• 1688: The First Modern Revolution
    By Steven C. A. Pincus

    Examines England's Glorious Revolution of 1688-1689 through a broad geographical and chronological framework, discussing its repercussions at home and abroad and why the subsequent ideological break with the past makes it the first modern ...

  • 1688: A Global History
    By John Elliot Wills

    A rich, vivid chronicle of the dawn of the modern period focuses on the world in 1688, from the Russian steppes to the Japanese and Chinese courts.

  • 1688: A Global History
    By John Elliot Wills

    A rich, vivid chronicle of the dawn of the modern period focuses on the world in 1688, from the Russian steppes and the Japanese and Chinese courts to the streets of Europe and the pilgrimage routes of the Middle East. Reprint.

  • 1688: A Global History
    By John E. Wills

    On the Caddo, see John R. Swanton, Source Material on the History and Ethnology of the Caddo Indians (Washington, D.C., 1942), and F. Todd Smith, The Caddo Indians: Tribes at the Convergence of Empires, 1542-1854 (College Station, ...

  • 1688: Die Welt am Vorabend des globalen Zeitalters. Mit sechs Abbildungen und einer Karte
    By John E. Wills

    1688 – die Welt am Vorabend der Globalisierung. Was geschieht in Afrika, in Asien, in Europa, in Amerika? Neue Mächte betreten die politische Bühne, die Wissenschaften und Künste blühen auf....

  • 1688: A Global History
    By John E. Wills

    1688: A Global History

  • 1688: The First Modern Revolution
    By Steven C. A. Pincus

    Based on new archival information, this book upends two hundred years of scholarship on England's Glorious Revolution to claim that it--not the French Revolution--was the first truly modern revolution For...