Books from Virtualbookworm Publishing

  • The Gathering at Big Sur
    By Lawrence McGuire

    Lara tells a story seething with action and emotional conflict. Only by following her inner voice will she escape from a desperate situation. The Gathering at Big Sur is Book Two of the trilogy, A Pilgrimage to Ojai.

  • The Eye of the Storm
    By Clara Miller

    ... right ? ” Bert gulped again . “ Yeah , I had no idea you knew ! That doesn't bother you ? ” Jeff shrugged , “ No ... between the eyes . *** Bart took the phone call in the middle of their meal . He came rushing back in almost before they ...

  • We STILL Hold These Truths: An American Manifesto
    By Ronald L. Hirsch

    The message of "We Still Hold These Truths" is even more urgent now than when it was written in 2004.

  • The Sugar-Sweet Smell of Fear
    By Scott Malensek

    This is not a traditional narrative. Follow the war's progress through news reports and editorials. Then, letters home from a modern G.I. tell the tale of life in the trenches and the uses of today's weapons in tomorrow's war!

  • Timeshare Condominiums for the Beginner
    By Michael Strauss

    This book is a concise, reasonable, and as far as possible unbiased guide for consumers, presenting them available data, analysis, facts, and trends to let them finally makes their own decisions.

  • Soulless
    By Clea Saal

    What you will find is a different perspective on familiar facts. In this book the line that separates fantasy and reality is gradually blurred until it finally disappears, good and evil merge into one, as do hope and hopelessness.

  • Breaking Into the Art World: How to Start Making a Living as an Artist
    By Brian Marshall White

    Discusses how to make a living at being a full-time artist and how to get started selling your art.

  • Life Lessons from the Garden of Eden
    By Melanie M. Baker

    More importantly, this revelatory book delivers the understanding that God has made it possible for His people to know spiritual and natural success even today.

  • Warrior of the Son
    By Samuel Schiller

    For 14-year-old Evan MacKeth, the arrival of Julian Antony Vorenius at the fief in O'Byrne seems to promise a welcome respite from the boredom of another summer spent with his mother.

  • From Cellmates to Soulmates: Integrating Sales and Service
    By Mark W. Heisler, Suzanne Baldino Jones

    ... CellMates to SoulMates has been a wonderful and exciting challenge . In many respects , the development of the book is ... Cell- Mates to SoulMates is so much a part of who we are that nei- ther one of us remembers who originally came up ...

  • French Frenzies: A Social History of Popular Music in France
    By Larry Portis

    The book is unique in showing how French forms of cultural expression are rooted in social and political tensions that, although shared by other countries, are not generally commented upon in songs with the same degree of clarity.

  • Listening to the City: Public Participation and Group Facilitation in Redeveloping the World Trade Center Site
    By Sandor Schuman

    The size and visibility of "Listening to the City," the largest face-to-face public participation event ever held, and the political, social, and emotional needs that it responded to, provide an attractive opportunity to draw attention to ...

  • Land of the Living: Christian Reflections on the Countryside
    By Ivor MacDonald

    ... land of promise, taking possession of it by symbolically lingering in holy places where he calls on the name of the Lord. Abraham receives the promises to God's people of a land where they will be rooted. When Abraham ... Land of the Living.

  • Making Our Way to Shore: A Celebration of Hebrew Naming and Baptism
    By Eileen O'Farrell

    ... their own spirituality . I cannot assume that they will all grow and learn and believe the same things at the same time . One can't forget how grace and mystery moves through their lives ... make it a priority to 18 Making Our Way to Shore.

  • The History of Physics: A Biographical Approach
    By Howard T. Milhorn

    This book approaches the history of physics from a biographical point of view, considering people to be more interesting than things, and the combination of the two more interesting than the sum of the individual parts.

  • Jake's Run
    By Jerome Mahoney

    ... married, they were not, in fact, married to one an- other. ported. Thus, Jake's final encounter of the day went unre- WEDNESDAY Wednesdayscouted morning,the right afterfoot, chores,hoping Bingo around pasture on 65 JAKE'S RUN.

  • My Letters to David Letterman
    By Gene McDougall

    Instead, the author chose to publish his letters, astutely pointing out that, If David Letterman wants to read them, he can buy the book just like everybody else.

  • Banned in the Bronx
    By Gene Hutmaker

    This is the Yankee Hater's narration of 50+ years of baseball, life and everything in between.

  • Sheer Buffoonery: How Hospitals Kill Patients
    By X Nurse X, Nurse X

    "Sheer Buffoonery: How Hospitals Kill Patients" is a stunning, no-holds barred expose on the hospital industry. For the first time ever, a nurse exposes the shocking mismanagement, sheer incompetence and raw greed in our nation's hospitals.

  • Student Centered Investigative Labs for Middle School Science
    By Walter L. Saunders

    Walter L. Saunders. Bubble Gum Density Lab Planning for Lab Invention Learning Cycle Expansion Suggestions for Conducting the LC : The mass of the gum in grams is measured with a triple beam balance . The volume is taken by dunking the ...