Books from Pen and Sword Military

  • Fighting for Spain: The International Brigades in the Civil War, 1936–1939
    By Alexander Clifford

    ... Bertolini was one leader, helped to liberate those wretched prisoners before the US Army entered Weimar.50 Many never made it out of the camps, such as former Polish commander Stanislaw Ulanowski, who died in Gross-Rosen in 1944.

  • Dundee at War 1939–45
    By Craig Armstrong

    The pilot was Sergeant John Webb (23), son of John and Isabella M. Webb of Dundee.8 The inscription on his grave reads: UNTIL THE DAY BREAK, AND THE SHADOWS FLEE AWAY. Dundee's Wings for Victory campaign was to take place between 24 ...

  • Hitler's War in Africa 1941-1942: The Road to Cairo
    By David Mitchelhill-Green

    The whole horizon was full of Verey lights [flares]. Every troop sent off every colour, as if there was no war at all. Tracer ammunition blazed into the dark sky and the artillery fired for five minutes. After midnight all was quiet and ...

  • The Charge of the Heavy Brigade: Scarlett’s 300 in the Crimea
    By M J Trow

    ... Thomas Hancox, William Harper, William Harrison, George Harrold, William Hartley, John Healy, James Healy, William Heely, John Higginbotham, Samuel Hoagan, Connor Hogan, Patrick Horgan, James Houlton, Thomas Hyland, Richard Illston, ...

  • Into the Valley of Death: The Light Cavalry at Balaclava
    By Nick Thomas

    While these stories appear to support the idea that Nolan had tried to correct an error, this goes against all of the evidence concerning his relaying of the Fourth Order. Furthermore, Cardigan never looked back from the moment that the ...

  • Religion & Classical Warfare: The Roman Republic
    By Matthew Dillon, Christopher Matthew

    This interactive element, between the general and Rome's various bodies (the Senate, the assemblies, the city's gods), is arguably even demonstrated by the most notable exception or aberration, the so-called 'Triumph on the Alban Mount' ...

  • Leading the Roman Army: Soldiers and Emperors, 31 BC – 235 AD
    By Jonathan Mark Eaton

    Mann, J. C. (1983b) Legionary Recruitment and Veteran Settlement during the Principate London. Mann, J. C. (1985) 'Epigraphic ... 59–72. McDonnell, M. (2006) Roman Manliness: Virtus and the Roman Republic 152 Leading the Roman Army.

  • Polish Eyewitnesses to Napoleon's 1812 Campaign: Advance and Retreat in Russia
    By Jonathan North, Marek Tadeusz Lalowski

    Meanwhile, Lieutenant Józef Grabowski, an orderly officer of Marshal Berthier, was stuck at the foot of the Ponary Hill: It was at the Berezina, near Studzyanka, on the eastern side of the river, that several hundred carriages and ...

  • Polish Eyewitnesses to Napoleon's 1812 Campaign: Advance and Retreat in Russia
    By Jonathan North, Marek Tadeusz Lalowski

    Towards spring, the pile of corpses reached up to the first floor. The Jews were characteristically cruel, and, typically for such a cowardly and vile people, they were throwing the sick out onto the street, or they were killing them ...

  • Leading the Roman Army: Soldiers & Emperors, 31 BC–235 AD
    By Jonathan Eaton

    For example: Potter (1987), Millar (1988), Griffin (1997), Gónzalez (1999), and Potter (1999). An exception to the lack of modern scholarly interest in the reaction of the army as 140. 141. 142. 143. 144. 145. 146. 147. 148. 149. 150.

  • Tank Warfare, 1939–1945
    By Simon Forty, Jonathan Forty

    Unlike the British, their heavy type, the Char 2c (the largest operational tank ever built), wasn't a red herring but rather a useless white elephant (they wasted more money on it). Again Renault came up with the most-produced light ...

  • The Last Will and Testament of Alexander the Great: The Truth Behind the Death that Changed the Graeco-Persian World Forever
    By David Grant

    No doubt spells and incantations had been covertly cast as complex fears and political intrigues manifested themselves in dark corridors while Alexander's health continued to deteriorate. Propped up on the Great King's bed, ...

  • Badges of the Regular Infantry, 1914–1918
    By David Bilton

    ... The Western Front Association; T. Tasker; Army Records Office in Hayes and Worcester; D. Clarke; Uppingham School Association; J.C. Nicholls; Officers' Pensions Society; Association of Jewish ex-Service men & women; H. Holland; ...

  • Wellington and the British Army's Indian Campaigns 1798 - 1805
    By Martin R Howard

    ... Hanah, 158 Sirsoni, 111–12 Skinner, James, 19 Smith, Captain, 149–50 Smith, Maj-Gen, 163,210 Smith, Major Lewis Ferdinand, 29 Stevenson, Colonel James, 67, 68, 72–4, 81, 87–8, 107, 109, 113 Stewart, Assistant Surgeon Alexander, 245, ...

  • Public Schools and the Second World War
    By David Walsh, Anthony Seldon

    Airey Neave complained at the imposition of the British military and class systems, with senior officers considering would-be escapers to be disturbers of the orderly life of the camp. For Neave the strongest motive to escape came from ...

  • The Elizabethan Conquest of Ireland
    By James Charles Roy

    McCormack, Anthony M., “Robert Devereux,” DIB, Vol. ... O'Neill, James and Paul Logue, “The Battle of the Ford of the Biscuits, 7 August 1594,” in Claire Foley, Ronan McHugh, eds, An Archaeological Survey of County Fermanagh, Vol.

  • On Ancient Warfare
    By Richard A. Gabriel

    This book presents his thoughts and perspectives on a selection of aspects of ancient warfare that he has found of particular interest over the years.

  • A Judge in Auschwitz: Konrad Morgen's Crusade Against SS Corruption & 'Illegal' Murder
    By Kevin Prenger

    ... 101, 112, 118, 123–4, 126 McCarthy, Joseph, 104 Mildner, Rudolf 75 Miller, Alfred, 36, 114, 128–9 Morgen, Konrad Appreciation by Heinrich Himmler, 90 Death, 142 Denazification, 9, 13, 127–31 Education, 4 Imprisoned by the Allies, ...

  • Rome and Parthia: Empires at War: Ventidius, Antony and the Second Romano-Parthian War, 40-20 BC
    By Gareth C Sampson

    (2010), 'The Parthian Kingship', in Lanfranchi, G & Rollinger, R. (eds), Concepts of Kingship in Antiquity (Padova), pp.123–34. —— (ed.) (2011), Studia Graeco-Parthica: Political and Cultural Relations Between Greeks and Parthians ...

  • Rome & Parthia: Empires at War: Ventidius, Antony and the Second Romano-Parthian War, 40–20 BC
    By Gareth C. Sampson

    (2010), 'The Parthian Kingship', in Lanfranchi, G & Rollinger, R. (eds), Concepts of Kingship in Antiquity (Padova), pp.123–34. —— (ed.) (2011), Studia Graeco-Parthica: Political and Cultural Relations Between Greeks and Parthians ...