• 1492: Vida y tiempos de Juan Cabezón de Castilla
    By Homero Aridjis

    ... sombreros de Segovia, jabones blancos y prietos de Sevilla, azafrán de Zaragoza, loza de Málaga y vidrios de Alhama; había ido con sus carretas, acémilas y muleteros por caminos y montes con gran peligro de su vida y hacienda, ...

  • 1492: The Life and Times of Juan Cabezón of Castile
    By Homero Aridjis

    A best seller in Latin America in the 1980s, this novel of life in fifteenth-century Spain depicts a world in which both the Moors and the Jews are under attack....

  • 1492
    By Mary Johnston

    Mary Johnston (1870-1936) was an American novelist and women's rights advocate. Johnston wrote historical books and novels that often combined romance with history. Her first book Prisoners of Hope (1898)...

  • 1492: The Year the World Began
    By Felipe Fernández-Armesto

    The world would end in 1492—so the prophets, soothsayers, and stargazers said. They were right. Their world did end. Ours began.In this extraordinary, sweeping history, Felipe Fernández-Armesto traces key elements...

  • 1492: The Debate on Colonialism, Eurocentrism, and History
    By Andre Gunder Frank, James Morris Blaut

    An important and provocative text which will profoundly affect the way we look at the evolution of the third world, at development and underdevelopment.

  • 1492: The Poetics of Diaspora
    By John Docker

    An ambitious and wide-ranging book by a well-known author that ranges from discussions of literary texts to an examination of Genesis, Mediterranean cookery, The Thousand and One Nights, Zionism and...

  • 1492: The Year Our World Began
    By Felipe Fernández-Armesto

    'Fernández-Armesto's rich vision of the 1490s is unlike any other world historians have given us. He has performed an amazing feat of portraying the world as one place before it...

  • 1492: An Ongoing Voyage
    By John R. Hébert

    1492: An Ongoing Voyage

  • 1492: The Year Our World Began
    By Felipe Fernández-Armesto

    The world would end in 1492 - so the prophets, soothsayers and stargazers said. They were right. Their world did end. Ours began. Felipe Fernandez-Armesto traces key elements of the...

  • 1492: The Year Our World Began
    By Felipe Fernández-Armesto

    Felipe Fernandez-Armesto traces key elements of the modern world back to 1492, that single, fateful year- the way power and wealth are distributed around the globe; the way major religions...

  • 1492: Conquest of Paradise
    By Robert Thurston

    Retells the story of Christopher Columbus, from his opening of the New World to his death in obscurity

  • 1492
    By Newton Frohlich

    The spellbinding story of the year that changed our world forever. A novel that captures the passion, glory, and spectacle of the struggle for power and wealth waged by the...