period.

  • Australian Corporations & Securities Legislation, 2012, Vol 1

    A court may stay: (a) court proceedings in relation to a takeover bid or proposed takeover bid; or (b) court proceedings that would have a significant effect on the progress of a takeover bid; until the end of the bid period.

  • Australian Master Accountants Guide

    The management is responsible for the company's risk profile, for seeing to it that the risks faced by the company have been identified and quantified, and that the material risks are being properly managed. Auditors The internal ...

  • Australian Family Law Act 1975: With Regulations and Rules : Consolidated to 1 July 2010

    Name Number Date of assent Date of commencement Child Support Legislation 146 6.12.2006 1.1.2007 (Sch3, item 75) Amendment (Reform of the 1.7.2008 (Sch 2) Child Support Scheme β€” New Formula and Other Measures) Act 2006 (2nd Rdng Spch ...