Books from University of Iowa Press

  • The Archaeological Guide to Iowa
    By William E. Whittaker, Lynn M. Alex, Mary De La Garza

    To display and share his discoveries, in 1940 Johnson built the Timberlake Museum on his farm. It remained open to the public during the summer and for ...

  • Montane Foragers: Asana and the South-Central Andean Archaic
    By Mark S. Aldenderfer

    ... helped us deal with the corporate bureaucracy and guided us through often ... The teachers, including Kay Bromert, Dick Hale, Alfredo Laguna, Mike Todd, ...

  • In Dylan Town: A Fan's Life
    By David Gaines

    Levinson was along-standing and deep Dylan fan with some serious New York access. He referred to Dylan as Bob, never implying that he knew him personally but rather that he was connected to him spiritually. It was all in the inflection, ...

  • Nineteenth Century Home Architecture of Iowa City: A Silver Anniversary Edition
    By Margaret N. Keyes

    ... E. Washington Street McCollister-Showers-Norton House S. Gilbert Street Marshall House (Non-Extant) 22 E. Ielterson Street Marshall House—First-Floor Stone Walls and Fireplace 22 E. JeiIerson Street Marshall House—Bark-covered Beams ...

  • New Visions of Community in Contemporary American Fiction: Tan, Kingsolver, Castillo, Morrison
    By Magali Cornier Michael

    In this engaging, optimistic close reading of five late twentieth-century novels by American women, Magali Cornier Michael illuminates the ways in which their authors engage with ideas of communal activism, common commitment, and social ...

  • Iowa Birdlife
    By Gladys Black

    Marsh Hawk Red Rock Refuge has its share of the birds of prey, both hawks and owls. The greatest numbers are seen during spring and fall migration, but even the 1970 Christmas Bird Count had five species of owls and seven species of ...

  • Reconstituting Authority: American Fiction in the Province of the Law, 1880-1920
    By William E. Moddelmog

    In Essays of William Graham Sumner, edited by Albert Galloway Keller and Maurice R. Davie. Vol. 1, 73–88. New Haven, Conn.: Yale University Press, 1934. Sundquist, Eric J. To Wake the Nations: Race in the Making of American Literature.

  • Tied to the Great Packing Machine: The Midwest and Meatpacking
    By Wilson J. Warren

    Until the rural influx picked up during and after World War II, the relative cultural homogeneity of Austin and Ottumwa's ... Dubuque became a sizable meatpacking center by the 1880s,when the William Ryan merchant-wholesale packing ...

  • The Archaeological Guide to Iowa
    By William E. Whittaker, Lynn M. Alex, Mary De La Garza

    Provides information on 68 important archaeological sites in Iowa, including sites of every type, from every time period, and in every part of the state.

  • Iowa's Archaeological Past
    By Lynn M. Alex

    Iowa has more than eighteen thousand archaeological sites, and research in the past few decades has transformed our knowledge of the state's human past.

  • The University of Iowa Guide to Campus Architecture, Second Edition
    By John Beldon Scott, Rodney P. Lehnertz

    Pedestrians hastening to and from work have the opportunity to experience the stark but impressive geometrical massing of architectural forms that tower above this modest but well-thought-out structure. Elegant Minimalism characterizes ...

  • Mark Twain Speaking
    By Mark Twain

    Explanatory notes describe occasions, identify personalities, and discuss techniques of Twain's oral craftsmanship. A chronology listing date, place, and title of speech or type of engagement completes the collection.

  • The Poetry of Jane Austen and the Austen Family
    By Jane Austen

    Miss Cooper Jane Cooper , daughter of Mrs Austen's sister Jane Leigh . 22 the club A periodic meeting of , in Johnson's phrase , ' good fellows ' at a tavern . Mrs Caudle's opinions of her husband's joining such a club , “ the Skylarks ...

  • The Iowa Breeding Bird Atlas
    By Laura Spess Jackson, Carol A. Thompson, James J. Dinsmore

    According to North American Breeding Bird Survey data , the population has had a significant annual increase of 1 % ( Castrale 1991 ) . Palmer ( 1988b ) believed that the current Broad - winged Hawk population might actually equal ...

  • Framing Fan Fiction: Literary and Social Practices in Fan Fiction Communities
    By Kristina Busse

    Arguing that fan fiction not only infringes their intellectual property but also violates the sanctity of their beloved creations, fan fiction and its writers get accused of “rape/stalking/kidnapping” (Roth and Flegel 2014, 903).

  • Irish on the Move: Performing Mobility in American Variety Theatre
    By Michelle Granshaw

    Gough, Kathleen M. Kinship and Performance in the Black and Green Atlantic: Haptic Allegories. New York: Routledge, 2014. Goulding, John. The Amateur's Guide: Or, Training Made Easy, For Modern Outdoor Amusements.

  • The Rainy Season: Three Lives in the New South Africa
    By Maggie Messitt

    ... n. rumor. mazenge (ma-zang-gee), n. a shack made of corrugated tin sheets. milawu (me-la-woo), n. the ancestors' rules of sexual behavior. Moholoholo (mo-holo-holo), n. also known as Mariepskop, the highest peak in the Northern ...

  • Her America: “A Jury of Her Peers” and Other Stories
    By Susan Glaspell

    This new collection reprints “A Jury of Her Peers”—restoring its original ending—and brings to light eleven other outstanding stories, offering modern readers the chance to appreciate the full range of Glaspell’s literary skills.

  • The Jewish Kulturbund Theatre Company in Nazi Berlin
    By Rebecca Rovit

    Zsupán—named after a popular Johann Strauss operetta—falls in love with Tassilo's sister. Marizá falls for her steward, who goes by the name of Török; but her noble rank makes him an impossible love match. An elderly and comic suitor, ...

  • Lost in the Customhouse: Authorship in the American Renaissance
    By Jerome Loving

    2, Arlin Turner, Nathaniel Hawthorne: A Biography (New York: Oxford University Press, 1980), p. 188. See also Nina Baym, "Nathaniel Hawthorne and His Mother: A Biographical Speculation," American Literature 54 (March 1982), pp. 1 2, 20.