Books from SIU Press

  • We Are a College at War: Women Working for Victory in World War II
    By Mary Weaks-Baxter, Christine Bruun, Catherine Forslund

    After the attack, nothing was the same, and Tucker recounted the changes for those back at the college: The first few weeks of the war were very strange. Blackouts and curfew came at 6:00 pm every evening. We were neither prepared nor ...

  • Our Culture of Pandering
    By Paul Simon

    Examines the American practice of forsaking the right course for convenience's sake, and suggests the kind of leadership that will be required to change this culture.

  • The Civilian Conservation Corps in Southern Illinois, 1933-1942
    By Kay Rippelmeyer

    ... 205 Miles, Albert, 199 Miller, Boulton B., 222, 264 Miller, C., 321n3 (Murphysboro “Riverside”) Miller, Clarence, 318n49 Miller, Elmer, 101 Miller, Henry G., 150, 170, 175, 178, 180, 218 Miller, Leroy, 318n49 Miller, Oliver P., 246, ...

  • Composition in the Twenty-first Century: Crisis and Change
    By Donald A. Daiker, Lynn Z. Bloom, Edward Michael White

    Kitzhaber , Albert R. " Death — or Transfiguration ? " College English 21 ( 1960 ) : 367-78 . Kraybill , Donald B. " Negotiating with Caesar . " The Amish and the State . Ed . Donald B. Kraybill . Baltimore : Johns Hopkins UP , 1993.

  • Flowering Plants: Smartweeds to Hazelnuts
    By Robert H. Mohlenbrock, Paul M. Thomson

    ... the abaxial surface tomentose or hairy only in primary vein axils, the trichomes multiradiate and stipitate- fasciculate; petioles stout, hairy or glabrous, up to 15 cm long; stam- inate inflorescence tomentose, up to 15 cm long; ...

  • Broken Brotherhood: The Rise and Fall of the National Afro-American Council
    By Benjamin R Justesen

    But not everyone was mollified ; WellsBarnett and Du Bois left the Council in a huff , followed more slowly by McGhee and , almost inexplicably , by Edward Cooper , among the Council's most fervent supporters , and a longtime Tuskegee ...

  • Rehearsing New Roles: How College Students Develop as Writers
    By Lee Ann Carroll

    ... Setting Glenn J. Broadhead and Richard C. Freed Audience Expectations and Teacher Demands Robert Brooke and John ... Authority, and Transformation Gesa E. Kirsch Invention as a Social Act Karen Burke LeFevre New Perspective on ...

  • The Alliterative Morte Arthure: The Owl and the Nightingale, and Five Other Middle English Poems in a Modernized Version
    By John Gardner

    The seven poems are: The Alliterative Morte Arthure, Winner and Waster, The Parlia­ment of the Three Ages, Summer Sunday, The Debate of Body and Soul, The Thrush and the Nightingale, and The Owl and the Nightingale.

  • Collaborative Imagination: Earning Activism through Literacy Education
    By Paul Feigenbaum

    Bowles, Samuel, and Herbert Gintis. Schooling in Capitalist America: ... Boyer, Ernest. “Creating the New American College.” Chronicle of Higher Education 9 Mar. 1994: A48. Web. 11 Nov. 2006. ———. “The Scholarship of Engagement.

  • Prisons and the American Conscience: A History of U.S. Federal Corrections
    By Paul W. Keve

    In 1919 , Attorney General Palmer had a legitimate concern ; the disruptive activities he sought to stop were indeed dangerous , but in his overreaction , he abandoned the principles of the Bill of Rightsa document that he , of all ...

  • Teaching Multiwriting: Researching and Composing with Multiple Genres, Media, Disciplines, and Cultures
    By Robert L. Davis, Mark F Shadle

    Clifford Geertz , Mary Louise Pratt , and James Clifford study anthropology from the rhetorical point of view , while Dorothy Winsor has written on the rhetorical education , which is often painful , of engineers .

  • The National Game
    By Alfred Henry Spink

    49 .913 1896 H. Vaughan -- Cincinnati 57 .931 1878 C. W. Snyder - Boston ... 58 .841 1897 C. H. Peitz - Cincinnati 72 .956 1879 Frank Flint - Chicago .. 7+ .839 1898 Jas . McGuire - Washington .958 18SO Frank Flint - Chicago .

  • The Irish Stories of Sarah Orne Jewett
    By Sarah Orne Jewett

    The first collection of the author's stories about Irish immigrants, originally published in several magazines between 1889 and 1901, contains eight tales representing the first serious treatment of its subject by an important literary ...

  • Ecospeak: Rhetoric and Environmental Politics in America
    By M. Jimmie Killingsworth, Jacqueline S. Palmer

    Lemonick , Michael D. " Feeling the Heat . " Time 2 Jan. 1989 : 36-41 . “ Shrinking Shores . " Time 10 Aug. 1987 : 38-47 . Leopold , Aldo . Sand County Almanac . New York : Ballantine , 1966 . Linden , Eugene .

  • Shaping Information: The Rhetoric of Visual Conventions
    By Michael Hassett, Charles Kostelnick

    Shaping Information: The Rhetoric of Visual Conventions is a thorough guide for scholars, teachers and practitioners of rhetoric and business and technical communication and for professionals in engineering, science, design, and business.

  • The Captain Departs: Ulysses S. Grant's Last Campaign
    By Thomas M. Pitkin

    Paine, Mark Twain, 2:803-6; Clemens, Mark T wain's AutobiogWorld, February 20, 28, 1885; Times, March 1, 1885. raphy, 1:48. World, March 1, 1885. Childs, Recollections of General Grant, pp. 30-31; Clemens, Mark T wain's Autobiography, ...

  • Lincoln and Native Americans
    By Michael S. Green

    "This book traces Lincoln's family history, his early years, and how they shaped--and may have shaped--his attitudes toward Native Americans"--

  • Knock at the Door of Opportunity: Black Migration to Chicago, 1900-1919
    By Christopher Robert Reed

    See Booker T. Washington to W. Allison Sweeney, July 16, 1904; W. E. B. Du Bois to Oswald Garrison Villard, March 24, 1905; and Emmett J. Scott to Dear Mr. [W. Allison] Sweeney, December 118, 1905, in Harlan and Smock, ...

  • Rolling on the River: The Best of Steve Neal
    By Steve Neal

    But at the GOP governors ' conference , Thompson showed that he was more liberal than his party . He cast the only dissenting vote against a resolution that endorsed the conservative Republican platform . Like Rockefeller , Thompson's ...

  • Death Underground: The Centralia and West Frankfort Mine Disasters
    By Robert E Hartley, David Kenney

    ... Rodrigo Alvarez Beckemeyer Joe Ballantini Centralia Pietro Ballantini Centralia Alvin M. Barnes Centralia Martin ... Joe Bryant Sandoval Edward Bude Centralia Otto Buehne Centralia Raymond Buehne Centralia Thomas M. Bush Centralia ...